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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChickenNuggets

  1. your You're missing the bigger picture... If college athletes are employees, does that mean they're barred from having sex with students? My Gawd....
  2. that and unions tend to protect the lowest common denominator which obviously negatively impacts the upside potential of their best employees.
  3. wait till their professors tell them what's up... that'll torpedo the shit out of things.
  4. He was getting ahead of the famous "fan blackouts".... chess, not checkers... mensa after all.
  5. Yeah, plastic clothes for a head coach, especially ones that look like a potato sack, are no bueno. But fuck it, if he keeps steering the team in the right direction.... (see what i did there? steering...??)
  6. looks like baggage claim at a commuter airport.... EDIT: clearly i'm unoriginal 😔
  7. Texas has always been an uppercrust school, so the tea sipping thing stuck. Maybe someone should remind them that our stadium's true name is Memorial Stadium for the men from the school who died in WWI.
  8. Did I mention the shipping?
  9. When done right, the head coach at Texas is more powerful than the governor.
  10. Texas clearly.. you get guaranteed $15-30 million contract with zero expectation for winning by the admin and only a small set of fans on a degenerate message board that seem to give a fuck.
  11. Wonder how much coke paid for him NOT to drink their product. Haha. Oh well.
  12. In all seriousness, Sark's presser showed a guy (IMHO) that's been at rock bottom, can put life in perspective, and understands how to take a longer view at self-improvement. Time will tell how that approach works with the team he has, but I do have respect for the guy.
  13. Jesus, with the money he was making, he coulda had a suit made that fit.
  14. "At the end of the day..." Sark loves that phrase, lol.
  15. Will watch after work. Did he acknowledge the importance of rivalry games? Feel like he and the team got caught flatfooted by how 'up' Arkansas was.
  16. Lol, of all the reasons since 2009, you ranked the ghost of mack brown #1 of importance. Maybe you intended something different, but that's what you wrote. And it's regarded. you do realize he left end of 2013. We're on our 3rd coach since... a lot of shit has happened since 2013. Maybe he's #5 or #8, but #1? 7 years after he left? Lol. I'm no MB defender, but never go full regard.
  17. ChickenNuggets


    Yeah, you and I disagree on economic/racial disadvantage, but no need to CR this thread.
  18. Lol, the ghost of Mack Brown is #1? GTFO, lol.
  19. ChickenNuggets


    It's easy as shit if you attend a shit high school. Can be tough if you actually attend a good one.
  20. With all those lines and circles on your screenshots, i feel OP missed a grand opportunity to draw some dicks... just my two cents.
  21. ChickenNuggets


    Mack Brown was the closest thing we've had since Royal. I remember football games before he arrived and people weren't even wearing burnt orange. He did revive the program in a very big way. I wonder how much of the coaches time is pulled away from coaching and towards donor meetings, fundraising, LHN, etc.
  22. ChickenNuggets


    Yeah, I did a search, data might be questionable, but it looks like his first year was $750K. So.... might point kinda still stands?
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