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Randolph Duke

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Everything posted by Randolph Duke

  1. One of the big issues for the ags would be that a MS in Military History to help veterans transition into the civilian economy would place actual veterans in close proximity to the kiddies in the Corps. They ridicule the veterans would subject the "snowflakes in costumes" to would probably scar them for life and necessitate many of them transferring to the mentally challenged campus they created down there year before last. They could easily pull it off with the aid of the major defense firms looking for mid-level STEM-types with time in uniform. Except for the fact they are aggys. And they don't know a fucking thing about military matters. Other than that.... One of the schools in Texas (U of H?) very much needs to create a MS/Municipal Finance program. A one-year program to help those with political ambitions learn at least something about managing municipal finances.
  2. What is a one-year online MS in sports management from A&M going to teach Sean Salisbury at this stage of his career? At almost 60 yrs old, shouldn't he be guest lecturing at programs like that? The two MS programs aggy should seriously consider are MS in Military History, to help veterans who have undergrads better transition to the civilian economy, and a MS in Municipal Finance so the dumbfuck elected officials throughout the state get some understanding or how cities, counties, and states (should) manage their financial affairs. But A&M would be one of the last schools to offer programs like that.
  3. I'm 100% it doesn't work the way he asserts it could. no one single person at any major program is give the sole authority to hire and/or fire the head football coach. And Travis having "100%" confidence means nothing. Obviously, not enough others have any confidence he would do an incredible job. Which is why Clay Travis isn't involved in the discussions to find a new coach.
  4. If Pruitt has to litigate to get his money we will find out a lot more of the facts. Which is why I say there is no way this doesn't get settled. When the group doing the hiring has missed on as many hires as Tennessee has, solving the problem starts with replacing the people who have been approving the bad hires. And I understand finally letting go of Fulmer, but replacing Fulmer with another Fulmer instead of someone who knows what he is doing isn't going to get them out of their predicament. Hiring alumni as AD is fraught with problems.
  5. Their problem isn't finding a head coach. Their problem is bad leadership from the top. They need to find a new AD to clean up the mess and to lead the program into the NIL era. An AD tied to the current boosters will only allow the boosters willing to cheat to do so on a much bigger scale since NIL money will initially fuel a financial arms race in college recruiting. The first thing the new AD needs to do is to make sure Clay Travis is called onto the carpet for his role in scuppering Schiano. Otherwise, Travis is going to use his pulpit at FOX to second guess every move the AD tries to make. Tennessee's two most visible alumni are arguably Paul Finebaum and Clay Travis. Finebaum has carved out his career niche, Travis is still trying to do the same. Travis "outkicked his coverage" when he inserted himself into Tennessee athletics to the degree he was directly (and extremely publicly) affecting major internal hiring decisions.
  6. Tennessee boosters are going to realize the hard way they should have paid Pruitt on the way out the door. As things are, Pruitt will litigate, and if it goes to discovery, the documents discussing vetting process on Pruitt will give some insight into whether he was a known cheater. The personal and professional risk to boosters by getting outed for assisting Pruitt in any cheating will quickly lead to a settlement. Tennessee wouldn't have risked calling in the NCAA just to get rid of their coach without paying a buyout. No school president would self-create a NCAA investigation into their athletics program. Too much risk of what could be found. Most likely, the NCAA found out what Pruitt was doing, the school thought they needed to try to blame everything on "one bad apple" (Pruitt), Pruitt will fight back to make sure all the stink doesn't attach to him. The abuses surrounding the upcoming NIL payments openly being paid to recruits and players will make whatever Tennessee did seem like child's play. I saw somewhere that Tennessee has had nine head football coaches (including interims) since 2008. That is a serious indicator of a lack of program leadership at the top (school president). Even if they made all the right moves, it will take a number of years for Tennessee to get its athletics department cleaned up and moving in the right direction. Most likely they will fuck it up from the start and hire someone with strong ties to the school's recent past, thus ensuring boosters who caused this situation will continue to have a big role in how things operate moving forward. Wash, rinse, repeat. It's how things are done in "that part of the world."
  7. I'm waiting to hear Clay Travis' take on the mess at Tennessee. He inserted himself into the situation back in 2017 by scuppering the Schiano hire. He should stand up and be accountable for his role in the hiring of Pruitt. "Flush with revolutionary fervor, Tennessee fans were very busy congratulating themselves on Dec. 1, 2017. On that day, former hero football coach Phillip Fulmer had been installed as athletic director after backstabbing John Currie out of the job. In the days leading up to that event, Volunteers fans incited by a barking media personality with a fanboy interest in the program had gone full vigilante to undercut Currie’s attempted hire of former (and future) Rutgers coach Greg Schiano. What ensued was a clown show that left Tennessee as the laughingstock of college athletics, but UT backers believed they had triumphed by putting administrative know-nothing Fulmer in charge of a search that eventually settled on the unproven Jeremy Pruitt." https://www.si.com/college/2021/01/18/tennessee-jeremy-pruitt-fired-fulmer
  8. Do you really want to get into a compliance violation arms race with OU? Haven’t they already established their street cred in that realm? Both programs would end up paying massively. But it would be fun to finally set the record straight on how deep UT alumni pockets are, and that has been at the core of the hatred between OU and UT for almost a century.
  9. Texags being Texags, aggy being aggy. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  10. Back in 2009, Kansas was pulling in around $6 mil/yr in T3 revenues. Deloss saw this and realized T3 revenues offered an opportunity. He approached Bill Byrne at A&M. Why wasn't Deloss successful in building a joint T3 model? Texas A&M was having none of it. In 2011, Deloss saw the opportunity to help promote high school sports by broadcasting high school games via the school's T3 outlets. Why was Deloss not successful in promoting high school sports? Texas A&M was having none of it. Fast forward to the Covid season of 2020. How many parents, high school athletes, and sports fans wished high school content could be enjoyed on various television channels (instead of the games largely being played only in front of empty stands?). Across the south, especially, people very much would have benefited from more high school games having been televised this past season. If only it weren't for Texas A&M holding back high school and collegiate sports. And now we come to the possibility of Texas A&M playing Texas or UTSA. Which of the two opponents would people rather see? Why will those fans have to settle for the lesser game, as opposed to aggy/UT? Inarguably because of Texas A&M. The aggys are just bad to understanding how to use the media to promote their athletics programs. They have been an impediment to the best interests of the players, the fans, and of the various schools affected by their bad decisions. The people of Texas, as well as fans of high school and collegiate sports, deserve better than Texas A&M.
  11. Are you sure it isn’t “marquis”? I think farm schools use the alternate spelling. Whoop!
  12. Texas A&M will never be taken seriously on the national stage until and unless they deliver an absolute ass kicking to UT. Until that time, they will always be “the other team from Texas.” No one is buying their bullshit that being in the same conference as Vanderbilt, Arky, South Carolina and Mississippi State automaticity makes them a top-tier player. The fact sportswriters still can’t differentiate them from Texas Tech says a lot.
  13. I am very much enjoying watching the aggys cry over the realization their "brand" means nothing on the national stage. My favorite part so far has been the sportswriter who couldn't differentiate between Texas Tech and Texas A&M. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
  14. I am constantly amazed at how aggys don't get it that they think differently than other cultures. The ags think everyone thinks like they do. They can't grasp people don't always think the same as everyone else in their culture. To put it simply, aggys can't comprehend the concept of diversity.They also have a cultural defect of dishonesty. aggys are extremely likely to make a claim with no basis whatsoever for what they are claiming. ("I have it on good authority," "word is," "scuttlebutt is," etc, etc. All completely fabricated.) Remember when they insisted Texas' recruiting was entirely driven by the insatiable desire of every Black, male, urban high school athlete to drive a 3/4-ton Ford farm truck? How many 3/4-ton Ford farm trucks has anyone seen driving around campus? Most ags dream of a 3/4-ton Ford farm truck, therefore they believe everyone must want to someday own a 3/4-ton Ford farm truck, right? After all, what vehicle is better suited to drive and park in Austin that a 3/4-ton Ford farm truck? Whoop! Same with "you deliver pizzas for a living," "an aggy fucked his wife," etc, etc. All things aggys know well or consider their worst fears in life. All aggy transference. This idiot (Tom is proud of his aggyness, the poor bastard) thinks all UT fans are acting as he claims because he wishes aggy had players who could start for Bama. He wishes this, so in the mind of an aggy, every UT fan must think the same. Whoop! What he doesn't understand is that a lot of UT fans understand Big 12 football differs from SEC football in distinct ways. I haven't met a bunch of knowledgeable UT fans who think the best course to win the 2021 Big 12 title is to build a clone of Bama's 2020 system. aggys are clueless that Saban's 2020 team differs greatly from his past teams. SEC football (as well as the NFL in general) has moved toward a Big 12 style of open offense over the past few years. aggys don't understand the evolution of football. Doing anything to clone 2020 Bama for the 2021 campaign will lead to futility. aggys don't understand this. What is more important to Sark is to build a team that can compete for the 2021 Big 12 conference title. Sark's approach to 2021 Big 12 football will be different than his 2020 SEC scheme. No one I have spoken to cares about how UT players would fit into Sark's 2020 scheme. No one. Then again, I don't speak with many aggys.
  15. Part of being an aggy is to obsess over goals that are utterly meaningless to other cultures. When I was making calls to debunk aggy's comical claim "they supplied more officers to the military during WWII than West Point and Annapolis combined," I asked a LtCol in the history department how many officers came from West Point, he replied "Who Cares?" When I mentioned it was to determine if the claims of Texas A&M were true, his was response was "That sounds like something those people would tell themselves." It's all part of the syndrome where aggys need to convince themselves it is ok to be an aggy. Regardless of how cringeworthy their antics seem to others.
  16. The ags should be more concerned their brand is so weak sportswriters can’t differentiate between Texas A&M and Texas Tech. So much for claiming they are “the iPhone of college football.” https://www.chron.com/sports/college/article/Texas-Tech-college-football-poll-Top-25-mistake-15864179.php
  17. "It's nice work if you can get it" Taking handouts from the federal government remain afloat while claiming it to be "nice work." i’m still trying to figure out how they ran an online user-supplied content chat board so ineptly they needed a federal bailout during a quarantine to stay afloat. How do you run a message board so badly that when your users are under a stay-at-home quarantine your business essentially fails? And then he boasts of it as “nice work.” Only in aggyland, people. Only in aggyland. Liucci is the quintessential aggy.
  18. John Sharp is starting to take revenge against those who challenge the aggy version of "history." He's starting to fire professors who dared speak out against "The Gallant Texas Negro Killer," regardless of tenure. I think the official charges were "unapproved truth speech." https://theeagle.com/news/a_m/one-a-m-professor-fired-one-disciplined-after-investigations-into-conduct-and-commentary/article_13e2f49a-5489-11eb-bbe6-d77728f65119.html
  19. Aside from our friendly aggy’s struggle with a word no college graduate should struggle with, no team that couldn’t win its division deserves a shot at competing for a national championship. Texas A&M “traditionally” struggles to be competitive. They have not managed consecutive seasons with a winning record in conference play since before the turn of the century. I understand those few years when they finish about .500 in conference play are “magical” to them, but in the big picture, a one-off season above .500 in conference play on its own isn’t that impressive to the rest of us. An 8-win season for a team that has gone 25 years fighting a 9 FBS win ceiling wins isn’t a compelling accomplishment. It’s not just that A&M tried to bluster their way into the national championship without winning its division and not having a signature win, it’s that A&M hasn’t had a signature win since 2012 and hasn’t won its division ever. A team that has never won it’s division and hasn’t won a conference championship in 25 years should never get the nod to play for a national championship. Just because A&M has massively dumbed down their definition of “greatness” doesn’t mean the rest of college athletics has to dumb down their definition of greatness. That being said, congratulations to the aggys for the greatest season that any living aggy has ever seen or any aggy player has ever participated in. In any major sport. It was magical for all of us. That “4th Place Champion” banner will look impressive in the aggy “Hall of Champions.”
  20. I have no interest whatsoever supporting anything that keeps UT Austin tied to Texas A&M. Unfortunately, as long as A&M remains the agricultural branch college of The University, we will be stuck dragging them along. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/orange-and-maroon-legislative-day-2021-tickets-131368180765?utm_campaign=FY21+OMLD+-+Key+District+Email+1&utm_source=sfmc&utm_medium=email&utm_content=https%3a%2f%2fwww.eventbrite.com%2fe%2forange-and-maroon-legislative-day-2021-tickets-131368180765&utm_term=20210108_9409670_418633033
  21. And the ACC goes an impressive 0-6 in bowl games this season.
  22. One does not have to support Black Lives Matter to be an opponent of racism. One can be against both, and for good reason. The aggy "get woke, go broke" was not directed specifically against BLM, it was a general sentiment in opposition to those who promote racial diversity. What else would one expect from a culture that maintains a shrine to white supremacy as one of their most sacred monuments? What I was pointing out was how the aggy sentiment against racial diversity and against racial equality are out of step with mainstream American cultural values. That, and how clueless aggys are to just how out of step their culture is with mainstream Texan, American, and Western culture. Their culture has a deep-seated sickness that promotes hegemony over intellect. One cannot be an aggy and an intellectual, as to be an aggy requires one not look at aggy culture with an intellectual eye. Texas A&M's primary mission isn't academic advancement (no institution that espoused they have solved the mystery of alchemy can ever be taken seriously as a legitimate academic institution). Texas A&M's primary mission is the perpetuation of cultural hegemony, and their culture venerates white, male privilege and virulent racism (They won't even allow women to be cheerleaders. Think about that). They owe their very existence to liberal political thought, yet they reject all politics other than borderline fascism. That isn't a political statement. That is a cultural statement. I'm not promoting any political stance. I'm pointing out their cultural sickness. Their very existence is owed to a federal government welfare project, not a collective decision of, by and for the people of Texas. Yet, in utter ignorance, they rail against government welfare spending. That isn't a political observation, it is a cultural observation. I'm not making any statement regarding the position of the government vis a vis the people. I'm stating that a group of inbred rednecks who maintain a shrine to white supremacy as their most sacred grounds; that mocks, ridicules, and diminishes the military contributions of others; that denigrates women to subservient roles; and considers a 2.5 gpa at a junior college to be a great intellectual feat (shall I continue?) deserves to be openly and incessantly mocked and ridiculed. One of the most identifying aspects of aggy culture is virulent racism. Their "get woke, go broke" sentiment wasn't political. It was cultural. They fervently believe that anyone who promotes racial equality will be subjected to group punishment and public ridicule. And they could not be more wrong. "aggy values" have nothing in common with mainstream American values, or even mainstream Western cultural values. aggy culture is infected with a deep sickness. Yes, at times it borders on cruelty to mock them. They are a sick people. But as long as the people of Texas continue to commit over $1 billion each and every year to support Texas A&M, and as long as Texas A&M stands in direct opposition to Texan, American, and Western values, it is not only appropriate to mock them, it is expected we mock them. And that we stand in opposition to everything that exemplifies their cultural sickness. The people of Texas deserve better than Texas A&M.
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