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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. And you completely dismiss the collective opinions of the college sportswriters and the D1 college football coaches. Ok. I’m sure you know better, sport. Have a nice day!
  2. Um.... That wasn’t a compliment. I was mocking you. Yes, a lot of people not only edit their posts, there are things called “editors” who edit for other people. (ooo...editing bad...) And yes, the AP poll still has relevance as it is one of the two reputable polls published after the college bowl games. Out of curiosity, if not the AP poll, what end of season poll do you follow?
  3. You have a wonderfully creative writing style. Lots of imagination. Spectacular work. Back to the subject at hand... I can’t promise I can convince the collective sportswriters and college coaches that they are no longer free to vote in their respective polls other than in a manner completely in line with your demands, but if I try my best are we Gucci? Seriously. Have a nice day. 😘 (ps- Your beef is with the collective sportswriters and college coaches, not with me. They voted aggy #4 in their 2020 season ending poll. I had no vote. Take your complaints up with them. Feel free to explain to them how their vote was wrong.)
  4. Damn. People are far more passionate about this than I realized. I'm willing to defer to the coaches and the sportswriters to take all the factors into consideration and decide for themselves who they believe should finish where in their organization's final poll. I'm not going to dictate where they can vote any team based on polls by other organizations released prior to the bowl games. You obviously believe differently. I seriously apologize for getting you so riled up. I didn't understand you were so passionate about how the sportswriters and/or coaches compiled their end-of-season college football polls. I'll try not to get you so worked up in the future. If I talk to a sportswriter or coach, I will be sure to stress they need to get their shit together, to quit following their past procedures, and to start strictly following your rules for how they may express their opinions. We Gucci?
  5. 1) I have never in my life cared about who was the basketball coach at Texas. I have never made any "prediction" about Shaka's job security. It never happened. 2) I was wrong about Tom Herman. I am still immensely disappointed in the university administrators who claimed they couldn't make payroll without taking money from paychecks, skipped a bond payment (all the time crying desperate financial circumstances) then magically "found" plenty of money for other discretionary purchases (hiring a new coach). What happened to the "financial distress"? 3) Tom Herman's contract is being paid out from cash flow by the athletics department. If boosters increased their contributions to the athletics department to offset his monthly paycheck, great. Money is fungible. As CDC showed by skipping bond payments and instituting seemingly unnecessary salary reductions, money pledged or committed for one purpose can easily be used for others. There is no "lockbox" holding a stack of cash that is exclusively for Tom Herman's contract obligations. For the 2020 fiscal year, the university paid $1,214,132 in severance payments to former coaches and athletics department personnel. You can find this figure on Line 26 on the NCAA report. (for FY 2014, the figure was $784,400, FY 2015 - $992,226, FY 2016 - $3,470,182, FY 2017 - $9,206,061, FY 2018 - $7,846,472, FY 2019 -$2,830,588). As the university continues to make payments to Herman ( and "1-0 Culture") over time, those payments by the university will continue to be reported in the same manner. "The boosters" are not making direct payments to Herman to satisfy the terms of his contract. The university was party to the contract. The university is making those payments over time. I am curious what business reason you think exists for the university to have novated Herman's contract (and the obligations to "1-0 Culture"), especially when the university has never made such arrangements in the past (at least none that have been openly reported in the press). What functional purpose you to believe exists for novating the contract? And as for "the true core concept I've literally failed to acknowledge or grasp for literally a year now".... Herman was fired on or about Jan 2, 2021 (roughly four months ago). That puts the "literally a year now" anniversary date at on or about Jan 2, 2022. There are twelve months in a year, not four. Your time line doesn't even make sense. So... Shaka Smart, "literally a year now," university not paying Herman's contract obligations... Quit being so emotional, get your facts straight, and most of all... Have a nice day!
  6. I stand corrected, CFP, not BCS. A mental slip on my point. But it is a historical fact that the sportswriters and coaches both voted Texas A&M #4 in the final 2020 season poll. Trying to do some mental gymnastic to prove otherwise is aggy-esque. And, while we are on the subject of rewriting history to suit one's agenda, when did I ever claim I was going to have the state legislature modify the PUF? In fact, the state legislature doesn't have the legal authority to alter the PUF. To do so would require a constitutional amendment. My conversations with members of the legislature have been regarding a termination of A&M's status as a branch of The University (which, of course, would also require a constitutional amendment). Quite frankly, I want a separation amendment put before the voters because I honestly believe it was be in the best interest of both A&M and the people of Texas. And I want to enjoy the ridicule that would be poured upon "the aggy nation" for not only being a branch of UT, but for none of them being educated sufficiently to understand their school is a branch of The University. As for firing Shaka Smart - I couldn't care less about UT basketball. I've never made a statement of any sort about Shaka's job security at Texas. Nor did I say the university would fire Tom Herman. I specifically said I was of the opinion the university woudn't fire Tom Herman. I stand by my comment that I find it unethical to be spending millions on a new football coach when the athletics department couldn't meet its payroll without salary reductions and couldn't make its scheduled debt payments. (And yes, I understand Tom Herman's buyout is being paid out of cash flow, not as a lump sum.) As for the aggy athletics budget, just be patient. I've got a lot going on right now and haven't had time to work on that piece, but I can tell you their revenues did drop back to the $160 mil range (I don't remember the exact figure at the moment), dropping them out of the top 10 in total revenues. Ut's dropped a bit more than I expected and most other schools were remarkable stable, although the reports only cover to the end of the most recent fiscal year, which would not include the 2020 fall semester. The most recent A&M and UT financials are attached. I also have the reports for the past five years for about 38 other schools. Insist all you want that neither the coaches poll nor the sportswriters poll had Texas A&M finishing #4 in the nation at the end of the 2020 season. Squeeze your nuts, tell yourself it never happened, and go merrily through life believing what you want to believe. The facts say differently. But you seem to have more than a few problems dealing with facts. Have a nice day! UT Austin 2020 NCAA financials.pdf Texas A&M 2020 NCAA financials.pdf
  7. If the BCS final poll is the final word, then we have a problem. The BCS issues its final poll before the semi-final and final games are played. Only the sportswriters and coaches issue final polls after the BCS national championship game. So, in your system, if the team that is #1 in the final BCS poll doesn't win the national championship game, they are still national champion because they finished #1 in the final BCS poll. That's your claim, right? Um...no. It doesn't work that way. Also, under the BCS system, there is no way to discern which team is #3 or #4, because there is no consolation game. Sorry. A&M did in fact finish #4 in both the final 2020 season AP poll and the final coaches poll. It is what it is.
  8. The final AP poll has always been the final poll. The final UPI poll was always the final UPI poll. Negating the final AP poll because the BCS (a completely different ranking system) had a different outcome makes no sense. College football fans have never accepted only one ranking system as acceptable. Remember the BCS does not put out a final poll, so the AP poll is essentially the de facto final poll we are using at this time. Remember back to the end of the 1970 season. UPI (coaches) named Texas #1, AP (sportswriters) named Nebraska #1 (mostly because Texas lost in the bowl game). Both were reputable polls at the time. The ags have long bleated that the final 1970 UPI poll results "must be" invalidated because the sportswriters arrived at a different national champion. Bullshit. Both Texas and Nebraska have a legitimate claim to the 1970 national championship. In the final AP poll after the 2020 season, A&M finished 4th. It's a historical fact. Before casting their ballots, the sportswriters were presumably well aware of the existence of the BCS rankings. I give the sportswriters credit for taking the BCS rankings into consideration before making their final votes for the 2020 season ranking. Obviously, they wanted to give Notre Dame a slap by dropping them below A&M. That was A&M's consolation gift for not being included in the BCS semi-finals. 2020 stands as the single greatest accomplishment in aggy men's sports in any of our lifetimes. Pure "aggy magic." I doubt we will see that level of excitement and thrilling accomplishment ever again from an aggy men's sports team. 2020 was also the season the thrilling Kellen Mond cemented his legacy of the greatest aggy quarterback of all time. Mond leaves with school records for career passing touchdowns (71), passing yards (9,661), completions (801), attempts (1,358) and total offense (11,269). Never has there been such a talent at Texas A&M. Their 2020 commemorative cup will unquestionably have a massive display in the aggy Hall of Champions. I'm sure there will soon be a Kellen Mond statue outside Kyle Field. And before anyone tries to claim Manziel was a better QB than Mond, facts indicate otherwise. Manziel had a spectacular 2012. There is no denying that. But by the end of the 2013 season, alcohol abuse and a debilitating drug problem began to dull Manziel's skills. Manziel showed by being kicked out of the NFL (and out of professional sports) after two seasons had he remained at A&M, he would never have amassed the "aggy magical" numbers Mond put up.
  9. Give them their due. The #4 AP ranking is legit. Negating generally accepted contemporary ratings is as b.s. as ex post facto creation of phantom championships by fairy tale ratings methodologies.
  10. We all get to reflect on the moments in our lives and fondly remember our greatest achievements. While last season wasn't meaningful to most of the college football world, it represented relative greatness for the Texas A&M program. It was "aggy magic." Few aggys will ever forget the palpable sense of "aggy greatness" each of them felt as the season progressed, with the excitement coming to that unforgettable crescendo against North Carolina in whatever bowl they played (I think it was the Orange Bowl, but will all the Chicken Sandwich Bowls that have previously defined "aggy greatness" I can't remember for sure at the moment). Finally getting that "top 4" monkey off their backs. The unforgettable t-shirts. The "championship" hats. Next year they might even have a souvenir cup extolling "aggy achievement." Right up there with "74-72." Not just deserving of a t-shirt, but truly "cupworthy." Look at the aggy "2020 season of greatness" as you do most aggy wives. Not impressive by normal standards, but about as much as anyone can expect from an aggy. The 2020 season means everything to aggys. The single greatest achievement in A&M men's sports that any of us have ever seen or will ever see. "aggy magic" The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  11. I’ve got two words for this clown: Johnny Manziel
  12. Showing appreciation for our nation’s active duty military. Corps mom organizes fundraiser to feed cookies to entire Texas A&M Corps of Cadets https://www.kbtx.com/2021/04/29/corps-mom-organizes-fundraiser-to-feed-cookies-to-entire-texas-am-corps-of-cadets/
  13. Do the people of Texas even recognize aggy as their own? They are their own little cult kind of ostracized from the rest of society. No one but those gomer pyles claim them. And especially now that they moved to the SEC. Their footprint in this state is even smaller. They are living off Bamas accomplishments now. They honestly believe they are more accomplished now that they moved. Yet they have not even sniffed a division title, much less win anything of significance in this almost decade of being there. Texas Monthly had an article discussing the lack of NFL talent coming from Texas colleges. One line caught my eye. Now remember, their move to the S!E!C! coincides with the single greatest period of aggy football in the history of their program. And the single worst period in UT program history. Obviously, we aren't the only people who think aggy's single greatest period in program history isn't all that impressive.
  14. aggys are such ardent S!E!C! supporters because they have such little else in life. Think about it. Their “military service” is cosplay costume play time. Their education is rote-learning trade school. “Big city living” to aggys is a tract home in Katy. Their “most sacred hero” is a white supremacist the rest of us recognize as a human piece of shit. What else do aggys have to reflect on other than the college sports accomplishments of a bunch of rednecks? The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  15. Let's not forget the aggy t-shirt commemorating that event.
  16. Just for fun, if you find yourself talking with an aggy about A&M sports, ask just which sport has A&M had its greatest success in. Which sport is A&M’s “premier” sport. When he answers, try not to laugh.
  17. Liucci acts as if football is the only sport Texas has an impressive list of achievements in. He ignores the fact Texas has more NCAA national championships in one sport than aggy has in all sports, both genders. For all the blather Luicci spews, he has never touched the subject of how A&M has won only two freaking CWS games in school history, the most recent over a quarter century ago. A&M athletics sucks. In every sport. They have fewer NCAA team championships than U of H. Fewer individual NCAA champions than UTEP. The “mighty military academy” is afraid to even field a team in NCAA gun sports. Their “mighty” football team hasn’t had consecutive winning seasons in conference play since the 1990s. None of these facts Liucci cares to discuss. Because he can’t defend the fact that aggy athletics has traditionally been laughable. If Liucci wants to educate us, he can explain why Texas A&M has a shrine to a fucking white supremacist at the center of their campus.
  18. I applaud your optimism, but you are ignorant to believe the kids going through Texas A&M today are not subject to the enforced cultural acceptance of "aggy culture." For the sake of argument, i will concede for the moment the Texas A&M education prepares students for entry into technical fields, but it does so at a cost. Hardly any of those poor kids are sharp enough to understand the true history of Texas A&M or the cultural biases they are subjected to while at A&M. Hardly any of those poor kids understand A&M was, and continues to be a branch of The University of Texas. Hardly any of them understand Sul Ross was in fact a virulent white supremacist and a human piece of shit. Hardly any of those poor kids understand most of the A&M "military history" is completely fabricated. And you might say “so what?” The problem is that by A&M knowingly teaching biased and/or completely fraudulent history as reality, the graduates of A&M spend their lives horribly undereducated in basic Texas history and they are left with a distorted view of the world around them. A&M is the only post-secondary institution I can think of that intentionally perpetuates ignorance. aggy grads may be respectably educated in STEM fields at A&M, but they graduate as ignorant rubes lacking any semblance of self-awareness. In short, they gain a rote-learning education in technical fields, but lack the ability to discern fact from fiction, or to demonstrate critical thinking on anything but a rudimentary level. Part of reforming Texas A&M is acknowledging the virulent racism that is so inextricably entwined in the cultural indoctrination that is such a major part of Texas A&M. It is crucial the kids of tomorrow understand just how much of "aggy culture" needs to be repudiated, not venerated. Texas A&M will never be reformed until and unless the kids quit getting a fairy tale education that lacks academic honesty and intellectual integrity. And because racism is such a part of aggy culture and racists are at such high levels in the administration of Texas A&M is such overwhelming and outlandish numbers, A&M will never be reformed unless reform is forced upon them by outside forces, ie the legislature.
  19. The problem is the deep seated racism in the Texas legislature. The state reps and senators all know about the sickness that is Texas A&M and they refuse to address it. They continue to allow what we know as "aggy culture" to be perpetuated and they completely ignore the cultural rot that has produced today's Texas A&M and "aggy culture." History has proven we cannot expect sick, racist rednecks to reform their own culture. The only way to reform Texas A&M is for radical outside influence. And only the legislature can effectively make that happen.
  20. Liucci is a piece of shit. And yes, virulent racism is at the core of being "aggy redass." People like Billy Liucci and John Sharp perpetuate hatred, racism, and other "aggy values."
  21. Billy Liucci lacks the personal integrity to address the racial animosity spewed by his Texags community against Kellen Mond. Liucci is chickenshit. The virulent racism that has been part of aggy culture since Jefferson Davis was first chosen to lead Texas A?M has been nourished and perpetrated not just by people like “The Gallant Texas Negro Killer” but also by chickenshit individuals such as Billy Liucci who facilitate publication of racial hate and refuse to address it in instances such as Liucci’s interview with Mond. Quietly ignoring the racial hate that in partly defines aggy culture is “tradition” to them. Liucci deserves all the scorn and ridicule we can heap upon him. As do the rest of those fucking redneck racist pieces of shit. Whoop!
  22. In the intellectual sense. A mental midget. With a mullet. Very S!E!C! With a bonus example of the attacks against Kellen Mond that Liucci was perfectly ok with during this past season.
  23. I was looking through some of the comments the ags were making about Kellen Mond and then looking at how Liucci handled the issue of how the Texags posters truly feel about Mond. Like much of what makes aggy aggy, Liucci is good at ignoring obvious subjects. I watched a minute of Liucci's softball interview with Mond for the "aggy hype" leading into the NFL draft. And I noted Liucci has a mullet. When did the midget get a mullet? https://texags.com/s/39852/kellen-mond-discusses-his-future-ahead-of-draft-night-offers-insight-on-am-program A sample of the attitudes Liucci knows full well about (because he encourages these people), but acts like no one remembers, especially Mond:
  24. Any word on when Leon's "chokehold on the S!E!C!" is about to kick in? Let me guess, right after the aggy vaccine manufacturing facility supplies "50 million vaccine doses within four months of receiving a strain of the flu." I find it amazing how aggys claim whatever they dream of and never have any accountability for never being correct. Good luck in the NFL, Leon. lol.
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