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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. One. The argument past that is the use of any closely associated color will cause confusion in the marketplace. Read up on how Bucc-ees is going “full draconian” on their fucking Beaver trademark. How much of an idiot does one have to be to not understand an alligator and a beaver or two different animals?
  2. The university isn’t going to take the chance. It is equally absurd that licensing “Bevo” for a website called “ShaggyBevo” would have been anything other that beneficial as the group wanting to use the name was seeking an opportunity to connect more closely with the product the university is selling in the market. IP holders will always allow less free use than the cutting edge between retaining and losing their IP rights. There is no benefit to continuously being in litigation to defend IP when a perfunctory “no” from the start is far less expensive, far less troublesome, and far more efficient. There’s will be a recruit who will be sought after enough for the university to grant trademark use rights in exchange for signing to play sports at UT.
  3. More precisely, it all depends on how the courts care to rule on different aspects. The law is always what the judge says it is.
  4. Pantone is for color identification. Pantene is for conditioning one’s hair. If the school fails to protect its trademark, it risks losing property rights to that trademark.
  5. Congratulations, Billy. A&M's "momentum" is highly impressive. https://nacda.com/documents/2021/7/1//July2OverallDI.pdf?id=4339
  6. Here is an example of the value of the "aggy education." Once again, people who lack critical thinking skills latching on to obscure metrics to "prove the obvious." The snippet below clearly demonstrates "aggy greatness." Wow! Rough look indeed! Now for the critical thinking (aggys, take two aspirin and step away from all sharp objects and wooden structures before you try this). Just a quick question - What is "total salaries of active players"? Not a common metric. Is this next year's salary of all aggys on last year's NFL rosters? If so, $503 mil sounds suspect. For 2021, Pat Mahomes' salary is $990k. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/kansas-city-chiefs/patrick-mahomes-21751/ Tom Brady's 2021 salary is $1.075mil https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/tampa-bay-buccaneers/tom-brady-4619/ So I'm going to start to question "total salaries." Possibly "total possible contract value of aggys on NFL rosters as of June 2021 (including non-guaranteed compensation." Whatever this idiot was thinking when he tried to demonstrate yet another example of "aggy excellence" he missed. He also forgot to include Texas Tech. As well as the source for his "information." Texas Tech has one player whose projected total contract value exceeds that of all aggys currently on NFL rosters. As of today, 40 aggys are listed in NFL rosters. 39 Longhorns. Alabama has 80. Elite universities screen for critical thinking skills as an admissions requirement. Lesser schools teach critical thinking as a degree requirement. And then there is Texas A&M. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  7. They define "college town" differently than most of the rest us us do. The cutoff seems to be a municipality (not SMSA) of 150,000 or less, except for Honolulu. It's basically a poll of white trash people who evidently think shitholes such as Lawton, OK, or College Station, TX are "the finest places EVAR!"
  8. What you call "woke" is what others call "don't be a fucking asshole." If you don't agree with someone's politics, don't break into their house, douse their wife with kerosene, and set her on fire. Don't kill people simply because you don't agree with them on any given subject. People are not to be owned by other people. Understand intelligence is equally distributed among all races. If you want to solve problems such as cancer, don't tell those who have the ability to help they aren't allowed because you don't like the color of their skin - let them save your life and the lives of countless others. In short, don't be a fucking aggy.
  9. No one cares that aggy is a collection of racists. The EOT stuff blew up because people expect better from The University of Texas. No one expects better from Texas A&M. Yes, Jefferson Davis was the first person chosen to be president of A&M. Yes, Klan #48 (Bryan, Texas) is still functioning. Yes, Sul Ross was a virulent white supremacist and he is revered today for just that reason. No, Sul Ross was not a Klan member. But only because he operated as a white supremacist out in the open. He didn't have to belong to a "secret society." It's all over on the Sul Ross page on aggypedia. I would consider John Sharp as one of the most virulent racists in Texas. He knows full well what a total piece of shit Sul Ross was, yet he still worships the scumbag. And encourages others to do the same. But no one really cares because no one expects any better of Sharp, Texas A&M or the aggy alumni. Texans accept racism and we accept racists. Texas taxpayers pay to perpetuate and promote racism. We just don't tolerate it from our best and brightest. It is what it is. sul ross biography copy.pdf
  10. 3.1 innings of scoreless baseball against the Texas Longhorns. T-shirt worthy. I just looked it up, aggy has played only 11 college world series games in school history. Texas has 12 appearances in games that determined the national champion.. 2-9 all time. 1951, 1993 being their "breakthrough" years when they won a game. Cougar High has a better CWS record than aggy. I know, "wait till next year."
  11. There's a reason we laugh at "aggy research." And not just because "aggy research" produced the "the answer" to the mysteries of alchemy and cold fusion. The research budget A&M claims is roughly double their actual research budget. The state agencies stuffed in the A&M "system" is the bloat that takes A&M from a cornpone racist farm school to a "research powerhouse." If you compare apples to apples, the "tu" research budget is just over $3.3B, more than triple the research budget at A&M. https://ncses.nsf.gov/pubs/nsf21314/assets/data-tables/tables/nsf21314-tab006.pdf Never believe what an aggy tells you. The more "aggy" they are, the more clueless they are to reality.
  12. The first person named as school president was Jefferson Davis. The have an alumni Klan robe collection, and not for “research” purposes. Over the years, they promoted Klan rallies over the PA system during home football games. Do you have a fucking clue about who Sul Ross was? After the Supreme Court handed down Brown v Board, they had a school referendum that overwhelmingly determined Texas A&M would never abide by the decision. Have I asked you, “Do you have a fucking clue who Sul Ross was?” His own daughter outed him as a white supremacist. Lol yea, yea, yea. But Texas A&M students “are just like “tu” students.” Wake the fuck up.
  13. That's a powerful idea. Let me think about it. While in thinking of that, Try thinking of what Texas would be if Texas A&M was actually the peer of The University of Texas. What if the aggy system had anything other than one oversized campus dependent on a junior college in Brenham. What if A&M built a system that included a branch medical institution equal to MD Anderson. Or UT Southwestern? Texas A&M is an embarrassment. We know where UT is in the fight against cancer. So does RC. RC even knows where Texas A&M is in helping solve the problem. We know where Texas A&M is in the culture wars. Where are the aggys in trying to solve the great problems of society? Let me guess - "Don't matter. Got Jimbo." The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  14. The first person named as aggy school president was Jefferson Davis. The have an alumni Klan robe collection, and not for “research” purposes. Over the years, they promoted Klan rallies over the PA system during home football games. Do you have a fucking clue about who Sul Ross was? After the Supreme Court handed down Brown v Board, they had a school referendum that overwhelmingly determined Texas A&M students would never abide by the decision. By the way, have I asked you , "Do you have a fucking clue about who Sul Ross was?" His own daughter outed him as a white supremacist. Lol Yes. Those fuckers get mocked. Do you need me to continue with more examples, or are you good? Because I can go on. Those fuckwads have a Looooooong history (one could almost call it a "turdition" of racist dumbfuckery). If God was benevolent and he threw lightning bolts that burned the aggy campus to the ground (12 lightning bolts being what the aggys would pray for) , the net financial position of the Texas economy would escalate. If we split Texas A&M into two schools, one dedicated to kids who want to play army, believe all the bullshit and be "aggy;" and the other of kids who just wanted to get a degree and improve their lot in life, which would survive? The fucking fake army shit would get jettisoned in an instant. So why not just jettison it now? Take the money saved, and dedicate it to the advancement of knowledge. To try to help solve problems such as cancer. ...And people have a problem with this idea. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M. (I'm not just jumping on the bandwagon on this theme. And it's not just me)
  15. Who is mocking RC and who is celebrating? My point was every fucking aggy on the planet just about spends their life crying "The University of Texas sucks" but when they are diagnosed with cancer, they pretty much all do their best to try to run to The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Who, when their life is on the line, runs to anything brought to this earth my the "brilliance" of Texas A&M? A&M exists first and foremost to promote aggy culture, right down to the campus shrine to white supremacy. Texas A&M intentionally teaches fabrications and falsehoods in the guise of "higher education." How do you think the world might benefit if a post-secondary institution spent their roughly $2 billion annual primarily on the advancement of knowledge instead of the advancement of a deeply fucked up culture? You want to cry, then don't cry for RC. Cry for all the suffering that could be dealt with through science if only we weren't wasting billions promoting a sick and twisted view of the world that exemplifies "aggy culture." Death sucks. Cancer sucks. But what sucks more is watching billion of education dollars wasted on promoting racist hero worship and misogyny. Oh, and fake army. Massachusetts gets MIT. California gets Cal Tech. Texas gets racist farm fucks who "solve" the mystery of alchemy, the secrets of cold fusion, and is cursed with "a cultural bias that impedes risk identification." That last one was probably anyone associated with the federal government has said "a culture of complete dimwits who have no clue about a lot of things." MD Anderson is a world leader in cancer treatment. UT Southwestern lead the breakthroughs in statin development. Jim Allison just won a Nobel Prize for his work in immunology. Where the fuck is Texas A&M? Nowhere to be found! Think of how the economy of Texas would benefit if Texas A&M was on par with an institution such as Cal tech or MIT. Think of the lives that might benefit. But it will never happen, because those dumbfuck racist rednecks would rather focus on fairytale "history," playing fake army, and perpetuating a truly fucked up culture. THAT is what I am mocking and ridiculing.
  16. I hope you are trying to direct that toward me. If you are, the issue has been raised and clarified above. I'm not mocking anyone. I am simply stating a brutal truth - if the fucking aggys would quit with the white supremacist fairytale cultural and fake army shit and start making the advancement of knowledge a priority, maybe "old men with cancer" would face a better outcome. But that will never happen. No one "cream pied" my wife. Rather, some of us look at the problems we face today and are sick and tired of how much money that could be put to use in solving those problems (like cancer) is instead wasted on the bullshit that constitutes the corps (see what I did there?) of Texas A&M. So, instead of crying for RC, why not cry for all the people who needlessly suffer because we would rather waste money perpetuating a fucked up mentality and a disgraceful culture instead of spending that money finding solutions to the problems we face. As I stated earlier:
  17. "Each school has its specialties." What exactly is aggy's specialty? Their vet school? Their vet school failed the people of Texas to such a degree the taxpayers had to fun a completely new school under the Texas Tech system. "Bevo has been helped by aggy in the past." Bevo has also been kidnapped by aggy and even mutilated by aggy (Bevo I). And they sure didn't help Bevo XIV very much. And no one is making fun of RC or any aggy who runs like Hell to MD Anderson hoping to be admitted when they are diagnosed with cancer. Everyone understands exactly why they do and no one blames them. Meanwhile, aggy is still promising to deliver 50 million doses of flu vaccine within 2 weeks of receiving the first sample of the virus. You know, just in the off case we ever experience a flu pandemic. lol. You missed the crux of my comment: "What I wish is that we had a second public post-secondary system in Texas that could truly rival The University of Texas. In fields like cancer research and advanced medicine. And many others. But we never will. And we never will because the fucking aggys care more about perpetuating bullshit racist culture than they do about advancing knowledge." MIT is a Land Grant institution founded after A&M. Just as A&M is a branch of UT, MIT was once a branch of Harvard. The supporters of MIT insisted independence was better and they had the branch status repealed. Today, MIT is one of the leading engineering schools in the world. Why can't Texas have what Massachusetts has - a world-class Land Grant engineering university? For that matter, why can't Texas have what California has in Cal Tech? Why does Texas have to settle for a second-class farm school whose main mission is to venerate and perpetuate white, male privilege? We all know why RC went running to The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Mainly because when your life is on the line, you never run to an aggy for help.
  18. "He's not dying, he's just running out of time." Isn't that how those fuckwads would put it? All that aside, there are damned few aggys diagnosed with cancer who don't relive their high school days, wishing with all their life they get that "University of Texas" admissions letter. What I wish is that we had a second public post-secondary system in Texas that could truly rival The University of Texas. In fields like cancer research and advanced medicine. And many others. But we never will. And we never will because the fucking aggys care more about perpetuating bullshit racist culture than they do about advancing knowledge. I will bet money that if someone asked RC what his thoughts were at this exact moment, he would probably say: "The state of Texas deserves better than Texas A&M."
  19. Dear Coach Slocum; Roses are red, Violets are blue. Kind ironic that after all the shit you and your redneck fuckwad friends have spewed over the years, that in a moment of crisis you run to a Univ of Texas facility Have we reminded you that your racist fuckwad friends killed Bevo XIV. Needs some work, but I'm close.
  20. Jimbo is the last "heavy hitter" in collage coaching salary wars. This probably hasn;t been updated since the start of last season, but even then Jimbo wasn'y the last "heavy hitter." It amazes me that an aggy can have no basis whatsoever for anything he believes or anything he says, but that never stopped an aggy from saying something everyone else knew wasn't even close to being true. But the aggy "heard it" so it must be true. Some of the most gullible people on the planet.
  21. I'm amazed at how quickly aggys drop the "tu" shit once they get diagnosed with cancer. Haven't heard of one of them yet who insisted on being taken to the TAMU medical center cancer hospital.
  22. The ags are the gift that keeps on giving. They are now crowing of how they “stole TCU’s coach without paying him a dollar more than TCU.” That’s utter bullshit, but I will leave that for another day. The ags have no clue TCU has long been willing to let coaches go and not waste money on bad coaches contracts. How quickly the ags forget the ghost of Dennis Franchione.
  23. I’m not going to go out of my way to watch many more CWS games. The whistling shit makes it one of my new least favorite broadcasts to watch. WTF!?
  24. The whistling asshole is making this game unwatchable without the audio muted.
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