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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. A trade school education lacks much of what most of us experienced. Generally, in professional settings, one is obligated to have a reasonable basis upon which to make an assertion. That is totally absent from the “aggy education” and from aggy culture. Bullshit such as “I have information,” “word is,” and “a friend told me” are what aggys substitute for reasonable inquiry or research. In short, most aggys fabricate their narratives to conform to their biases and insecurities. It’s who they are as a culture. Facts don’t matter. New information is immediately disregarded as being a threat from the outside. They have the mentality of children. As they have yet again displayed during the past few days. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  2. Thujone did all the original artwork for aggypedia. I did most of the original content. Ramjet owns and runs the site and has final say on all aspects. It is a collaborative project anyone who wants to can be involved with. And aggys say “sips” don’t work well with others.
  3. Not a single aggy seems to remember which school was principally responsible for A&M gaining admission into the AAU. Here’s a hint-it wasn’t A&M. I’ve yet to meet an honest aggy. Certainly not one willing to be honest with themself.
  4. UT will very much assert itself in certain areas. For one, Tennessee and Alabama are members of the Big 12 for rowing. The SEC may well add rowing, with UT helping substantively to set it up. Swimming will be affected. Women’s volleyball will see a lot of input from Texas. Major sports, much less. Maybe push for the CCG to be played at Jerryworld.
  5. Greg Abbott will never put the on the agenda for the special session. The issue is dead until at least 2023. The idiot has no clue how Texas state government operates.
  6. Texas isn’t moving to the S!E!C! to make friends. Or to “find our equals.” Texas is moving to the S!E!C! to compete for championships. No we aren’t going to be humble, or servile, or supine, or subservient. aggys do that shit. We don't. We’re Texas.
  7. A list of “destitute” teams who don’t own their stadiums includes the Dallas Cowboys, New York Yankees, LA Lakers, etc etc. Most aggys have a lot to learn about finance.
  8. You guys attribute an amazing array of crap to me. There are currently five NCAA athletics conferences headquartered in Dallas. I don’t see why there can’t be six, but I really have no opinion on where the SEC conference offices should be.
  9. aggy truly is the gift that keeps on giving. They are a fascinating culture.
  10. We’ll take our chances. We’re Texas.
  11. Settle down. We all know aggys are the finest and friendliest fans in all of college athletics. This is just how our “friendly betters” behave. Lol.
  12. We aren’t going to the SEC to make friends. Or to be “equals.” We aren’t subservient people. We’re going to the SEC to represent the state of Texas. And to win. No, it doesn’t mean more to us. We’re Texas. Now, let’s start talking schedules.
  13. We've crushed their little hearts and we haven't even applied for admission into the conference yet. We've taken their most prized possession - their S!E!C! identity. They've been in the conference nine years and they are wondering why the people who actually creaed the conference aren't making "aggy-like" decisions. Does anyone think UT will produce a cringeworthy video like the "woof, woof, woof" video A&A put out? Hell no. We aren't going to the SEC to make friends, we aren't going to find "equals." We're going there to represent the state of Texas as only one school can. Grab your shine box and get to the back of the bus, redneck.
  14. Time will tell. And I never insinuated conference affiliation was the predominate driver of academic cooperation. But it is a fact the “Old South” schools have long had an insular culture regarding both academics and athletics for reasons that predate the Civil War. The culture of the Old South schools differs from schools such as Univ of No. Carolina and UVa. UT is culturally distinct from the Old South schools. I would not be surprised if the collective UT faculty doesn’t embrace the insular culture of the S!E!C! schools. We’re not family. We never will be. They are who they are and we’re Texas.
  15. I said if the move happened, the academic side would have an issue. The move to the SEC is (would be?) a horrible cultural fit on many levels. To believe the UT faculty will collaborate with “colleagues” from redneck, land grant farm schools is a bit laughable. To think UT alumni will ever pledge loyalty and fealty to the S!E!C! is equally laughable. We aren’t “family” with them. We’re Texas.
  16. If the ags had a fucking clue, they would abstain from the admission vote and insist the vote was 13-0. But if the ags had a fucking clue....
  17. The realignment talk wasn’t behind their back. It was over their head.
  18. He doesn’t seem to realize the aggys are also giving up Prairie View for either UT or OU.
  19. We have sheer “aggy genius.” In a panic, Alabama moved to keep the sleeping giant down. “Consider this possible line of thinking - adding t.u. and OU causes a situation where our 3 schools divide up recruits, thus keeping all 3 of us somewhat stifled relative to traditional SEC blue bloods (primarily Bama). As a result, they keep an edge on all 3 of us. Coincidence that this went down as A&M is creeping up on Bama? Maybe not.” https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3211505
  20. Or to discourage murder, rape, and extreme hypocrisy within Texas collegiate athletic programs. There is something about Baylor supporters in the Legislature involving themselves in how other programs operate that seems just a bit unwelcome.
  21. It won’t take longer than this weekend until the “Texas to the S!E!C!” narrative will become “advantage aggy,” accompanied by some farcical version of “history” spun to make gullible rednecks believe A&M somehow “masterminded” the move to “enhance aggy greatness.”
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