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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. Fun fact - One has to go back four of those decades (1990s) to find an aggy football team that managed a winning record in conference play in two consecutive years. If a team can't finish above .500 in conference play, is that team truly "competitive"?
  2. Do you not texags? Your “breaking in a new QB” is aggy’s “exciting and refreshing QB battle that we have no idea where it leads.” There are no more telling lies than the lies we tell ourselves. https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3204494
  3. The ags are always quick to talk about what they are about to do. Not do much when it comes to showing what they have done. A couple of years ago they was gittin a c-ment pond next to their stadium. How’s that coming along? Call me when it’s done, aggy. I won’t hold my breath. Hows that aggy vaccine manufacturing plant coming along? I hear it’s a “game changer.” Lol. A couple of years ago, this was going to be their "facilities upgrade." What ever happened to this "upgrade?"
  4. Think about the aggys who are third, fourth generation aggys. Generation after generation and not a single member of the family can do better than a second-rate farm school.
  5. Obviously, he has realized just being Texas A&M will never get the job done.
  6. I thought we agreed that you can argue your skin is more white than anyone else's (you are more of a "blue blood") and those who are more dark skinned will simply look the other way. It's all good. Heaven forbid we move away from "look at the color of my skin" bullshit. I apologize for interjecting any of that "education" stuff. And its not "royals v peasants" you fucking dolt. It's "Catholics v Muslims." Limpieza de sangre. Reconquista. Emirate of Granada. Ignatius of Loyola. Decree de genere. Any of that sound familiar? Probably not. It was well after the Muslims were kicked out of Spain (and we "progressed" to the Spanish Inquisition) it became "nobility v serfs." (Once again, the inbred Brits). Oh, shit. There I go again with the whole "education" thing. Sorry, it's tough for me to separate the "University of Texas" thing from the whole "education" thing. I'm not sure why. Hmmm.... You have my apology. Now, go squeeze your fucking nuts and go back to claiming your skin is more white than anyone else's. Like I said - you be you and I'll be me. But for me, I'll continue to encourage people to quit using "my skin is more white than yours" measures of status. It's just me being me.
  7. Obviously you are committed to arguing how white your skin is. You be you and I’ll be me. something, something, “higher education.”
  8. Not to be picky or to go all CR here, but can we leave the term “blue blood” to the aggys. The term originated during the 1400s when the Catholics were attempting to kick the Muslims out of Spain. Those of “blue blood” could raise their arm and the whiteness of their skin would allow the “blue blood” in their veins to be easily observed. (They were the “good guys.”) As opposed to the darkness of the skin of those who “carried the blood” of the Muslims whose veins could not be seen under their darker skin. I understand how “proving one’s whiteness” follows the teachings of “Sir Sul Ross the Innocent” but.... Thankfully, once the Muslims were kicked out of Spain, we were able to move on to the Spanish Inquisition. Yay progress!
  9. Schloss at Texas A&M. Wow, I didn't even know he was a racist. Good luck, Schloss.
  10. I got into a debate last night with a good friend who has spent a fair amount of time in China and who insists the Chinese have been spying on the U.S. via associations with Texas A&M for decades. I called "bullshit" on his theory, pointing out aggys produce nothing Americans value. How could they produce anything Chinese people value? He sent me a video showing Chinese people exhibiting behaviors that could only have originated in College Station, Texas. He prefaced his claims by pointing out both aggy and the relevant Chinese regional cultures are mostly agrarian cultures that embrace authoritarianism, both cultures rely heavily on completely fabricated "history" and "traditions." Both cultures heavily promote propaganda, both have massive binge drinking problems, and both have bizarre genital mutilation practices. We've all seen the headline: "A Texas A&M professor was charged with conspiracy, making false statements and wire fraud on allegations that he was secretly collaborating with the Chinese government...." https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/24/texas-am-professor-accused-of-collaborating-with-china-amid-nasa-work.html Here is the video that convinced him Chinese spies have been in College Station for a while, sending back information on what they believe is how "Americans" act. He points out no advanced culture has similar genital mutilation practices. Only aggys and backwater, rural Chinese peasants from the area the spies were known to have come from have such bizarre practices. Here is what he refers to as "Texas A&M - What starts here changes the world." Complete with a reference to a Chinese version of "Go FundMe," milkman dances, and aggy penile insecurity. My guess is that it is only a matter of time before aggy's fake army fraternity weirdos start towing cars with their balls. Because, you know...tradition.
  11. Actually, while "designed to be exactly 110 feet tall," Rudder Tower varies at random times from exactly 100 feet to 144.87 feet and from 11 to 12 stories. Its architectural style remains at all times as "brutalism." Just pick a number, you stupid rednecks. The ground of Pointe-du-Hoc isn't just one height. At some points that land is probably 100 feet above sea level. At other points it probably is 110 feet above sea level. At other points it probably is 144.87 feel above sea level. The fact that any aggy believes that piece of land is perfectly flat and exactly one height shows just how utterly clueless aggys are. That administrators and "academics" at the school perpetuate such stupid fairy tales, representing them to be factual, is another example of how Texas A&M knowingly and intentionally perpetuates ignorance. All under the guise of "higher education." The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M. https://www.emporis.com/buildings/130924/rudder-tower-college-station-tx-usa
  12. Most cults get a group of people in a room to standardize their fairy tales. This "high-level thinking" is beyond what aggys can process. Hint to aggys - when you yourselves can't agree on the "facts" it makes it pretty obvious to the rest of us that you are fabricating massive parts of your school "history." (Ten feet is a bit excessive for variation in an engineered structure. I guess we know for sure aggys designed and built Rudder Tower as it lacks the stability to remain one consistent height.)
  13. At no time during any of those years listed has A&M managed to finish above .500 in conference play in consecutive years. No aggy team since before the turn of the century has won 10 games against FBS opponents in a single season. Regardless of how you try to spin it, A&M has been the epitome of a mediocre program. In both conferences. If you can’t be competitive in conference play on a consistent basis during any period in a quarter of a century “better” means nothing.
  14. You need to understand how the "independently wealthy" live. His mom slung drinks in an east Texas bar and his dad sold used cars just for whimsy. And if you believe that.... The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  15. I'm just as stunned that just now some aggys are beginning to accept who "the greatest aggy of all time" was/is/will always be as a person.
  16. It's a very simple question - Did John Sharp or any other of those inept rednecks at A&M know (or should they have known) Manziel was selling autographs and/or taking money under the table while A&M was selling the bonds to finance the stadium project? Of course they did. But in Texas, corrupt politicians and political cronies are allowed to act with impunity. And your including FINRA in a list of otherwise respectable agencies is laughable. FINRA is the NCAA of the securities world. FINRA was created by the securities industry to "self regulate" the securities industry. FINRA exists to stand as a first barrier to exhaust the resources of investors who have been screwed over by brokers and/or brokerage firms. FINRA is part of the problem, they act first, last, and foremost to perpetuate fraud in the securities industry. The problems we have in the securities industry largely exist today because of FINRA.
  17. "Money on the line in terms of tv ratings" vs federal securities fraud. Lol. If it can be shown the officials at A&M knowingly did not disclose Manziel had been selling autographs while they were shilling securities that were very much dependent on the "Johnny Football" mania continuing, tv ratings would be the least of their concerns. Do I expect Abbott or any of the pieces of self-serving shit running Texas government to hold anyone associated with Texas A&M culpable for this, or for their "12th Man" fraud, or anything? Hell no. Texas politics isn't about anything honorable. Do I expect someone else to finally have the balls to ask some very uncomfortable questions to John Sharp? Probably not. The aggys fucked up and killed 12 students in a drunken night of stupidity and negligent homicide and no one in Texas cared to hold anyone culpable. The only individuals who paid any price were the drunken rednecks who had their skulls crushed to a pulp by the collapsing "act of God." If you can kill 12 kids and no one cares, does anyone care? The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  18. Here is the problem I brought up back when people were first complaining about Manziel selling autographs - The officials at A&M knew Manziel was selling autographs under the table and that if the truth was told Manziel would probably have been declared ineligible. At the same time, A&M was trying to sell the bonds to finance the Kyle Field rebuild. Had Manziel (their biggest ticket draw) been declared ineligible, it may well have affected demand for tickets, which would have affected the financial fortunes of A&M athletics, and their ability to sell the stadium bonds on the open market. By not disclosing a known material risk to investors, John Sharp, et al, committed securities fraud. The statute of limitations on fraud begins to toll when the fraud is detected.
  19. Here is a thread that exemplifies aggy racism. "WestTexasAg 5:08p AG Really bizarre that most of us had never heard of this before. I have been reading up on it to learn. Lots of differing info." https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3202255/1 None of the aggys were ever exposed to the Jaybird-Woodpecker War. Or the atrocities of the election of 1886. When you attend Texas A&M you are immersed in a fairy tale world of fake military heroes and insulated from facts such as the promotion of KKK Klan 48 rallies at Texas A&M home football games. Of course none of the aggys have ever heard of racial atrocities. When your "education" fills you with fairy tales and omits the details of how despicable your racist predecessors were you understandably tend to never have heard of racial atrocities. This "we weren't ever taught about racism at fish camp, therefore racism never existed at Texas A&M" crap needs to die a quick death. Ask an aggy how many students they murdered when the drunken rednecks let their bonfire stack collapse. They will insist it was a tragedy. Ask them how many innocent blacks died at Tulsa and they will call it "an obscure ethnic clash." https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3202255/replies/59397447 Fuck Texas A&M. We have tolerated their racist hatred long enough. aggys deserve to be in the S!E!C! where the rest of the racist white trash congregate. And before anyone gives me crap for mocking the aggys, they chose Jefferson Fucking Davis as the first president of their school. By his own daughter's words Sul Ross was a white supremacist. After the Supreme Court passed down Brown v Board the aggy students held a vote and announced they would not accept that decree. It is difficult to identify a more racist culture than that of Texas A&M. The greatest advancement in education and culture the state of Texas could make is wiping Texas A&M from the face of the Earth. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M. Seriously.
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