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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. The highest compliment "the mouthpiece of the S!E!C!" can give A&M is "relevant." Evidently, a year ago, they were considered "not even relevant." Does someone want to ask Liucci and Olin Buchanan about all their bullshit of "elite," and "on the precipice of greatness" when the consensus reality has been "not even relevant." The truly sad thing is those idiot rednecks don't understand being deemed "relevant" is not a compliment. Knowing aggy as we do, how long will it be before aggy drops back below being "relevant" and reverts to just being "aggy"?
  2. If Jimbo would jump to LSU, it wouldn’t be for money. It would be because he wanted to win another title. He stands a far better chance of winning one at LSU than at A&M. The mess at LSU would require a well seasoned coach who knew the school and who Woodward had a lot of trust in. Jimbo is on a very short list of qualified candidates.
  3. Total compensation paid to Jimbo for the most recent complete fiscal year was $8.9 mil. I doubt anyone is going to outspend aggy to retain Jimbo. He's not worth the $8.9 is getting paid now. Who's going to pay $10 mil for Jimbo Fisher? Not LSU.
  4. Since 2012, no FBS team has played more FCS opponents than Texas A&M.
  5. I get that, but West Virginia having more NCAA championships in one sport than aggy has in the school’s history. And the irony is the one sport is the NCAA rifle competition. Rifle competition-a sport aggy can’t even field a team in. Even though aggy prides itself on its fraternity that lives in a military cosplay fairy tale land.
  6. Since 2000 - 21 seasons - A&M football has had a winning record in conference play exactly 7 times (.333) and none of those winning seasons were consecutive. In comparison, South Carolina has 8 seasons with a winning conference record in the past 21 seasons. Only an aggy could think a record like that is indicative of an "elite" program.
  7. aggy baseball is now a destination job for top coaches. lol. "Schlossnagle has always been interested in the A&M job, because of recruiting in the Houston area. It's also an SEC job. I expect we would have to pay him a pretty penny but it isn't like our AD hurts for money. We also would have to improve facilities, but have to do that anyway. My guess is that Bjork already knows who he wants and is working that behind the scenes. I heard from a friend at TCU that they expect Schloss to leave this year The question is if Bjork is willing to offer him the payday - he comes from a background where the AD typically doesn't have a ton" https://www.secrant.com/rant/texas-a-m-sports/fightin-texas-aggie-omaha-or-bust---2021/94680005/page-14/#lp
  8. “Is military cosplay a sport? I feel like it is a sport that TAMU would be really good in. If you wear fake military garb and then don't actually go into the military after you graduate, it is cosplay.” https://www.secrant.com/rant/sec-football/i-love-your-haplessness-aggies/95988028/
  9. After the ags killed those 12 kids on the school's campus, federal investigators looking into the matter concluded one of the main factors in those kids being crushed was the aggy cultural defect that "impedes risk identification." As an entire culture, one of their main identifying characteristics is difficulty in properly identifying risk. has any aggy ever spoken on why aggys seem to have this difficulty far more than others? Has any aggy administrator ever expressed a belief that being able to reasonably identify various risks is an important life skill? Does anyone believe aggys will ever reform their culture so future generations will finally have an ability to reasonably assess various risks in life, thus possibly enabling those individuals to enjoy more productive lives? I find staining an entire culture in the way federal investigators did to be quite damning. It is utterly negligent of John Sharp and every other aggy administrator to never have addressed this cultural defect. But I guess the inability of aggys to properly identify risk impedes their ability to understand the problems inherent to their cultural defect. Just a thought. The jon boat story clearly shows there are aggys who have no ability whatsoever to assess the risk in their actions. Good ol' texags political forum shows every day the struggle aggys have to understand the Covid-19 pandemic. I guess the saddest part of aggy is they continuously constitute a material danger to themselves and others. They are oblivious to the dangers they pose to themselves and others and in fact insist it doesn't exist. Yet, twelve kids are dead, and countless other aggy lives have unquestionably been needlessly lost since the bonfire "tragedy" due to the aggy cultural defect. aggy parents continue to insist their kids attend a school that will inevitably leave their kids utterly unprepared to safely and effectively deal with the various risks of life. And the aggys continue to insist the definition "world class education" permits such gaping holes in one's ability to navigate the basic elements of modern life. Remember back when we laughed that John Sharp was placed in charge of the state's flood "recovery?" One of the very few things John Sharp has done is take the Texas Division of Emergency Management taken from DPS oversight and made part of the Texas A&M System. Taken away from "Public Safety" professionals and made part of the state's trade school. Thanks, John. We all feel safer knowing the DPS has been removed from the state's emergency preparedness and aggys have been put in charge. How's that working out for Texas so far? The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  10. Congratulations to the aggys. This is a monumental feat that I am sure every aggy looks at with extreme pride. Add (yet another) non-NCAA "championship" to the aggy Hall of Champions. With a Texas A&M men's swimmer finally breaking through and winning the first individual NCAA national championship in the history of the school's men's swim program, this year marks probably the greatest year in the history of aggy sports. A&M still has fewer individual NCAA champions than UTEP and fewer NCAA team championships than U of H. On the list of schools with more NCAA team championships in a single sport than Texas A&M school history (all sports, both genders) are such powerhouse programs at Okie Lite, West Virginia,and.... ...wait for it... ...UT Austin. (I get UT, but how do West Virginia and Okie Lite have more NCAA championships in just one sport than A&M has in all sports combined since 1906?) The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  11. aggy quote of the day: ”A&M needs to be 100% normal in the fall. And the regents need to insist on it.” https://texags.com/forums/16/topics/3193471 “Wait until next year” should be their school motto.
  12. New Balance is s fairly strong brand around Boston. This was a home town deal much like Under Armor signing Maryland.
  13. Won a world war, saved us all from a pandemic. They've done so much winning they deserve rest for the next 100 years. I still believe the agricultural branch college has potential, but that potential will never be realized until they abandon their obsession with culture and find leadership that understands the value of education. If the current culture of the agricultural branch college had any value, it wouldn’t need to depend entirely on lies, fairy tales, and complete fabrications. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  14. Probably the most futile decade in UT major sports and the greatest decade in aggy sports, major and Olympic. Let the ranking debate begin. https://www.sportico.com/leagues/college-sports/2021/stanford-top-all-around-program-1234626914/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=exacttarget&utm_campaign=Sportico_Daily&utm_content=266837_04-09-2021_new-methodology-pegs-stanford-as-to&utm_term=8165163
  15. aggy plays fake navy about as well as they play fake army.
  16. Those stupid fuckwads are amazing. "Just like their coach, this team isn't about accolades and lists...they're all business and out to win. I was most impressed with his last two answers: "I can't WAIT for the Bama game," and "I'm not worried about being on the pre-season all SEC list..." https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3192470/replies/59065365 All business. Got it. No clown show crap or self congratulating stupidity. Got it. No fake trophies. Got it. No redneck stupidity. Got it. Just a bunch of kids in costumes insisting they are on active military duty because they are in the ROTC program at Texas A&M and Jimbo acting like a third world drug lord. In all fairness, College Station is pretty much a third world country. But "all business." Got it. Exactly what "business"? Turdition.
  17. And the answer is....... Written by aggy. It is the tirade of an aggy having a conniption fit over A&M trying to edumacate aggy students about the importance of diversity. He complains about the exact behaviors that identify aggy culture.
  18. Ok, Let's play a new game. Written about aggy, or written by aggy? "I've been making this argument for a while now and completely agree. They preach understanding "their truth." "Their truth" is a euphemism for subjective truth, or, put more accurately, beliefs. So they're embedding a system of belief and preaching it as the only acceptable truth. Like a cult, their "enforcement" branch has assumed the authority to destroy any non believers by any means necessary. The scary part is that since this is institutionalized, that means by official sanction."
  19. And if you need help having your fun with him, check aggypedia. But have your fun with him. They really are fun to mess with from time to time.
  20. Seriously, walk me through this. The “motherfucker” you referenced was a male, aggy boyfriend who is banging some friend of your gf’s. Right? I suggested if you wanted to fuck with said male, aggy motherfucker, you should use some of the info we have done over at aggypedia. And then you seemed to indicate said male, aggy motherfucker was a “her.” That doesn’t strike you as being even a bit confusing?
  21. Male aggy boyfriend, or female aggy boyfriend. I originally said “ask him about....” I was then admonished that the “he” I referenced was a “her.” So I corrected myself and suggested he ask “her.” So..... Was I originally correct when I referred to the aggy boyfriend as “him,” or is “he” a “her”? No pictures necessary. Please explain. I’ll hang up and take my answer offline.
  22. Not a chance. You should check out that thread and look at the fake pictures. It’s amazing how far some people will go to smear the honorable reputation of Texas A&M University. Whoop!
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