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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. Seeing how this is Memorial Day, it seems a reasonable day to bring up how the aggy dumbfucks, in re-writing history into essentially a white trash fantasy tale, completely miss true and impressive aspects of history. Earl Rudder at D-Day is a favorite aggy trope. Yes, Rudder was on the beach at Pointe-du-Hoc on D-Day as C.O. of 2nd Ranger Battalion. The group Rudder lead on the beach was Force A. Force B was to capture Pointe-et-Raz-de-la-Percee, Force C was the reserve. Pointe-du-Hoc is actually the dividing point between Omaha and Utah beaches. What no aggy understands (facts don't matter to aggys) is that Rudder wasn't supposed to be on the beach that day. His assignment was to be on the command ship (USS Ancon) coordinating the actions of Force A, B and C. Maj. Cleveland Lytle was originally assigned as C.O. of Force A. By early June, it was well known by those planning the invasion (including Rudder) there were no German artillery pieces on the top of the cliffs at Pointe-du-Hoc. On the night of June 5, before the troops left Weymouth for Normandy, Lytle and some other Ranger officers were pounding whiskey, partially to deal with nerves and partially to celebrate promotions of various officers that had just been made official. Knowing there were no German guns at the heights of Pointe-du-Hoc and that the Rangers were about to attempt a very challenging assignment and men were going to get killed for no real reason, a drunk Lytle lost his shit, had to be restrained by his fellow officers, and punched the battalion medical officer. Upon hearing of this, Rudder immediately relieved Lytle of command. The problem was this left no one with a complete enough understanding of the mission to be capable of leading the assault from the beach. So literally at the last minute, Rudder stepped in and took personal command of the assault on Pointe-du-Hoc. This, of course, lead to a lack of coordination between the three Ranger groups, but that is a story for another day. (In the run-up to D-Day, Pointe-du-Hoc was to be subjected to a quantity of high explosives equal to that of that of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.) So while King Gill pretty much did nothing, Rudder literally stepped forward when called by his country and risked his life to lead his men in one of the epic battles of history. Being aggys, they erased from aggy history the backstory of why Rudder was on the beach in the first place. It is FAR more impressive to step forward at the last minute to storm Omaha Beach on D-Day than to stand around with a dozen other substitutes during an exhibition football game and not even getting his uniform dirty, but aggys have to aggy. They picked which story of "answering the call at a moment of need" they wanted and being aggys they picked the fake one. Rudder knew the artillery pieces on Pointe-du-hoc had been replaced with telephone poles meant to look like guns but he realized the plans had progressed too far to start changing them. It was the Maisy battery artillery that actually threatened the beach that day, not the telephone poles on Pointe-du-Hoc. The guns of the Maisy battery were objective #6 in Rudder's orders but were not silenced until after Rudder and his men had been relieved. To this day, aggy politicians are still trying to get Earl Rudder's Distinguished Service Cross upgraded to a Medal of Honor, but because the attack was on a dummy installation and for other reasons believed to include the execution of German prisoners by Rudder's men, the request has never been granted. News story of aggys trying to upgrade Rudder's DSC 70 years after the fact: https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Politicians-seek-Medal-of-Honor-for-the-late-3466333.php Picture is of Normandy beaches in Spring 1944
  2. It's not just that TAMU is legally a branch of UT Austin, that fact is something that is strictly never spoken of in Texas political circles or by administrators at UT or A&M. Discussing the subject is one of the "third rails" of Texas politics for the simple reason that acknowledging that A&M is, was, and eternally will be a branch of The University risks discussion of what else in aggy "history" is a complete lie. If knowledge ever gets introduced into aggy culture, the reaction would be as if half a million voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. Texas A&M is the only institution of higher education I can think of whose existence is dependent on the perpetuation of ignorance. Mostly because the students and alumni Texas A&M are judged largely emotionally incapable of processing historical facts. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  3. Bring it. I don't give a fuck. If you have ever been to the FCS championship game down in Frisco, TX, you know the ND St crew travels as well as any FBS fanbase in the nation and they start partying at 6:00am. Hard.
  4. It's funny how game watching experiences change over time. There were generations who would never have attended a game with a 2:30pm start because stadium lights were unheard of and any game starting after 2:00pm risked not finishing before dark on November nights in the north. They only knew "prime time" as a 12 noon (EST) start. I don't care what time the game starts. Every game day experience should be unique. Sadly, in Texas we have an entire trade school dedicated to keeping things simple for the simple. They avoid having to understand the concept of tradition by simply fabricating their own version of history. Truth be told, on their first game they ever played their team quit at halftime and didn't even come out to play the second half. They haven't improved much since. The earliest I have gotten up for a college football game (so far) is 3:30am. I honestly don't care what time the game starts. Each media game slot has its own traditions and culture. Having a variety of them each season is a positive as far as I am concerned.
  5. As we inch closer to the expiration of the Big 12 GOR, the posturing from inside as well as outside the conference will steadily ratchet up. Every organization is going to try to position themselves as best they can. OU is certainly going to be one of the loudest voices in the fray. Personally, I have never heard of a fan refusing to watch their team play because they objected to the assigned start time. It doesn't happen in the NFL. It doesn't happen in European soccer leagues. It doesn't happen. Anywhere. Personally, I'd rather see ADs focusing on implementing NIL legislation than bitching about kickoff times, but each AD has to play to their constituency.
  6. aggy hasn’t has two back-to-back seasons with a winning record in conference play since the late 1990s. The ags need to worry about just getting five conference wins this season before they get used to going toe-to-toe with Alabama to settle who wins the SEC West title. The ags are also crowing about Castiglione being unhappy about OU playing Nebraska at 11am on September 18. The ags love to belittle teams that play at 11am. Take one guess which other team has an 11am kickoff that same exact day. The ags are the dumbest white trash most of us will ever meet.
  7. No FBS team has played more FCS opponents since 2012 than Texas A&M.
  8. What happened was that a change in accounting for pension benefits came into effect in 2017 that forced a restatement of the pension liabilities of all public universities nationally. That change wiped out the increase in assets from the capital campaign. Had aggy not conducted that capital campaign, there financial position would have necessitated a downgrade of their credit. The actual capital campaign was typically aggy. They included the assets given for the stadium project as well as all contributions to the GHWB presidential library in their total of "gifts to the university."
  9. I'm not involved with that. Not sure who was handling that issue. I'm sure they were almost 100% insisting their shrine to white supremacy be retained. Sul Ross was a human piece of shit. http://aggypedia.com/wiki/Sul_Ross
  10. (accidentally responded to my previous post when I meant to hit edit)
  11. One of my favorite aggy examples is their recent capital campaign. It's goal was $4B. Last I looked they came up short on that goal. What is typically aggy is they started that capital campaign in 2014. At that time, the TAMUS net financial position was $5.783B. Add in the $3B in funds received via the capital campaign and in 2018 their net position should be around $8B or so. But not so fast, my friend. We're talking aggy here. Starting with $5.8B in net assets and adding $3B leaves an aggy with less money than they started with. Yep. By 2018, their net financial position had fallen to $5.771B. How do you take in over $3B and have less money than you started with? The short answer is leave the accounting to an aggy. To compare, the net assets of the UT system in 2018 were over $45B, eight times that of the A&M System. Most people don't realize the scale and scope of the UT Systems dwarfs that of A&M. Same with the operations of the two flagship campuses. The annual operating budget at UT Austin to educate about 50,000 students is greater than that of A&M (65,000 students) and OU (25,000 students) combined. UT Austin spends as much to educate 50,000 students as the entire aggy system spends to educate around 150,000 students. The funding difference is evident when one considers the quality of graduates of the TAMU System. But yes, A&M raised over $3B in a capital campaign from 2014 to 2018 and ended up with less than they started with. Attachments are 1) TAMU press release, 2) TAMUS audited financial statements as submitted to federal securities regulators in 2018. Available on EMMA 3) UT System audited financial statements as submitted to federal securities regulators in 2018. Available on EMMA
  12. The aggy system's privately funded (non-PUF) endowment is managed by the TAMU Foundation. Here is their latest annual - https://annualreport.txamfoundation.com/. The TAMU Foundation has a total of $2.1B in assets, not all of which belongs to TAMU schools. In addition to managing the aggy privately funded endowment of around $475 million the TAMU Foundation also manages some money for smaller state schools outside TAMUS. I don't follow those numbers closely, but attached is an excerpt of a prior filing by A&M that shows the arrangement. The privately funded endowment sum of under $500 million does accurately reflect the amount aggy alumni have donated to the university since 1876. I've also posted the endowment figures for aggy and Tech. The Texas Tech endowment is larger than TAMU College Station. About 50% higher. aggys simply do not donate to he academic side of the university. aggys have long relied almost entirely on the PUF as their endowment. They talk a lot of shit about their school, but they have never really donated to build their school's endowment. Yet another instance where aggys are not honest about who they are as a culture.
  13. No, I don't have a massive excel file. I have at least 5 yrs of data on over 40 schools. Remember LHN is a licensing deal, not a media deal. That is one reason UT's licensing revenues are so high. The licensing revenue also reflects IMG's 17% cut for negotiating and administering the various licensing deals, so there is no cor responding admin expense on the UT financials for admin costs. The "medical and insurance" costs probably include injury loss of income policies on key players. aggy's fund raising costs are lower as their TMF handles their fund raising, not their athletics department. Just for fun, I also have Hawaii's financials (attached). I got their to look at how their travel and recruiting costs differed from mainland programs (as a percentage of revenue). You can also look at the Dept of Education database (https://ope.ed.gov/athletics/#/) for a different and less granular look at each school. The DOE database goes back a number of years. Univ of Hawaii NCAA reports 2016-2020.pdf
  14. Its not fraud at A&M. The entirety of the NCAA fights at every turn to prevent any semblance of transparency to involve itself with college athletics. What is disgusting is that the NCAA is the collective university presidents. Not one of them has the balls to take a leadership position and help clean up college athletics. Because it's all about the student athletes. There is a lot of fraud perpetuated by TAMU athletics. But it's not in their NCAA athletics reports. It's in their "Gill was alone on the sideline" and "more officers during WWII than both academies combined" kind of shit. aggys are some of the least honest people you will ever meet. They are disgusting racist white trash. But the NCAA reports where the NCAA started from the beginning to make sure the NCAA financial reports offered no transparency whatsoever aren't the problem. The problem is with Jay Hartzell and his ilk. And their wanting to stuff their own pockets instead of doing the right thing for the student athletes. I’m not wanting to bash Jay as an individual, but where is the leadership we expect in difficult situations? Since when has the “UT experience” been about looking the other way when leadership was called for?
  15. Here is the UT 2020 financial. Along with Alabama, tOSU, OU. Pick any others you want. Yes, I have them. (I forget which asshole was bashing me about my not having published my article about the financial situation of the various program. Fuck you again. I'm kind of busy these days.) Just for fun, I will add in Arky, Texas Tech, Wisconsin. Run the numbers as a percentage of gross revenues. I'll spare you the lecture about how Bill Gates can afford a $1 mil monthly mortgage payment when Johnny Manziel won't qualify for a $1k/mo mobile home rent payment. I can play this game all night. Pick your school. As a percentage of revenues, aggy is buried in debt. What has saved them is being able to refinance and extend their debt in a low interest rate environment. And no, aggy has still not repaid the "interest free loan" they first took out in 2006. Oh, and for you worthless redneck racist jock sniffers, I will add in LSU. Breathe deep, aggy. UT Austin 2020 NCAA financials.pdf Alabama 2020 NCAA financials.pdf Ohio State 2020 NCAA financials.pdf OU FY2020 NCAA AUP Report(1).pdf Arky NCAA 2020 financials.pdf Texas Tech 2020_NCAA_Financial_Report(1).pdf Wisconsin FY20_NCAA_Report.pdf LSU NCAA Financial Report - FY20.pdf
  16. Texas athletics added two more national championships this year (men's swimming, women's tennis), was runner up in Vball, third nationally in yet another sport (rowing), and three more teams not only still competing (m/w golf, baseball) but having decent shots at adding at least one more NCAA title. Post-season berths for all three major sports. UT men's swimming has more national championships in just that one program than aggy has in all sports, (both genders) in the history of their school. Texas only competes in 20 sports. In 7 of 20 sports Texas was a legitimate national championship contender this past year. And not one of the alumni or current students thinks 7 of 20 being legitimate national championship contenders is good enough. Meanwhile in College Station, with zero teams still competing, Jimbo is getting an early start scouring the nation for athletically skilled Uncle Toms and the rest of the aggys get an early start on memorizing the names of the Alabama football roster in case they meet one this summer in an airport and get to ask the Bama player to drop his pants so they can sniff his jock strap. aggy athletics is a fucking joke. Sadly, no better than aggy academics. But on a positive note, the vaccine manufacturing lab at A&M will "supply preventive vaccine for pandemic influenza, and will be able to supply 50 million vaccine doses within four months of receiving a strain of the flu, with initial doses ready in 12 weeks." And this weekend, if you run into one of the aggy fraternity boys wearing his fake army costume, remember to thank him for his service to our country because joining up for the kiddie corps at A&M is just like being on active military duty. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  17. A&M ran out of money before they got around to replacing their outdoor track facility that was condemned back around 2004. Their track stadium has nowhere near the capacity to host even the state high school meet, so their dream of some day hosting the Olympic T&F qualifying meet will never happen. Neither will their dream of someday hosting the Olympic Summer Games in College Station, Texas. Attached are aggy's athletics financials for the past five fiscal years. This past year was the first without the money from their capital campaign. As predicted by yours truly, aggy's gross revenue is around $160mil/yr. That doesn't even put A&M in the top 10 NCAA programs, let alone not at the top of the list. Their white trash dreams of being "redneck rich" have vaporized. Ignore Clay Travis. He knows little of NCAA athletics financials. His "SECN" prognostication that Mississippi State (and, of course, aggy) would have greater revenues than Texas, Notre Dame, Ohio State, etc should have given everyone a hint of his lack of understanding of the subject. Of note on their 2020 financials is "Athletics Related Debt" - $303,844,905; "Institutional Endowments" - $471,389,973. (page 68) Their athletics department is swimming in debt and their school's endowment is nowhere the largest of any public university in the galaxy. Their privately (non-PUF) endowment is about 1/3 of that of TCU and about 1/8 of that of UT Austin. Texas A&M 2016 NCAA financials.pdf Texas A&M 2017 NCAA financials.pdf Texas A&M 2018 NCAA financials.pdf Texas A&M 2019 NCAA financials.pdf Texas A&M 2020 NCAA financials.pdf
  18. Just as I'm feeling like shit, Phlegm comes in to save the day. You bastards are magnificent.
  19. I am but a mere shadow of the asshole he was. He could take a conversation into unbelievable absurdity. He was a chemist. And proud of that distinction. I tested his mental acuity in his later years by speaking to him in German. To his death bed his German was impeccable. He appreciated the importance of a word. Unfortunately for all of us he didn't quite pass on the value of brevity. And yes, he mocked Texas A&M just as much as me. And Clemson. He despised Clemson. Fuck aggy. And Clemson.
  20. Thanks. It sucks. He was the inspiration of my passion for college football.
  21. Randolph Duke is hating life right now. He lost his dad last week. His dad was a consummate college football fan.
  22. Your grasp on reality is highly suspect. When you see the aggy commemorative fourth place aggy cup this fall you will change your tune. It really happened. They finished fourth in the polls. Quit acting like an aggy and insisting your altered version of history is accurate. Lean back, relax, and enjoy it as aggys insist finishing second in their division or fourth in the polls is meaningful. One quick question, in your mind where did the sportswriters and coaches actually place A&M in their final 2020 poll? I don’t get this “altered reality” world you and the aggys live in. In your fantasy world, did the coaches and sportswriters even vote them in the top ten? Asking for a friend.
  23. Clarify one point for me. Are you saying the collective coaches and sportswriters did or did not not vote Texas A&M #4 in their final poll? You are acting exactly like those dumbfuck aggys when they insist the coaches did not vote Texas #1 in their 1970 poll and Texas was not considered the national champion for that season by the coaches. Friend, it happened. I get you don't agree with their opinion, but that does not change their opinion. Nor does your aggy-esque refusal to accept historical reality change historical reality. I will drop this if you agree to just quit acting like a fucking aggy and quit insisting something that happened never happened. You can still squeeze your nuts, worship white supremacists, insist your seven years of undergrad qualifies as active duty military service, or any other shit-for-brains aggy-esque crap you want to keep believing, but please quit insisting what we all know happened did not happen. When supposedly educated Texans act like complete dumbfucks and deny reality it is an embarrassment to the people of Texas. The people of Texas deserve better. 2020 was a magical season for Jimbo Fisher and Texas A&M. A #4 finish is what they paid $75 million for. Jimbo need do nothing else to ensure his bronze likeness being placed outside Kyle Field. He already is the greatest aggy coach evar. The aggy 2020 season was so monumental, there will be a fucking commemorative cup made in its honor. Do you realize what a commemorative cup signifies? I struggle to think of any other school that has even approached commemorative cupworthyness. The aggy 2020 season is in the vaunted realm of 74-72. Pure magic. Think about that for a moment. Do you realize how far we are falling behind in "championship hat" and commemorative cup displays? None of us ever thought 74-72 would be approached in terms of football greatness. We underestimated the genius of Jimbo Fisher. With his momentum, Jimbo could shock the college football world, get his Uncle Toms to go 9-3 next year, and be commemorative cupworthy two fucking years in a row. Name me another school that had two commemorative cups in two years. There are none. A&M may be on the precipice. How many commemorative cups does "tu" have in our trophy case? ZERO! How many fourth place "champion" hat displays does Texas have? ZERO! Advantage aggy. Whoop! I will bet money you cannot name which school finished #4 in the final polls in 2019, or 2018, or any of the past 50 seasons. But Texas A&M finished fourth in 2020 and they will have that fucking commemorative cup in their Hall of Champions next to their sacred hat memorial to make sure none of us ever forget. For the rest of our lives we will now have to live with aggys rightfully asserting "But in 2020, we finished fourth in them poll thingys." (And please, when viewing their "champion" hat display, remember to remove your hat and by all means, DO NOT walk on the grass. Grass is sacred to white supremacists.) This pissing match with you is irrelevant. What bothers me is that at the rate they are going, in 2084 they may well finish #4 in the polls again and get yet another fucking commemorative cup to add to their Hall of Champions. That, my friend, is "aggy momentum." It's real. Jimbo fucking Fisher. A #4 finish in the end-of-season polls. Second in their division. Cupworthy. More "champion" hats in their "Hall of Champions" than actual championships. No other school can claim that. Pure aggy magic. Never has $75 million been spent more wisely by an educational institution. (edited again just to fuck with people who hate editing)
  24. Thanks for the laugh. You are awesome. Season ending polls are "irrelevant." Got it. I will tell the coaches and the sportswriters you have deemed their end-of-season polls irrelevant. Since there aren't many other end-of-season polls, exactly which end-of-season polls are relevant? The CFP committee doesn't release an end-of-season poll. And I'm sorry words give you a headache. I'm just not good at putting comments into 140 characters. I can't put this into a 140 character limit, but I promise you that if you break it down into 140 character segments each day over a week or so, this will be worth it... The sportswriters and the coaches actually voted Texas A&M #4 in their 2020 end-of-season polls. It really happened. It really happened. Seriously. It really happened. Your beef is with them, not with me. Have a nice day. (184/225 character count) (edited yet again just to piss off the people who can't understand why people who write edit)
  25. "The sport" is inanimate. "It" knows nothing. The collective coaches of the sport and the collective sportswriters are who you need to take up your argument with. They, being natural beings, collectively decided to issue the end-of-season poll that you do not choose to accept. Feel free to recognize what you you choose. But your insistence that the coaches and sportswriters never released a 2020 end-of season ranking of teams is absurd. It happened. Texas A&M was placed #4 in both rankings. Hold your breath, stomp your feet, and throw as much of a temper tantrum as you wish, but it happened. Jefferson Davis was the first racist of a long line of racists named president of Texas A&M. Sul Ross was a virulent white supremacist and a human piece of shit. A&M is a branch of UT. A&M finished #4 in the 2020 end-of-season polls. It's all true, it's all aggy history. Deal with it. Or not. But don't try to convince the rest of us to ignore history to feed a false narrative you feel invested in. As much as you want to insist it never happened, it happened. It was the greatest moment in aggy sports in 80 years. It was so monumental it will be commemorated on a souvenir cup this fall. Possibly also even on t-shirts. It was that big of an achievement. I've offered to tell sportswriters and coaches I cross paths with they are no longer allowed to vote their conscience and henceforth they may only vote as you personally prescribe. Other than the two of us insisting they all henceforth abide by your rules, I'm not sure what else we can do here, buddy. Any chance you can scrub the interwebs of all evidence of their past end-of-season polls? Possibly we can dig up all the deceased coaches and sportswriters and have them re-vote on every end-of-season poll since 1936 in a manner you approve of (except 1970. We don't want to re-open that can of worms). I'm not your enemy in this fight. The collective coaches and sportswriters are the ones you need to be shaking your fist at. How dare those fucking idiots express an opinion not approved by you. Fuck that. I'm with you in this fight. We can do this. I'll dig up the dead coaches and sportswriters and drop them off at your front door. You assemble the living ones and manage the re-voting process. You also have to scrub the interwebs of all evidence there actually have been end-of-season polls since at least the 1930s. And while you are handling the re-voting, make sure to tell the living ones they are no longer allowed to vote in those polls as they see fit. We can do this. It will be as if actual history never happened. When do you want to start? Have a nice day. (edited just to annoy those who disapprove of editing)
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