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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. The ags are being shown their place in the power structure of the S!E!C! Being relegated to the kiddie table by UT power brokers without Texas even being in the conference. The principals knew what this would mean for A&M and they didn’t give two shits about aggy. Why am I not surprised?
  2. “If would be shocked if this is true. A&M would probably sue the **** out of the conference if something this massive was kept in the dark on purpose” https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3211187/2#discussion
  3. This is the best part so far. Knowing what whining, petulant shitheads aggys are, the S!E!C! powers simply excluded them from the entire discussion for SIX MONTHS! and merrily whistled past them, not telling them a damned thing. I think that shows how aggys is looked at among those conference administrators.
  4. OUCH! (Remember, the S!E!C! is a WONDERFUL conference where everyone loves Texas A&M. Lol)
  5. I find it humorous that the first time around when Texas was planning on moving to the S!E!C! it didn't happen because aggy complained to the legislature that we weren't taking them with us. Now we have every other Texas school trying to stop Texas because we aren't taking them with us and aggy is complaining because change of any sort scares the hell out of those redneck Luddites. All of this is why Texas administrators quit caring so much about the interests of other schools. They will never be satisfied regardless of what Texas does. https://www.al.com/press-register-sports/2010/04/finebaum_how_texas_nearly_join.html
  6. The ags are such subservient pieces of shit. It’s hilarious. ”When you’re a rookie, you show respect. The SEC took a chance on us, and we were grateful. It wasn’t our place to act like jackasses. To this day, each game we play/host in the SEC is an honor.“ https://www.secrant.com/rant/sec-football/have-to-give-ags-and-mizzou-credit/97373661/
  7. “I just don't see Texas being able to humble themselves to try to fit in to our SEC family.” Lol. Neither do I. Not a fucking chance in Hell.
  8. I’m not a fan of going to the S!E!C! but I can understand how the conference needs a school like Texas to class the joint up. I’m loving every bit of the aggy conniption fit, though. It’s going to be a long next 90 years for those fucks, being put in their schedule lace time and again by “The Great Burnt Orange Satan.” lol Eat shit, aggy. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/31863713/texas-oklahoma-joining-sec-break-gentlemen-agreement-league-schools Former Texas A&M official: Texas, Oklahoma joining SEC would break 'gentlemen's agreement' among league schools If Texas and Oklahoma join the SEC, it would break a long-standing "gentlemen's agreement" between SEC schools that gives conference members "absolute veto power" over the addition of another school from their state, according to a former Texas A&M official. R. Bowen Loftin, who helped steer the Aggies into the SEC in 2011 while serving as A&M's president, said the oft-discussed unwritten rule was a "specific conversation" during expansion talks in 2010-11 when he was involved. Loftin also served as chancellor at Missouri in 2014-15 after the Tigers made the move to the SEC. "There's this understanding among the membership -- at least it was 10 years ago -- that you don't admit a school from the same state as a member school unless that member school's OK with it," Loftin told ESPN.com on Thursday. "We talked about it from time to time among ourselves, that this was the way it was going to be, that if we had another school in Texas wanting to enter the SEC, Texas A&M would have veto power." Loftin said the discussions happened while Mike Slive was commissioner. Loftin, who is retired and no longer involved in the discussions at A&M or Missouri, said he believes that current commissioner Greg Sankey, who was Slive's deputy before taking over as commissioner in 2015 when Slive retired, "has a really good long-range sense of the SEC." An SEC spokesman said the league had no comment on Loftin's comments on Thursday. Three states -- Mississippi, Alabama and Tennessee -- have two SEC schools each, but those date to the formation of the conference. In 1990, the league added Arkansas and South Carolina, both in states that did not have another SEC team. Loftin said the agreement prevented expansion discussion involving teams such as Clemson, Florida State, Georgia Tech and Miami, even when the league was targeting the ACC if 16-team superconferences came to pass in the last round of realignment. "We discussed those specific possibilities," Loftin said. "Florida State was never in the conversation, for obvious reasons. It was clear that they would not be admittable unless Florida wanted them included, and who could imagine that?" Loftin said most expansion discussion centered on schools such as North Carolina, NC State, Virginia or Virginia Tech, all schools in states with no SEC members. "I can tell you that, during my time in the SEC from two different schools, that was the understanding we had," Loftin said. "It was unwritten. There's no specific rule you can point to. You can point to the bylaws, talk about having a three-quarters majority to admit a new school, which means four schools could stop it from happening legally and officially. But beyond that, there was this understanding." Loftin said he and members of the A&M board of regents specifically discussed Texas' membership prospects during expansion talks with Slive, who was commissioner at the time. Slive died in 2018. "I can recall a meeting with the commissioner and a few of our regents that were with me, [Texas] came up in the conversation," Loftin said. "Mike assured us that they got what they wanted in Texas A&M because they got the Texas market, and they got a school which was very compatible with SEC schools." Current Texas A&M athletic director Ross Bjork said Thursday that he will be "diligent in our approach to protect Texas A&M. We want to be the only SEC program in the state of Texas. There's a reason why Texas A&M left the Big 12 -- to be stand-alone, to have our own identity." The Aggies and Longhorns obviously don't have a lot of love for each other over the past 125 years or so, but particularly since their breakup when A&M left the Big 12. "They left," former Texas athletic director DeLoss Dodds told the Daily Texan in 2013. "They're the ones that decided not to play us. We get to decide when we play again." Loftin said he'd be surprised if that ends up being in the SEC. "There would be a lot of anger on the part of the Aggie community," he said. "It certainly is ironic -- and that's a very mild word for it -- after all of the verbiage directed against us trying to discourage us from [going to the SEC], and then beating on us after we did it, that really is interesting to have that school come back and say, 'Oh, we want to join you now.'" And he found Texas' interest to be an about-face, particularly after having discussed realignment possibilities with his counterpart in Austin, Texas president Bill Powers, who died in 2019 "They have a very high opinion of themselves -- which is not surprising -- but not always justified. And that drives a lot of thinking there," Loftin said. "Bill Powers was very clear to me that they felt much more akin to the schools in the Big Ten and on the West Coast. He was very dismissive of the SEC because he felt academically it was an inferior conference. He's no longer around, I understand that. But the fit, culturally, of A&M and the SEC is very good. The fit of Texas is not. That's just plain and simple." Missouri coach Eli Drinkwitz, a relative newcomer to league drama in his second year as the Tigers' head coach, joked Thursday at SEC media days about the rumored interest of Texas and Oklahoma. "We're the best league in college football and everybody wants to play there, and now you've got two iconic brands that want to join too," he said. "It's an exclusive club and not everybody gets in, so good luck. Especially if A&M has anything to do with it."
  9. One thing the aggys will never ask for is to have their constitutional status as a branch of The University of Texas terminated.
  10. The same sanctimonious aggy sickness that has given us the fairy tale that only aggys fought in WWI (the origination of the term "sip"), and that perpetuated the outright lie that A&M produced more officers during WWII than West Point and Annapolis combined, is now fighting to "prove" only aggs experiences loss on 9/11. Disgusting. Lies of "military service greatness" and No one who truly experienced 9/11 cared then or cares now where anyone affected went to college. After 20 years, only the people who have no clue are soliciting stories from people who truly understand. 9/11 wasn't an experience where many of the affected use giddy, cheerful exclamation points. "aggy" is a sickness. They are desperately trying to create a narrative about how only aggys were truly affected by the events of 9/11. Just as they have done time and time again. They are a sick culture. That they would use the 20th anniversary of what happened as an advertising platform to "prove" they are "better Americans" than any other culture is appalling. It is beyond bad taste. Sadly, it is typically aggy. Roughly as many employees of just one firm (Cantor) died on 9/11 as aggys died in all of WWII. But 9/11 in Farmville will be all about Texas A&M. Not a single thought of those who died. Only consideration of how aggys were affected by watching it all on television. Not a thought of the kids who grew up never knowing a lost parent. Not a single thought of the parents who lost a child; a spouse who lost their partner; a person who lost close friends; or an individual who lost a former co-worker they knew well and cared about. No consideration of how co-workers in the building knew their end was at hand and who chose to hold hands with co-workrs as they jumped to theor death, as opposed to dying in the growing flames. Just a continuous narrative about how aggys were the only people affected by the events of 9/11. "Please, give me your aggy stories! Yay aggy!" The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M. America deserves better than Texas A&M. Just remember, 9/11 is all about Texas A&M. Fuck you, aggy.
  11. The 5th Circuit will do what they do. If the ags get fucked up the ass on their sovereign immunity defense based on stealing someone’s work on their “12th Man” story on the 100th anniversary of their “12th Man” fairy tale, it will be interesting. Remember, under the DMCA, statutory damages are in excess of $750 mil. I can’t think of a better way to blunt their “12th Man” fairy tale centennial. I’m The issue in the sovereign immunity argument is whether the copyright violation is a taking or a tort. Since you seem to have a mastery of the issue, which is it, a taking or a tort?
  12. ESPN picking up the Texags story. I never again want to hear any aggy whine about federal bailouts or welfare payments. Federal welfare dollars are what is keeping their football team alive these days. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/31833403/texas-fan-site-secures-deal-pay-two-aggies-football-players-10000-exclusive-interviews
  13. “A cultural bias that impedes risk identification.” Im watching the early broadcast of the British Open. Three former aggy golfers in the top 5 and a fourth (a former British Open champion) doing commentary in the booth. The penultimate pairing were college teammates on a national championship team. What an impressive achievement. I’m sure every aggy is proud of their achievement. As we all know, “What starts in College Station changes the world.” Lol. Nice to see the golf team is managing to keep up with their fellow alumni.
  14. aggys fought against televised games because “television will kill college football.” How prescient did that prediction prove to be? aggys have shit for brains. It’s who they are.
  15. Of course they turn to Texas A&M.
  16. The ags have a thread bleating about how Bowtie “gave the finger to the sips when they tried to handle our business for us.” https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3207477 Again, this is why many, many people have no respect for “the aggy education.” Deloss worked a deal for Texas to dump aggy and move to the SEC. The ags went apeshit and cried to the legislature because Deloss did not also make room in the deal to take A&M with us. Lesson learned. The next time Deloss seriously discussed a deal to switch conferences, Deloss made room for A&M in the deal. Man’s the ags went apeshit because we made room for them in the deal. Add in how the ags didn’t want in on the LHN concept until it was a done deal. And again the ags went apeshit. The ags simply act as if they never went apeshit over anything. The simply rewrote their history to erase all three of these clusterfucks they individually are accountable for. By the time it came to part ways, the ags insist Deloss was adamant that A&M not be allowed to separate from the main university. Are you fucking kidding me? After 20 years of aggy going apeshit every time Deloss tried to take advantages in changes in the growth of college athletics, Deloss was the first person to hold the door open for them and the last to try to stop them. When they left, the ags were reeling from not being able to pay their bills in five if the previous seven years and were running out of the ability to keep begging money from the academic side. Meanwhile, Texas was the undisputed leader in revenues. Somehow none of this is ever spoken of by the ags. Probably because the truth is so brutally painful to them. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  17. I’ll take “college football history aggys are clueless about for $12...” “In a recent interview, Schiller reflected back on how Arkansas and South Carolina became the 11th and 12th schools in the league. But the most shocking revelation concerned how close the University of Texas came to joining the SEC. Schiller, who left the SEC to become the executive director of the United States Olympic Committee and would later serve as president of Turner Sports and CEO of YankeeNets (going from working for Ted Turner to George Steinbrenner), said Texas had virtually agreed to become an SEC member. Arkansas and Texas would join the SEC from the Western side and South Carolina and either Florida State, Miami or Virginia Tech would enter from the East The state legislature (in Texas) somehow got wind of it through Texas A&M and said we had to bring in both schools or we couldn't take Texas," Schiller said. The SEC didn't want A&M.” https://www.al.com/press-register-sports/2010/04/finebaum_how_texas_nearly_join.html Paul Finebaum wrote the story. It must be true.
  18. Damn! Someone tries to get Texas history accurate and you go all aggy on me. Relax. It's all good. I make an allusion to the thought we need to chill on the fratricide and you go aggy on me. We need spring FCS football. This offseason shit is getting stupid. And my life is a ton of fun. Seriously. And about to get insanely more fun. Oh, and has it ever struck you that maybe Jimbo's wife liked getting railed by the tennis player and that Jimbo Fisher is actually the hillbilly dipshit we make him out to be? Because we aren't just on a website making fun of aggy. We're actually being open and honest about aggy. Jimbo was actually made to be aggy. He fits like no redneck dick has ever fit in a sheep's anus. Jimbo Fisher is pure aggy. His wife realized after the fact she had massively fucked up. And she started boning every dick she could, mostly because all she had had was sheep-smelling mustbeaggy dick for far too many years. So yea, "woman treatment" includes the reminder to all women that if they ever fuck an aggy, their vagina will forever smell of sheep anus. Jimbo evidently started fucking sheep earlier than his aggy employment start date. Remind me again why you feel it is wrong to warn women, from 16 to 60, that having their vagina eternally smell like sheep anus is a bad thing. (had to edit, just to mock those who don't understand why people edit) Oh, and have a nice day.
  19. Yes. But federal appellate court humor ensued. And my wife’s vagina. People on this site became obsessed with my wife’s vagina. Its spectacular, but is a “one man” thing.
  20. Work with me here. You fantasize that "a toothless pig fucking farmer plowed my wife." You probably lack the ability to understand how redneck that sounds. Not that you will ever get to meet my wife, but if you did, I am sure my wife would be able to humiliate you and make you feel like the human piece of shit you are for how you treat women. Fuck you. Let's get settled how you treat woman right now. Fuck you (in case you missed the first time). Yesterday, the 5th Federal Appellate Circuit held a double hearing in what you refer to as "a 1930s issue of the Battalion." Kind of shocking that a federal appellate court would hold multiple hearings on any subject. What does it say the Court held such a hearing on what you refer to as "a 1930s issue of the Battalion." Fuck you. I'm going to feel comfortable that the 5th Circuit had sufficient grounds to hold a double hearing as a better indicator of what is relevant rather that your "a toothless pig fucking farmer plowed your wife" argument. Fuck you. Every aggy and now too many Longhorns have become obsessed with my wife's vagina. I have no clue why this forum has devolved into an exercise of fratricide, but since it has, Fuck you and your fantasies about my wife. You are sick, racist white trash garbage. Have a nice day. And, in case your missed my earlier comment, fuck you.
  21. Federal appellate court humor is a niche art. Don’t feel badly that you also don’t get it. This isn’t necessarily difficult to understand. It’s about aptitude. Possibly federal appellate court humor isn’t quite your career niche. In all fairness, it was a “cute” attempt. You don’t seem to understand procedure. That’s where he fell short. His attempt was “cute.” But not humorous. (remind me for another time why we are yet again engaging in fratricide. “Factual testimony in federal appellate court” humor isn’t a big laugh-getter in most comedy clubs.) Have a nice day.
  22. No one offers expert witness testimony before an appellate court. But thanks for playing. Let me guess, you are an attorney, but one that doesn't understand the law and spends his entire career picking up bar tabs. Why else would you ask if witnesses offered factual evidence in an appellate court? Have a nice day.
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