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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChickenNuggets

  1. Does our swim coach know anythign about football?
  2. whatever.... we're gonna be a basketball school from now on. and swimming..
  3. It's the weird longhorn that makes it shit. If it was glass + seats - gimmicky longhorn I'd be okay with it.
  4. Meth.... when the booze ain't working, it's time to dig deeper my friend...
  5. Not your fault. It’s that dude whose wife popped the Champaign in the OU game….
  6. Team has quit / coaches have lost the team… two sides, same coin.
  7. I LOVE how threatened liberals get when someone has a difference of opinion. It's a sad psychosis, but real none the less. Let's see how U of A does... No reason to pile on and get all pissy. Competition is good. The names associated with this school are pretty stellar and they cross political boundaries. Larry Summers is no Milton Friedman... Way to CR this thread. Fucking losers.. And most of your kids probably won't sniff UT... especially the dumbass talking about sending his kids to ACC for their first year. lol. Jesus Christ... It's embarrassing sometimes to be a UT alum.
  8. he backed out cause of the protests associated. You think he actually decided, nah, not gonna go cause it conflicts with Murder She Wrote? Dumbass...
  9. I remember when I was at UT, Henry Kissinger was cancelled from speaking at the LBJ school. Meanwhile, Jesse Jackson and his fleet of white lincolns showed up on the south mall to protest G.W. Bush... This was all before "cancer culture" was a thing. All schools start somewhere, but if University of Austin can attract top notch teaching talent and foster actual debate and learning and not some woke echo chamber that many on here seem to enjoy, then I can see this school doing very well here. Not sure why the jokes unless some of you fucksticks feel threatened by it.
  10. I mean, he did accuse them of fucking their mothers.... calling them a homophobic slur would be less of an insult I'd think...
  11. awwww memories... I remember the phrase "fucked in the head"... Don't hear that so much any more.
  12. Charlie Strong never made any sense.. And neither did Sark.
  13. As fans, I can't believe we're at each others throats on a quarterback controversy that will literally have no bearing on win/loss... I mean, we're conditioned to argue about something I guess... But this is like arguing which historical bad ass pilot do you want flying a plan with no wings and failing engine... A. Neil Armstrong B. Chuck Yeager C. Pete Mitchell D. Who cares, we're all fucked
  14. What did he say about social media? Missed that part. Thanks
  15. I totally see a 30pt first half victory… followed by a 35pt second half loss.
  16. I’m at the point where I’d like to see in each surly poster’s bio, their education, net worth, career focus, and political beliefs before taking anything they say seriously… I love posters here who think they’re making a difference.. this board is for entertainment purposes only. If you want to make a difference, go donate your time to charity. nothing solves the longhorn football program cause historically we’ve sucked. We’ve basically outran our neighbors when it came to who the bear ate, leaving us the winners… /rant. Pissed the weekend is over and have a very early meeting tomorrow with people in Europe. Wish they’d schedule shit on ‘Merica’s time…
  17. You’re missing the worst… zero halftime adjustments. No In-game coaching or quality decision making…
  18. I stepped in dog shit today and I can you with experience, this team is every bit as nasty.
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