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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. Any culture that perceives female cheerleaders on the sidelines at football games as a clear and present danger to society deserves to be relentlessly mocked. Regardless of whether that cultural backwater is in Saudi Arabia or Brazos County, Texas. Any silly prancing sideline routine done by the current aggy football cheerleaders wouldn't require much from an Olympic champion. They certainly wouldn't have to stay up practicing past midnight the night before the game. How many prancing routines do they have? Five, maybe six, at the most? aggys seem like some really slow learners. How could a female prancing in a milkman costume on the sideline be any more cringeworthy than what they have today? Seriously, "higher education" should be about more than cultural indoctrination with a small side serving of rote memorization. The aggy gender roles that define aggy culture are a cultural malignancy. Remember their "traditional" rule that mandated only male students could care for the school dog? Because women couldn't master the "technical aspects" of using Pantane, a blow dryer, and a hair brush? One almost thought they expected the earth to stop rotating when a (*gasp!*) girl was allowed to care for that dumb dog. When any public university won't allow an Olympic champion the opportunity to be a football cheerleader because of the risks doing so would pose to society, the students, administrators, and alumni of that university who support that policy need to be publicly shamed and mocked relentlessly.
  2. She is a great athlete. I absolutely never said anything to the contrary. But heaven forbid she aspire to being a cheerleader for the A&M football team. They would turn on her in an instant for not "knowing her place." Even though she is an Olympic champion, she is still a woman, and at Texas A&M that means "she doesn't have the abilities necessary" to be a cheerleader to the football team. Up until just a few years ago, she wouldn't have "qualified" to care for the school dog. How fucked up is that?
  3. She won a gold medal at the Olympics, and Texags uses some of their federal bailout dollars to pay for a Facebook ad using her accomplishment. Few people can image the level of hate and vitriol and the death threats that would be directed at this woman by outraged aggys if she dared to want to be a cheerleader for the football team. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  4. Back when Claiborne and Golden pulled the pistol on the student during the drug deal (2014?) both were indicted on level 2 felonies. Both off the team immediately. Golden got 10 years in prison that was lowered to 3 months in prison and the remainder on probation. Lifetime convicted felon.
  5. Someone tweet out to Kyle that Texas A&M's first football game ever was in October 1894. They played against The University of Texas. And at halftime, the aggy team quit and didn't even come out to play the second half.
  6. It is never a good idea for politicians to call for criminal investigations into purely civil contract matters. This isn’t something that should be even joked about.
  7. Yea, about that "little brother" claim. A&M is legitimately a branch of UT. And not one of the aggys will ever even consider changing A&M's branch college status.
  8. The ags amaze me. They completely fabricate something, post their fairy tale on texags, and point to the fact it is on the interweb as "proof" of what they just made up in their trade school fantasy minds. One thing I have noticed is aggys never provide citations for any of their "troofs." I guess citations are never expected to be provided at trade school. lol
  9. The aggy mentality is more than an embarrassment to the people of Texas. It is a sickness. Those worthless fucks stay literally stay up late at night fabricating things I didn't say and would never say. For the record, I never said I wouldn't shed a tear if Billy Liucci died. Because I don't give that level of consideration to Billy Liucci. You stupid, white trash, racist, redneck idiots (yet again) completely fabricated some "truth" that you insist is a reality. But the rest of us know it never happened and we rightfully mock you for making shit like this up out of whole cloth. I haven't needed to post since the middle of the past week, you fucking idiots were busy embarrassing yourselves. Billy Liucci could die a horrific death under a pile of logs today and I would not give a thought to his passing. Billy Liucci, Gabe Bock, Olin Buchannan and the rest of those idiots who owe their employment to the federal bailout that kept their business together don't register in my mind. The closest I come to caring about any of those idiots who can't run a business without a government bailout is Olin. Because he sets the bar for abysmal sports writing (on the precipice, buddy!). So, for the record, now that I think about it, I encourage all those welfare cheats at texags to drop dead. From the top, they epitomize the sickness that is "aggy." And, their deaths would make it marginally easier for me to get the constitutional amendment passed that terminates Texas A&M's status as a branch of The University of Texas. It would lead to progress in the fight against racism. And against homophobia. And for women's rights. And against dog abuse. And against ignorance. Etc, etc, etc, etc. I assure everyone if any or all of those worthless fuckwads dropped dead or were crushed in an incident of negligent homicide, I wouldn't notice. The world would be a better place if they were gone and it would take me a while to realize how much better the world was for their passing. That is how little I care about them. So no, I did not say I wouldn't shed a tear if Billy Liucci was crushed under a pile of logs. But I have now stated I wouldn't notice if it happened. I've never met the guy. I don't care to meet him. He doesn't register in my mind. He's just another guy trying to run a business and has chosen to do so pandering to those with an eighth grade education and only surviving because of government welfare handouts. Billy Liucci is the epitome of the those fake army freaks who can't imagine a world where Texas A&M is no longer a branch of The University of Texas. Have a nice day, Billy. I'm not just saying that to you. I say that in general whenever I cross paths with the mentally retarded. Oh, and I hear the feds are planning yet another bailout for failing businesses. Hang in there, sport. Your next bailout may be in the works.
  10. There are people who graduated from A&M I respect and admire. And then there are the idiots who believe, live, and breathe the stupidity the idiot administrators at that school perpetuate.
  11. We’re good. If people want to talk smack that’s fine. But the “your wife wants to fuck an idiot farm moron” meme gets tiring.
  12. Lol. I’m at Lee Harvey’s every October. If you want a piece of me, assfuck, bring it. Lol. The aggys bleat about “taking a bullet for their country” but the pieces of shit won’t even take a needle for their neighbor. Fuck you “brave boy.”
  13. Fuck you and your racist "heroes."
  14. Nope. I'm not dumb enough to trust anything engineered or constructed by one of your piece of shit white supremacist racists. Fuck you and your white supremacist heroes. sul ross biography copy.pdf
  15. I sincerely apologize for having errantly identified you as an aggy. lol. But I stand by my comment that I wish you would stand next to an aggy bonfire.
  16. You make a good point. I’m wildly speculating that you are an aggy. Lol. I am amazed that you idiots can’t tell how we can pick you pieces of shit out of a crowd. Fuck you and fuck your redneck piece of shit friends for your sanctimonious garbage about how you are supposedly “better Americans” than the rest of us. You are an embarrassment to the people of Texas. Imagine a world where Texas A&M isn't a branch of The University of Texas. Yea, I didn't think any aggy could imagine such a world. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  17. Oh, come on. You freaks suffer from a deep sickness. No, my wife did not leave me for one of you sick fucks. She’s right next to me. Coward? lol. No, you are the cowards who fabricate “military greatness.” Why do you pieces of shit perpetuate garbage such as “more officers during WWII than West Point and Annapolis combined”? Why do you pieces of shit insist only farm school students served their country? Seriously, who more than aggys lie about “military greatness?” Fuck you for denigrating those who served their country and died for their country. Fuck you, you sanctimonious pieces of shit. Take your shiny, play army boots and shove them up your worthless, redneck asses. None of the rest of us are impressed in the least with your redneck bullshit. We are Texans. We know your lies. And if you want to play “billy bad ass,” grow the fuck up. aggys don’t do well at “billy badass.” You never have. You never will. You are aggy. You make up fabricated stories of “military greatness.” You male up fabricated stories of “aggy greatness” So, go fuck yourself. Go stand next to an aggy bonfire. And next time you bring someones’s wife into your farm school bravado be prepared for an even stronger “fuck you.” You people killed those kids who died in the bonfire collapse. It was aggy stupidity. Don’t blame us. Own your stupidity. It wasn’t an accident. It was aggy stupidity. If you worthless pieces of shit hadn’t manipulated your way into being a branch of The University of Texas and if not for sovereign immunity, Texas A&M wouldn’t exist today. Here’s one for you “brave boy,” mention for a minute among your racist redneck piece of shit friends where your school is no longer a branch of The University of Texas. Lol. You worthless fuckers cannot image a world where you are not a branch of The University of Texas.
  18. Both of them could die in a bonfire collapse and I wouldn’t shed a tear or contribute money to a shitty, sanctimonious “shrine” to either of them.
  19. My two favorite "fake aggy" letters are 1) the 2013 Auburn one where the fan got lost seven times between where he parked his car and the stadium and 2) the 2020 Florida one where the "fan" was glad Florida lost because A&M "deserved the win" more than Florida. That whole series of fake letters is a simply fascinating peek into the aggy mindset.
  20. Here is the UT/ Nike contract https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2940176-Texas-Nike-contract-Jan-2016.html Here is a link to a pdf of the aggy/ adidas contract https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3974634/Adidas_FINAL__1_.0.pdf The UT/Nike deal is about $250 mil over 15 years, which averages about $16 mil/yr. aggy's deal pays them about $7 mil/yr, mostly in product.
  21. The rules at the time allowed any enrolled student to just show up and suit up for any game. That wasn’t changed until the fall of 1922. The game was played in January 1922. Plus, the game was an unsanctioned exhibition game not under the auspices of the NCAA or the conference. No rules were broken or would have been broken had the guy played. In fact, students suiting up for one game was such an unremarkable event, not a single person is known to have taken notice when the aggy student put on the uniform of the injured player and stood around on the sideline with all the other available substitutes. The lie is the event was in any way considered out of the ordinary. It wasn’t until 17 years later, when many facts were changed for a radio play about the game that any special significance was attached to the game and the fictionalized version was promoted by the school as being the actual truth that anyone cared about the game. Even then, it was another 25 years before the fraudulent version of events was considered even mildly important by the school and its supporters. It was yet another 20 years before the fictionalized version was wrongly accepted by enough aggys as being “historically accurate” to warrant any commemoration. That is when the push began to place the statue outside the stadium and the “home of the 12th man” was installed in the stadium. As with most aggy “traditions” this one is based on a lie. It didn’t originate from cheating by their football team. 66 years after the event the school administrators filed their fraudulent trademark application claiming the fabricated version of events was “historically accurate.” Since then, the ags have been perpetuating their unlawful scheme to defend their fraudulently obtained trademark.
  22. At least get the story right. The player was a sophomore who quit the team early in the season because he wasn’t good enough to play and he wanted to try out for the basketball team. The tradition isn’t based on cheating. It’s based on a lie. There were no real eligibility rules in the conference st the time. They went into effect in the fall of 1922.
  23. I don’t make it out much to the mullet/ toothless hick/ obesity capitals of Texas. Too many aggys.
  24. Yes, but mostly in and around College Station.
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