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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChickenNuggets

  1. I love Sark, full Homo. He cut the right jib after Arkie loss and his play calling is fucking balls.
  2. Please, let’s just drive this wear them the fuck down ^^ what I was typing before that display
  3. There is holding on every play, stop whining about it. Fuck u, we’re fans at homez. What else can we do 😘🤘
  4. I guess holdings not called nor is holding reported by the announcers
  5. We need to control the clock at this point. Wear their d down…. Long drive boys. Let’s do this
  6. My dog doesn’t know how to take my enthusiasm
  7. It should be 28 to 0 had not been for the refs
  8. This mofo is zoned in… ever had that feeling where you see the past present and future all at once and you know exactly what to do?
  9. Fuck you refs better not call the shit back
  10. Okay, it’s settling down into a traditional game. Settle down, let’s establish the run.
  11. Really need Casey to be accurate here. Come on man. You got this.
  12. Comes with the territory. Wear slings and arrows with pride.
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