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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. Umm... ”Nahh just wanted to show a pic to my girlfriend from Chicago. She spent the weekend in Houston with a friend of hers and her friend has an aggy boyfriend with aggy complex. Can’t wait to dominate this mother fucker” The motherfucker you can’t wait to dominate is a “her”? Ok, cool. Hook ‘em. Then ask “her” what “she” thinks of Buzbee, et al.
  2. Introduce him to aggypedia. Especially the part on Sul Ross. Ask him what he thinks of Tony Buzbee and the whole Deshaun Watson circus. Bonus pic. This was Tony Buzbee's "love interest" who trashed his art collection on date night. I'm just hoping your girlfriend's friend isn't a typical aggy love interest.
  3. To hell with you bastards who shame me into trying to find some way of organizing all my files. I’ll look through my stuff this evening. Do you just need that picture, or do you also need others to build out a theme? While I’m looking, we might as well do this right. EDIT: https://aggypedia.com/home/historical-aggy-photos/nggallery/historical-aggy-photos/historical-aggy
  4. There is a reason aggy wont allow female cheerleaders. They are concerned having aggy female coeds on the sidelines in front of the general public would be an embarrassment. They believe the milkmen are less of an embarrassment. Think about that for a while.
  5. she's an amputee? wtf? is this the same aggy track chick, or is this just a "traditional" aggy woman?
  6. I would never get into a technical legal argument with Rusty Hardin. I'm not sure Buzbee was smart to. Time will tell. "The 19 complaints aren’t attributed to named plaintiffs, who are all listed by the pseudonym “Jane Doe.” Courts generally allow anonymous filings to proceed when there are compelling reasons for shielding the plaintiff’s identity, such as risk of retribution or embarrassment. However, courts are sensitive that anonymous filings limit information about the accuser and thereby potentially undermine a defendant’s ability to defend himself or herself. Whether the identities of Watson’s accusers remain shielded will be determined by the presiding judges. The complaints are also “unverified,” meaning they are signed by Buzbee, rather than by the plaintiffs themselves. A verified complaint, in contrast, is when the plaintiff swears under oath and at risk of perjury that their assertions are true. The use of an unverified complaint is common. However, it allows Watson’s attorneys to question the accusers’ veracity and enables Watson to offer general, rather than specific, denials."
  7. https://www.sportico.com/law/analysis/2021/deshaun-watson-nfl-investigation-1234625686/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=exacttarget&utm_campaign=Sportico_Daily&utm_content=264506_03-29-2021_the-nfl's-playbook-for-the-deshaun-&utm_term=8165163
  8. Last week, Kyle posted about A&M's non-NCAA national championships. He forgot to mention three of them are Division II national championships. I'm not quite sure what significance a non-NCAA Division II championship carries in the redneck world, but evidently its rather important to them. New trivia question: "One SEC school has more Division II national championships than every Big 12 school combined. Name that SEC school." The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  9. Over the weekend, the greatest performance in the history of the men's swim program at Texas A&M was witnesses at the NCAA National Championship meet. For the first time in school history an aggy swimmer won an individual national championship. Talk about a program unquestionably announcing its arrival into the top echelon of the sport! Last year, A&M's men's swim program put the aquatics world on notice by finishing second in their conference. Second in their conference is the highest A&M men's swimming has finished during the school's time in any conference. This year the mighty ags fell back a bit, finishing fourth in their conference, but the aggy men's swim team shocked the entire world of amateur athletics by delivering a program best 10th place finish at the NCAA National Championship meet. Astonishingly, our friend Billy Liucci hasn't seen fit to crow about the best performance in the history of their entire program. He wrote about the women's basketball team's season ending loss. He wrote about their baseball team's loss to UGA, and their volleyball team's loss, but not a word about a program-defining performance by the aggy men's swim team at the NCAA National Championships. And that, my friends, is yet another example of "Longhorns just doing what Longhorns do" that has so completely skull-fucked the students, alumni and supporters of Texas A&M. Dear Liucci can't write a word about what the aggy swim team did at the National Championship meet because that performance is yet another aggy "moment of greatness" that shows the weakness and ineptitude of that which is aggy. Their male swimmer who won the school's first individual NCAA national championship reserves a congratulation from someone, even if Billy Liucci is too chickenshit to do it. Congratulations, aggy. How does it feel?
  10. The aggy swim team had a top 10 finish yesterday at the NCAA national championships and their 200 IM swimmer captured the school’s first ever individual national championship in swimming. An awesome showing for one of the nation’s premier college athletics programs. I can’t wait until Billy Liucci gets on Twitter to throw it in the faces of Longhorn fans. S!E!C! Whoop!
  11. And we have the results. Is “dead last” good? Asking for a friend. Turdition.
  12. Damn. You're cold hearted. She’s already an aggy. Hasn’t God punished her enough in life already? Texas Relays is an important event for aggy track & field athletes. Their new track stadium is small. As in really small. They don’t have the facilities to hold a meet like Texas Relays on their own campus.
  13. You know you are in Texas when the aggys working at McDonalds give the UT grads going through the drive through a friendly word to start our day. Its as if a job at McDonalds is just what a number of aggys have been working towards during those three arduous years at Blinn and the three “academically challenging” years at College Station.
  14. Just to make clear, this $265 million approved in July 2020 was in addition to the over $300 million wasted to build the facility. The federal government has obtained more than enough vaccine for every man, woman, and child in the nation and the A&M vaccine facility still hasn’t produced a drop of Covid vaccine. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/coronavirus/2020/07/27/feds-approve-265-million-to-manufacture-coronavirus-vaccine-at-texas-am-facility/42500775/
  15. I’m not saying have any additional information. I’m saying I know aggy. This kid was not kicked out of Texas A&M for having a roach in his ash tray during a traffic stop. Academics would be questionable. A&M isn’t exactly an academic powerhouse. Even if the kid was on Scho Pro, since when is A&M suspending struggling students mid-semester? I’m not even sure A&M, a state entity, has the legal authority to summarily kick any kid out without a hearing or trial on a BCSO charge of possession of 0.01 oz of weed. How is that amount such an imminent threat to the students that it requires Demas to be immediately removed from online classes? I’m confident Demas has a number of infractions completely unrelated to possession of 0.01 oz of weed and he finally forced the school to take action after they bent over backwards to keep him on campus. When the two knuckleheads on the team were pulling firearms during drug deals a few years ago I don’t think they were suspended by A&M as quickly as Demas has been, assuming possession of 0.01 oz was the underlying issue. A&M doesn’t change that quickly, unless it is to dive lower into the sewer to keep up with their S!E!C! friends, which is exactly what happened when they hired Bjork. Jimbo doesn’t care about anything his players do. If he has long been indifferent to academic cheating and sexual assault, he isn’t going to demand one of his star players be kicked out of school for 0.01 oz of weed. He probably was caught wearing a “BLM” t-shirt. Whatever it was, I’m sure by the end of the day we will be hearing “advantage aggy.”
  16. If you believe Demas, a 5* recruit and the second highest rated prospect in their 2020 class, was arrested and kicked out of school that plays in the S!E!C! for possession of 0.01 oz of weed you need to have your head checked. Think about it. Who do you think is driving this newfound commitment to integrity at A&M, Jimbo Fisher? Ross Bjork? John Sharp? None of those guys has ever shown a commitment to integrity in their life. And suddenly they are going to start throwing Top 25 national recruits off the team and out of A&M for having a roach in his ashtray during a traffic stop? Do you really think A&M could recruit athletes or students if possession of 0.01 oz of weed was cause for automatic expulsion prior to discovery, let alone a trial on the matter? The real story will come out in time. It will be far worse than possession of 0.01 oz of marijuana. We’re talking Texas A&M. Quit expecting aggys to be honest about anything.
  17. Lol. Fucking amazing how they always find a way to amaze us with how completely idiotic they are, isn’t it. Some “super-duper” smart aggy is going to drain his little kid’s 529 to buy that jersey as an investment to fund his kid’s education at A&M.
  18. If the aggy selling the jersey was smart, he would hold on a little longer and look to sell it in that short window of time between when the coroner announces the overdose death and the when the aggys bury Manziel in the end zone next to the dogs. As cruel as fate has been to the aggys Manziel’s OD will occur when the students aren’t on campus and they will have to freeze the body to hold the burial in the fall, the night before the Rice game.... Then again, if the guy who initially bought that valuable collectible was smart he wouldn’t have gone to A&M in the first place. Or have ever purchased that piece of crap to begin with.
  19. This belongs in the aggy Hall of Champions. Csn anyone tell me what $1,750 in redneck dollars converts to in US dollars?
  20. Here is an update on Mike Bynum's "12th Man copyright" litigation against A&M. The related civil case is still active in USDC SDTX and progressing swimmingly.
  21. I have to look through my files to give all the details, but over the years UT students have also stolen a few mascots. Often with unfortunate results. UT students stole the wrong SMU mascot one year. Another year they broke into Baylor's bear enclosure to steal a bear cub. The cub wasn't in the mood to be stolen that evening, so the student bashed it over the head with an implement cracking its skull, which lead to its death (Baylor faithful were quite displeased). And then there is the story of when the UT band members helped Neil Sheffield steal Reveille. https://web.archive.org/web/20070812003645/http://media.www.dailytexanonline.com/media/storage/paper410/news/2007/04/24/LifeArts/Ut.Grad.Steals.Aggie.Mascot.Tells.Epic.Story-2876589.shtml
  22. Unless I have been misinformed, the A&M facility was built to produce biologic vaccines. Its technology isn't capable of manufacturing RNA vaccines. Had the vaccine for Covid been a biologic vaccine, the potential surge capacity of the A&M facility would probably have been accessed. However, as with many things involving Texas A&M, technological advancements developed at other universities produced the RNA vaccine. The A&M facility has been contracted to produce bulk precursors to the vaccine, not the vaccine itself. There is already sufficient global capacity to manufacture the mRNA vaccine. The bulk precursors are what are in short supply. And, as sufficient supplies of vaccine for U.S residents have already been secured (largely in Belgium, of all places), the precursors produced at the A&M facility will probably be mostly used by third world countries. Which is kind of ironic, if you think about it - a third-world locale (College Station, Texas) helping produce raw materials for third-world nations. The third-world circle of life.
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