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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. For those involved in the world of IP, the reaction to the aggy copyright case before the 5th Circuit yesterday. https://www.plagiarismtoday.com/2021/07/07/3-count-5th-circuit-12th-man/ https://www.reuters.com/legal/transactional/5th-circuit-set-referee-egregious-12th-man-copyright-case-2021-07-05/
  2. I just blasted out a message to USATF asking for an explanation regarding Olympic athlete travel expenses.
  3. aggys bleat incessantly about their "passion." And their "commitment." And "noise level." Ad nauseam. Everything but their "performance." They had a defense anchored by none other than The Great Miles Garrett. Garrett not only never played on a team that challenged for as little as a division championship, he never even played on an aggy team that managed as little as a winning record in conference play. The Great Von Miller played one team that managed a winning record in conference play. The Great John Football only played on one team that managed as little as a winning record in conference play. aggy is a perfect fit for the mighty S!E!C! White trash racist rednecks whose "alumni" envy Mississippi State's trophy case.
  4. If anyone wants to listen in, the 5th Circuit is doing a rare double hearing on Mike Bynum's copyright case against Texas A&M this morning. Here is the like audio link. Bynum is "Canada Hockey." Brad Marquardt is the aggy alleged to have told his secretary to retype Bynum's manuscript onto the aggy athletics server as their own work and to omit all Bynum's copyright info. https://5thcircuit.streamguys1.com/west
  5. On 9/11, the terrorists sought to attack the intellectual capital* of our country's economy. They chose to attack a symbol of our nation. Neither of those involved 'aggy intellect' or College Station, Texas. 9/11 literally had nothing to do with Texas A&M. Yet now, we have the sickness that is 'aggy culture' insisting 9/11 is all about Texas A&M. No consideration for those who died. No consideration for those who lost friends, family, or loved ones. No consideration for the fact that since the last time Texas A&M they alone suffered because of 9/11, not a single fucking aggy has thought for a minute about the loss associated with 9/11. Those who actually suffered have lived with the reality every single moment of every single day over the past 20 years. And the human pieces of shit from College Station, texas now insist they need to "express their grief" by claiming (as they have for over a century) they alone sacrificed while the others who were truly affected merely "sipped tea." I knew far too many who died on 9/11. They were not "merely sipping tea." Their loved ones have not spent the last twenty years "merely sipping tea." The aggys haven't though twice about those people in the twenty years that have passed since the aggys last insisted only aggys experienced pain on 9/11. Not surprisingly, not a single one of those actually affected by 9/11 has thought even once about Texas A&M or 'aggy culture." Fuck you, aggy. You sanctimonious racist redneck pieces of shit. * (Note to racist piece of shit rednecks - "capital" and "capitol" are two different words with two different meanings. I'm sorry you had to go this far in life without being properly versed in the English language, but fuck you. Even Texas Tech screens applicants for at least an eighth-grade competency in English.)
  6. Liucci is merely aping the aggy cultural trait of putting party beliefs and party thinking above the truth. "aggy is great. Whorn is bad." "Opinion is fact. Objective fact is a lie." Typical aggy bullshit. Let's not forget Texags had to completely ignore the performance this past spring of Shaine Casas. The first men's swimmer at A&M to win an individual national championship. In most cultures, such a "first" would have earned the individual some level of recognition. But not at A&M, because to recognize Casas would have highlighted aggys in most sports suck and aggy sports overall struggle to compete in every sport, both men's and women's. Quite bluntly, promoting the first aggy men's swimmer to win an individual NCAA championship would only have placed yet another spotlight on the difference between UT and A&M. aggy will continue to be aggy until someone other than an aggy is given control of the institution. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  7. I knew far too many people who died on 9/11. Great people, starting families, making more than they ever imagined, thinking they had great futures ahead of them. Their kids ended up never knowing their parent who was murdered by terrorists. Spouses losing genuinely great people who they were building lives with. Friends. Neighbors. One of the things that I still remember was the empty seats on the commuter trains after 9/11. People took the same train in ever morning, sitting in the same seats, interacting with the same friends on the train. In the afternoons, the bar car was open and there were continuous card games commuters played with friends on their voyages home. After 9/11 the empty seats were those of the familiar faces everyone knew, but no one knew who had died on 9/11. One friend told me of his 6-yr old son who came to him crying and confused because his pee-wee football coach had been killed. The kid couldn't grasp the reality of what it all meant. My friend realized at six years old, his son has already lost his innocence of childhood, something any parent tries to preserve as a birthright of childhood. The stories are endless. The pictures of people jumping to their death from 105 stories up because they understood it was the least horrific way to die, given the circumstances. One of the NYFD Lieutenants who died that day was crushed by one of the falling bodies of the jumpers. I had a friend who was later identified because they found his wallet in his back pocket. All they ever found was his body from the waist down, severed at the waist. Just a pair of legs, still wearing his shoes, in a bloody pair of suit pants. I could tell stories for hours. None of what happened had anything to do with Texas A&M, racism, fake military costumes, fabricated traditions, or anything else that sewer on the Brazos represents. And yet the aggys insist on claiming 9/11 was all about them, and they are "better Americans" than the people who actually lived the experience and lost loved ones. The "aggy mentality" is a sickness. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M. The people of the United States deserve better than Texas A&M. And certainty those who lived through and lost loved ones on 9/11 deserve better than Texas A&M. Fuck you, aggy.
  8. Sanctimonious, white trash rednecks yet again plan on claiming no American who didn’t attend their racist farm school ever served their country. This shit is cringeworthy as a Texan and disgusting as a person who actually remembers 9/11. Fuck you, aggy. https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/tamu-football/texas-am-bringing-red-white-and-blue-out-back-for-2021-season-opener/amp/ The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  9. Yet six 14 yr olds hold the U.S. economy hostage at will. It doesn’t matter how “avoidable” it is when they own us and we have no option other than paying tribute.
  10. When our infrastructure is controlled by Russian teenagers on laptops and we are are forced to pay millions in ransom to operate our economy, pretty much whatever the Russians want. How much have we paid them so far? Fuck America. We’ve lost. Our “defense” establishment is clueless Fuck those bastards. They failed us.
  11. Maybe we should admit we have gone as a nation from “not one cent in tribute” to “please, what must we pay you.” Fuck this nation. We’ve lost.
  12. We have no choice but to keep paying tribute to foreign enemies. It is what it is. What happened to “millions for Defence, not one cent for tribute”? All we do these days is spend trillions to keep goat herders from attacking us with hoards of amphibious camels and spend millions on tribute to Russian children on Chinese financed laptops as ransom. And did I insult the CCP, oh, I’m sorry. God knows, no one in the U.S. ever speak out for freedom and against the CCP. Yay America!
  13. No one in the “military” or “intelligence” community has a clue how to react to any of this. What do you want to counter with? “Two of then turn 15 this fall?” We have absolutely no national defense against children on laptops bought on credit from Amazon.
  14. What about shutting down major parts of our economy with us completely helpless to defend against doesn’t say “big one” to you? This is literally six teenagers on laptops in their parents’ basements holding our economy hostage and no one in the entire U.S. “military” or “intelligence” community having a clue how to react. It is stunning. The entire military establishment completely clueless about what to do. Against teenagers on laptops.
  15. I’d rather you tell me about effective measures but in today’s military, all anyone knows is how to throw a trillion dollars against goat herders to keep them from riding their camels across 12,000 miles of ocean to attack our shores. But six 14 year olds in their parents’ basements in the suburbs of Moscow are a technological level far above the capabilities of the U.S. military. Again, why the fuck are these “military” idiots on the government payroll?
  16. All we get are a bunch of sanctimonious assholes who demand we thank them for their "service" while six teenagers outside of Moscow on low-budget laptops hold our entire economy hostage. Yea America! At what point do the rest of you wake up?
  17. Our entire economy is held captive by a half dozen nerds outside of Moscow and no one within the U.S. military or “intelligence” community has a clue how to deal with them. Six Russian teenagers on laptops bought from Amazon have entirely dominated our defense establishment and hold our economy in their hands. How in God’s name did the U.S. defense establishment get so neutered?
  18. Massive Ransomware Attack May Impact Thousands of Victims https://finance.yahoo.com/news/massive-ransomware-attack-hit-more-142607052.html
  19. I meant to agree with your comment. I apologize for insulting you by valuing your comment: “There are probably as many if not more PROFESSIONAL "big sport" athletes that have little to no NIL type arrangements of any significance as those that do. “
  20. Those white trash rednecks actually believe Texas A&M is the most opulently wealthy public university in the galaxy. Those white trash rednecks actually believe the only reason we aren’t speaking German today is because of the alumni of Texas A&M. BA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Fuck you, aggy. You stupid racist white trash.
  21. It is a myth to believe there is a large collection of wealthy alumni controlling various incorporated entities and previously unable to develop an ability to direct excess funds to college athletes. The world of those wanting to direct excess income to college athletics is well developed and those wanting to help support college athletics is extremely well developed. That they can now convert corporate property (money) to their personal use (supporting college athletics) is also a myth. Such activity has long been unlawful on various levels. Very few professional athletes have a public presence that justifies paying them to endorse corporate products or services. Even fewer amateur athletes will have such a presence. There was a time when people argued just as passionately that allowing college football games to be televised would be "the end of college football." Ditto for when individual schools were given control of their individual media rights, allowing freshman to play varsity sports and allowing female cheerleaders. If allowing student-athletes to enter into NIL agreements will be the end of college sports, it will just be the most recent in a very long line of actions that have "ruined" college sports.
  22. This is part of the non-uniformity issue. Individual states now have non-uniform statues such that an athlete in Texas will have substantively different NIL rights than athletes in another state. That in itself is disruptive to recruiting. Hence, the request for federal legislation. The real problem here is the Sup Ct. has indicated a need for clarifying legislation to help the courts avoid legislating from the bench. Any initial comprehensive legislation (either NCAA or Congress) will have faults and neither the NCAA or Congress wants fingers pointed at them for passing deeply flawed legislation. So the states are being forced at act and the patchwork or individual state laws is just going to make this new era start off in a mess. I cant think of two groups of self-absorbed “leaders” who are more feckless than the NCAA school presidents and Congress. Legislators such as Cory Booker are hoping to grandstand on this issue to help bump national name recognition in anticipation of 2024, but neither anyone in Congress or any NCAA school leadership is offering any legitimate leadership to help solve the issue. Have fun, athletes. Go get whatever you can. If anyone is interested, "congress.gov" has a search feature to look at pending legislation, including that dealing with "NIL" https://www.congress.gov/search?q={"congress"%3A["117"]%2C"source"%3A"all"%2C"search"%3A"NIL"}
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