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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChickenNuggets

  1. He's a big boy, he's paid millions of dollars to be the UT quarterback...
  2. He owes the defense a big fucking "I'm sorry, I suck, I won't do this shit again" apology.... too...
  3. Sark had receivers open in space and QE found ways to sail the ball way over their fucking head. This loss falls on his shoulders.... Make him walk home.
  4. he's too good for cheerios... piss or not. He probably has a fucking food taster anyway.
  5. What's wrong with QE????? NIL... his fucking lucchese deal, sonic deal, wrangler deal, aston martin deal, "x" deal... whatever. the sumbitch needs to focus on football during the week or gtfo... He needs to give a shit. Oh... btw, mullets are gay as fuck and not cool (nttawwi). Play football well or cut your fucking hair. You look like ridiculous.... unless you win..
  6. some fatties with those paddles... no thank you...
  7. The baby blue top is Oileresque (which is kinda cool)... lose change the blue pants though... And the outline of a jayhawk on the helmet looks like one of y'all's kids drew it in a 3rd grade art class. Edited...
  8. From a safe distance from stillwater... Texas!!!
  9. we got this
  10. the real question is, do they cup the balls too...
  11. Is that Schrodinger's rat?
  12. Pretty sure that was Ed Clements laughing in the background on that one.
  13. talk about a bi-partisan group. I'm in favor just for the bridge-building alone.
  14. So what was wrong with the old drum? this is the aggiest thing ever... lol.
  15. south korea is actually known for developing some amazing artificial intelligence and robotics. so, i was actually trying to be complimentary.. but i totally see how it could be misconstrued
  16. I;m more pissed that the people around me in the stands got political about stupid bullshit than any football play on the field.... WTF people. You can pay these players $$$$ millions a year, they ain't professionals, they're 18-21yos.. And for some of you retards (30yrs +) you act as though the coaches and the kids are south korean robots that just do your bidding. Well.. as i told my overtly political friend today.... "fuck off" and get a life.. it's college sports. enjoy the mother fucking win... jesuss christ. next week is going to be tough... better start clutching your grandma's pearls...
  17. on my way out the door... time to curbstomp some shitty weather.
  18. It's not my fault...!! I was catching up with the thread....
  19. so when did she become a lesbian?
  20. Aggy is going to be ripe for the picking in terms of transfer portal and flipping recruits after this year. Those players will have a pretty powerful stank on 'em, but I'm sure some programs would offer.
  21. ... you sir have no idea how much i intend to drink this weekend. boring? I think not.
  22. It has a Saving Private Ryan feel to it. The closest us mere mortals will get to experiencing it. Loved how QE turned around to take it in.
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