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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChickenNuggets

  1. jesus. did y'all see that ass hat at media days? he's looking like one of Tolkien's dwarves from the Hobbit... Big bulbous nose, fat neck, and ruddy cheeks from too much drink.
  2. just heard that on my run this evening during his livestream with Bobby. Made me fist pump...
  3. Jesus... point on the doll where West touched you...
  4. (1) looks like submariner with date, (2) looks like some kind of casio g-shock maybe? nah, i think you're right... ironman of some kind.
  5. just realized a screw came out of the sheath on my Winkler knife... Will have to look into this, but otherwise, I've been happy with it for the last 4 deer seasons.
  6. Steve Patterson might be returning as special assistant to Sark... (more important news that you may have missed...)
  7. Big 12 expansion is basically analogous to when you dig a big fucking rock out of your yard and you have to back fill it... better make sure you're using dirt rather than compost cause you'll end up with an unsightly divot.
  8. Please let the reports be true and the legend returns? We gotta beat Alabama dis years...
  9. ^^^ This is true... anti-gravity sex??? i mean... dayum
  10. astrophysicist at Columbia... He's been exoplanet hunting for years and is queued up with James Webb telescope exploring alien atmospheres for signs of life. I tend to agree with him...
  11. I don't see this as legit... European powers don't spend enough, Russia is clueless and bankrupt half the time, and China only has what we developed, albeit like 2 months after we develop it... I think this is all misdirection from the US... hiding in plain site new tech.
  12. highly radiated planets with no atmospheres orbiting red dwarf stars... haha
  13. check out david kipping. He's got an interesting response to that. He's an astrophysicist at Columbia University.
  14. aside from all the sleep you're getting, what do you think aliens know that we don't?
  15. Yeah, I hear ya. But weren't we hoping the large hadron collider would break our understanding of physics but instead it's pretty much affirmed what we know? I think we have a pretty good theoretical understanding of the universe that matches observations. I would bet alien civilizations have as much difficulty funding their NASAs as we do.. instead promoting social causes, military spending, etc... I don't think advanced civilizations last millions of years... I bet they only last a few thousand. And that's not enough time to populate the galaxy due to extreme distances and limits on light speed, etc. I still think if we are visited, it'll be by some probe that was launched thousands of years ago, operating off advanced AI, without aliens onboard, by some race that went extinct long ago.
  16. quantum field theory.. I said it's growing... Edit: my IQ is insufficient to really go deeper than this... Mindscape podcast with Sean Carroll is a pretty good source of info lol.
  17. I like how we have a pretty strong fundamental understanding of physics at this point through our standard model of particle physics with a pretty sound understanding of Gravity at scale that match all observational evidence for the last 100 years (and a growing understanding of gravity at quantum levels). Yet we think a magical race of aliens can modify the laws of physics to their whim with untold energy sources available through human-sized aircraft. I'm in the nay camp. There's a rational explanation for all of this that does not involve aliens or Steel Shanks "long" member...
  18. Basically, the only mention of alien tech and bodies was hearsay... no witness actually saw the stuff. Just one of them heard about it from other government employees and he testified that he heard it, not that it exists. You'll get more information from the Joe Rogan podcast than a replay of the hearing.
  19. Lol, space tourism? I suppose that's possible. Sad to hear those favelas safaris have been cancelled... That was a bucket list item for me.
  20. I just think natural evolution and exploration involves the use of AI rather than biologics to go star trekking...
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