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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChickenNuggets

  1. These are the most Surly videos I've ever seen.
  2. ^^ What we should be doing to some of the posters here...
  3. 4th and 5, with that kinda oversight, you probably could've flasked it...
  4. Can we just kill this thread and bury it somewhere?
  5. This thread.... ....
  6. watching him sneak bites of the corndog at the postgame press conference right after this vid was taken was pretty funny.
  7. That hat required an entire hay field... lol
  8. stupid post..
  9. Yeah, Fuck You. I don't think he put it on backwards. i think you're a asshat... No? Go suck a dick okie...
  10. did he? Dimples go at the back, right?
  11. Why is Quinn taking pics with Japanese porn stars? just squint your eyes
  12. This coulda been a route 66 in reverse. but it wasn't... but we have a lot of season left. Let's get after Georgia now. hook 'em!!
  13. Was Bond injured?
  14. He's a mosquito bite away from fucking shit up.
  15. You people are just poking at the gods... you need to keep your traps shut or at least speak in code...
  16. I just checked Gun Broker... They seem to run $450-700.. I bet you could get it down around $500. I have a Glock Gen4 Model 23 if anyone's interested. Also a ton of .40 ammo.
  17. Who schedules a funeral on OU Weekend? Kidding, sorry to hear, T&Ps.
  18. what caliber? That's a beaut.
  19. I'm kidding. Yeah, Citizen pioneered the solar watch. It's an attractive watch :). yeah, i've never seen a sunburst dial like that. Do you know the reference #?
  20. avatar checks out... So basically, you're a vampire who goes 7 months without seeing the sun?
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