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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. No, Liucci, it doesn’t mean more to everyone. It may mean more for those who have nothing else in life, but to many of us, it’s just a college sports conference.
  2. The aggy Corps has a training video out on youtube.
  3. To aggy's credit, the grown-ups finally were able to convince the redneck idiots in the family to shut the fuck up and act like an adult and vote "yes."
  4. I’m most looking forward to having leadership at the very top of the program. Having confidence in Jay, CDC and Eltife will be a welcome departure from the past 10+ years. Could it finally be that the “Big 3” sports finally click at the same time at UT when women’s sports are also coming together? If so, Jay, CDC and Kevin will have accomplished something many have tried and few have achieved.
  5. Again, here is another example of the aggy-esque practice of completely making shit up out of whole cloth and claiming it to be factual. Below are the fiscal year 2020 NCAA audited financials for the schools this idiot mentions. He claims Florida's hit was "massive." In reality, Florida athletics posted a $35 mil profit. LSU - $4.8 million profit. Need I go on? This is precisely how the aggy bullshit of "Texas destroyed three conferences" got started. "Someone knew" and posted it on the interweb. This is what passes for "college educated" in the S!E!C! A bunch of idiots, half of them making up stories and the other half insisting it has to be true because someone posted it on the interweb. Florida NCAA financials 2020.pdf LSU NCAA Financial Report - FY20.pdf
  6. If UT is everything the aggys say, why is it so important for A&M to forever remain a branch of The University of Texas? If for none other than symbolic reasons, one would think they would create as much separation as possible. But aggys can't fathom the day they are no longer a branch institution of The University of Texas. Fo figure.
  7. For years she has insisted he has "inside connections with UT athletics" and that "she knows things." Well, it's her obligation to do the right thing and allow those she is accusing to defend themselves. Or, she can be a typical aggy-level redneck piece of shit and anonymously lob criminal accusations at people and never be accountable for her statements. aggys disgust me. They are a deeply fucked up culture based on ignorance, fraud and lies. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  8. A classic example of aggy white trash behavior. The aggys "know" UT Austin has been committing accounting fraud for years. Ok, where here is the phone number for any aggy lurkers to do the responsible thing (as opposed to "doing jack shit"). Call the Texas Attorney General and report what you "know." Texas athletics was "desperately bereft of funds in spite of their long-running frauds." Just for fun, I've also posted a copy of the financials for the last full year Deloss was AD. Showing over $16 million in excess revenue. This, in the same year the aggys (for the fifth time in seven years) couldn't pay their bills (2012) and had to take out yet another "interest-free loan" from the athletics department. So here you go, white trash lurkers, since you "know" of this massive and long-running fraud, do the right thing and report what you "know." Since you are "a better American than any sip" it is your obligation to step forward. To do otherwise would perpetuate the "fraud." Who wants to take the other side of my bet than not one of those stupid fuckers will actually ever report what they "know" about the "massive accounting fraud" buried deep within UT athletics? Oh, and just so the aggys know, those are audited financials I posted. So the "fraud" is far more extensive than you thought. Now, go be a "better American" and report what you "know." Lol. Redneck accounting, white trash "knowledge." Its bad enough aggy culture is based completely on lies, but it's worse that they lie to themselves with such practiced ease, and unforgivable how they lie to the rest of the people spreading frauds in the name of "higher education." The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M. UT Austin 2012 NCAA financials.pdf
  9. A simple "gentleman's agreement" would suffice.
  10. The goal was to make A&M the finishing school for the state junior colleges, thus increasing the overall number of STEM degrees granted in Texas. if more students spend only the last two years in College Station, they could leverage their College Station assets to a greater degree. That has worked to an effect. Below is the latest Almanac snapshot for UT and aggy. Notice aggy is finally seeing their acceptance rate decline (pre-application screening and shunting the slower kids to community colleges has helped with this). The funding is still hilariously lopsided, but it always has been that way (state - UT is 60% higher, federal funding to UT is three times what aggy receives). Overall, aggy is publicly funded at under 50 cents on the dollar compared to UT Austin. Institutional Resources gives a snapshot of the relative wealth of the two schools. Notice the % of students with 30 or more hours at 2-yr colleges. aggy is at twice the rate of UT. Also, aggy has a student/faculty ratio 20% higher than UT. Until they better refine the feeder system of A&M being the state's finishing school for trade school type programs, A&M will struggle with respect to infrastructure. Once they work out a few kinks and finish a few infrastructure projects, they will resume their quest to overtake Lone Star Community College System as the largest higher education institution in Texas.
  11. The list of aggy dumbfuckery is so long, where does one start responding? "Not a branch of UT" "Highly esteemed military academy" "Wealthiest public university in the world" "Just like UT Austin" "Multiple national championships" "More officers during WWII than Annapolis and West Point combined" "Only aggys ever have served their country" "The finest fans in all college sports" "Solved the mystery of alchemy" "Perfected cold fusion" "50 million doses of vaccine delivered within twelve weeks in case of flu pandemic" That people can't see through the pure aggy bullshit amazes me. What would you have someone from the university say to begin trying to explain to people what they choose not to even try to verify for themselves. At some point, you have to accept ignorant people will go through life believing in fairy tales.
  12. Remember that most "aggy research" is state agency work and in reality has nothing to do with Texas A&M University.
  13. Univ of Texas gave 1/3 of its endowment to its branch college (Texas A&M). Up until this past year, when McKenzie Bezos dropped $50 mil on them, Prairie View's entire endowment was $82 mil. Obviously, A&M doesn't believe a branch college in Texas deserves 1/3 of the school's publicly funded endowment. Too bad we can't treat them accordingly.
  14. The SEC tried to get Texas to join the conference 30 years ago, even before Arky was ever thought about as a SEC member. At some point, time runs out for the other conference schools to position themselves. 30 years has been plenty of time for the negatively affected programs to get their affairs together. Thanks for the memories. We hope you have put the last 30 years to good use.
  15. Eventually, we all have to learn to stand on our own.
  16. Damn! Outsmarted by aggy yet again!
  17. Any change in the distribution of PUF income would require a constitutional amendment voted on by the people of Texas. And UofH, Tech, etc already are part of a separate publicly funded higher education endowment created to mimic the PUF-The Higher Education Fund.
  18. I’m completely indifferent. Wasn’t a fan of the Big 12, to say the least. Eltife and CDC have been given the job of getting the program rebuilt. They have made their decision. The time for discussion has passed. It’s now time to make this happen.
  19. To my knowledge, the SEC didn't do reduced shares for aggy or Mizzou. The Big 10 did, but those reduced shares I believe were to offset financial support given to the incoming schools to offset transitional expenses. The SEC didn't give aggy financial support in 2012 when transitional expenses left aggy athletics (yet again) unable to pay its bills. Rather, the academic side increased the amount of the "interest-free loan" that had been outstanding since 2006 by $5.2 million. This "loan" is still being paid down in installments and is scheduled to be finally repaid later in the decade. I have no doubt both UT and OU will receive full distributions from Day 1.
  20. COLLEGE NIL MARKET’S TOP END IS LIKELY $600K DESPITE SABAN CLAIM University of Alabama head football coach Nick Saban recently divulged that his quarterback Bryce Young—who has yet to start a college game—had already signed “almost seven figures” worth of deals tied to his name, image and likeness. If true, it is a staggeringly high data point in an NIL marketplace that has largely underwhelmed thus far. “The marketplace right now is heavily made up of local, regional, smaller brand deals,” said Darren Heitner (founder, Heitner Legal). “We haven’t seen many large brands dip their toes in the water just yet.” But some see Saban’s comment as a mixture of hearsay and salesmanship, rather than a matter of fact (CAA and Young’s agent declined to comment). Conversations with college administrators, marketing agents, marketing executives and Heitner, the sports lawyer, indicated players at the top end of the NIL spectrum have earned around $500,000. “I haven’t heard of [anyone with deals] worth $1 million. I’ve heard of a lot of top players with numbers in the $400,000-$600,000 range,” said David Woodley (chief revenue officer, Playmaker). Our Take: To be clear, no one thought Saban made up the number. But none of those we spoke to believed Young has made anything close to $1 million dollars in a marketing advance (from an agency) or in marketer compensation to date, either (Cash App is believed to be his only national sponsor). One high-profile athletic director said, “While I do not doubt that Bryce or his agent may well have made this representation to Nick, the chances that Nick has real knowledge about the deal [or deals] is zero.” Saban also made the comment at the 89th annual Texas High School Coaches Association convention and coaching school. So, “it is safe to assume he was in sales mode,” the AD said. Saban’s suggestion that the deals are a product of the “Alabama brand” lends credence to that theory. While the seven-time national champion coach was almost certainly looking to reinforce the power of Alabama’s brand and the “almost seven figure” estimate could well be inflated, Young is expected to be among the early winners of the NIL era. “I have no doubt that Bryce will be at the top of the market. And if he is sufficiently active on social media, his value may well [eventually] meet or exceed Nick’s projection. But I doubt we will know that for a while,” the AD said. The reason we likely will not know for some time is because if Young does have around $1 million dollars in deals under contract, it is almost certain that a portion of the money is performance-based. “There is a lot of initial anecdotal evidence of athletes signing deals with high speculative value,” (e.g., royalty-based deals) the AD said. We have seen deals with rosy but unrealistic projections done over the first few weeks of the NIL era because just about everyone is incentivized to pump the biggest numbers possible. “The other thing is, the real players [with big bucks] aren’t in the game right now,” the AD explained. “You largely have small potato companies, who don’t have the marketing budgets [doing deals]. So, they are doing royalty- or commission-based.” https://www.sportico.com/leagues/college-sports/2021/nil-market-compensation-1234635276/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=exacttarget&utm_campaign=Sportico_JohnWallStreet&utm_content=289141_07-26-2021_college-nil-market's-top-end-is-lik&utm_term=8165163
  21. Most other programs have something other than an "SEC" identity to lean on. aggy has incredibly little of importance to differentiate them from other programs than their SEC membership. Sumlin had to initially depend on making clear to recruits that he didn't believe in enforcing conduct standards. That helped. Being a large SEC safety school for athletes has been big for them lately. In reality, what does aggy have now to set themselves apart from OU, LSU or UT? An opportunity to experience a white supremacist indoctrination camp first hand? Wanting to harpoon aggy's recruiting wasn't a motivating factor for bringing UT and OU in, but it certainly is an externality of the deal. Quite clearly, Sankey was willing to negatively affect the trajectory of one program (aggy) to serve the interests of the bigger conference. In the long run, it is in aggy's best interest to go along, but no aggy is aware enough to see part their own nose. Which is why aggy has been historically inept at both managing their university and their athletics department.
  22. Why Albert Einstein Said: The Measure of Intelligence Is the Ability To Change People who are not open to change are certain to miss the future. In a rapidly changing world, the ability to change your mind or adapt is an indispensable skill. If you don’t give yourself permission to change your mind, you cannot change anything in your life. Stephen Hawking famously said, ‘Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.’ Life is a series of changes, with or without your consent — you’re always changing, and there’s nothing you can do about it. https://goodmenproject.com/featured-content/why-albert-einstein-said-the-measure-of-intelligence-is-the-ability-to-change/
  23. The culture of A&M was firmly established early when the school was essentially a reform school for incorrigible farm youth whose parents wanted to get rid of. Through their immaturity and petulance they continue to exhibit the same traits as during their reform school era. It is understandable why the early aggy administrators imposed the disciplinary structure they did. Telling the aggys to shut the fuck up and do as you are told was the only to interact with aggy immaturity. Feed them a bunch of stupid fairy tales and they are happy in their delusions. Remember no A&M football team has two consecutive years with a winning record in conference play since the 1990s, yet they insist such a record of mediocrity exudes “aggy greatness.” They insist they respect those who have sacrificed for their country yet they openly mock and derive the almost 700 UT alumni who died in WWII as having done nothing and as having sacrificed nothing. And then they celebrate children in fake army costumes who rarely ever serve in uniform as deserving our respect for the “sacrifices” made while in their absurd college fraternity, wearing silly little boots. They are a disgusting culture. To know them is to loathe them. And few know them better than we know them.
  24. After the aggy negligent homicide debacle, the feds offered one of the more artful descriptions of them when they offered the searing observation that aggys suffer from “a cultural bias that impedes risk identification.” No aggy has ever reflected on that comment. And for very good reason. It is the most polite version I have ever seen of “they lack the ability to recognize what most others easily identify as being badly misguided.” aggy culture does not hold up well to close observation.
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