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Muy Frio

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  1. Oh you mean this number? I’m talking Americans.
  2. Circling back You suck at math 250/6000= 4% left behind
  3. You should expect more vaccine resistance over time. Doesn’t mean youre fucked. Should still provide protection and new boosters can be formulated in 95 days
  4. As soon as I get that answer, I’ll circle back.
  5. For explanations we’ve gone from nobody could’ve predicted this would happen, to it was always going to be this way. It’s a fluid situation.
  6. Lol. He asked if anyone had any questions. Then acted annoyed when he got a question he didn’t want. I guess that’s what he gets when he takes them when he’s told not to. He should listen better to his handlers.
  7. It went so well that the private sector had to mobilize to help our military evacuate people. Flawless execution. It went so well that we’re having to trust the Taliban with securing our targets and securing the airport. You know the people our President rightfully said he would never trust when asked. I’m guessing we’ll never know what role having the Taliban as partners played in deaths of our soldiers or drone misfires or other people not getting out.
  8. Yes, keep telling people how great this all went.
  9. Well a right wing guy is king of late night currently and on a cable channel.
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