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Soccer Dudes Dad

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Everything posted by Soccer Dudes Dad

  1. While I'm sure the AD job at a such a wealthy university as Kennesaw State is quite lucrative and has the Overton family living quite comfortably; I'm going to go ahead and guess that this has significantly more to do with "offers they couldn't refuse," rather than development on the DL. That is of course unless the university's private jet, villas in Nice, and bonus stock options aren't really that attractive...
  2. Hell yes. That Hawaiian Ribeye was the tits!
  3. I want to say they are owned by a restaurant group. Maybe Hillstone? Not a ton of stores but that one on Westheimer used to be one of my favs. Real old school atmosphere. Dress code. Low lighting. Private tables. Music low. Old school steakhouse vibe.
  4. In my humble opinion, the best burger in houston was at "Houston's" on Westheimer. They closed that location and I believe its on Kirby. But man, that burger was something else...
  5. Huge fan of McLlintock! If you haven't watched it, you should...
  6. Best fucking post on this board in weeks.... I tip my hat to you sir!
  7. I just spent about 45 minutes doing some "research" on this young lady. I can say with confidence that she seems smart, fun loving, and talented. Her considerable "assets" lead me to the conclusion that she is definitely worthy of more posts. Dare I say that if she received her own thread that it would be frequented more than the "$9.95" one?
  8. You from Beeville? I am...and I remember the Turnipseed Boot Co.
  9. I logged on at 8:15 this AM. I believe on page 1025. I just now caught up. Most unproductive week of work I have ever had. Totally woth it though...
  10. I did. Bartender said all they had, when i called, was Presidente.
  11. would love to find out about her sweetness... DAMN
  12. And i wont argue with his shit talking... Feel like we need to win as many head to heads with the agroids as we can.
  13. Nahlin is a fucktard of the highest order...but it would be oh so nice if he was right on Denver, And wrong on Neto.
  14. I had a 2017 Discovery...every plastic piece in the damn car broke/fell off at one time or another. Oil pan leaked, exhaust system was fucked. Touch screen never worked. Literally in the shop all the time...
  15. For sure, but the temporary satiation was so worth it. Also, I've seen a lot of dudes consume prodigious amounts of food in my time working the oil fields. Only ever saw one roughneck finish that whole meal...
  16. Thank you and Fuck Off too! That kind of cheat day would cause an epic "fall" off the wagon that I'm not man enough to counter. For me, it's "Just Say No!"
  17. Damn, all this CFS talk on this thread has me fucked up to the nth degree. Three years ago, I decided to get healthy. I've lost over 100 lbs. Am pretty close to my playing weight and feel great. BUT, now i want to drive all the way to Zapata Texas for the best Chicken Fried Steak on the planet: The Paraiso special at El Paraiso. A 20 oz CFS covered in gravy and cheddar cheese, coupled with two enchiladas (one cheese and one beef), french fries, refried beans, rice, guacolmole, AND a crispy beef taco. 4000 Calories of bliss and arterial clogging. If you've never been/had one, make an excuse and head down to Zapata. It's sooooo worth it.
  18. Late candidate for post of the year... I thank you for the laugh. My monitor at work though, after I spewed coffee, is highly pissed.
  19. Whelp...she's lived with us for going on 12 years now...🥵
  20. I did this every day, for almost two years, to my mother in law and wife...worked almost every damn time.
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