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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by ChickenNuggets

  1. our lack of a deep ball is gonna be a pretty big setback to the run game.
  2. came here for this. the greatest tangent in all of shaggy.
  3. Couple it with a pic of one of the albino squirrels on the 40 acres. This may have some legs.
  4. surly not EVERYTHING....
  5. The problem with TexAgs is those dimwits open a new thread for every train of thought... Makes it a pain in the ass to lap up their tears when they spread 'em across 82 threads... Fucking pyschos need to have just one "we suck ass and lost" thread
  6. You’ll be seeing it on road crews and in homeless camps… t-shirt fans
  7. Clearly pirate beats ass grabbers from collie station
  8. Buy their fucking stock or else!
  9. “That’s some wrecking crew stuff there”… Christ announcers. Suck more dick why don’t you.
  10. Aggy bitching about refs can suck my dick. mofos
  11. Generous with that first down there ref
  12. Oooohhh the 12th man…. Fucking announcers
  13. The Germans got nothin to do with it.
  14. Hopefully dead. Those birds are nasty
  15. I’m on my chesterfield sofa with my springer spaniel drinking my 20th ranch water of the day, watching the Aggs lose to the pirate following a UT beat down of fatty mcfatterson. great day….
  16. Watched his post-game presser and I like what I see. This is a guy who's grounded, is building a self-confident, capable team. He's someone I'm buying into. We're a few games into his tenure. What I see so far, I like. Great day today. It's hard to win a topsy-turvy game, on the road, with that history. A great experience for our team. See you sonsofbitches in Dallas.
  17. i like the cut of your jib
  18. aren;'t you an aggie or soemthing?
  19. How the hell do you neg on this site? Some of u pussies need some serious neggin pages 1-3… hook-em
  20. I have a giant Boner and I’m pre-coming watching that pile push the RB… sec here we come
  21. You good sir, are a cocksucker
  22. Mack brown tight games were a breeze.
  23. Not with 4 min remaining. That’s a lifetime
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