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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Leave it to aggy to sign the highest rated class ever in college football and three years later they have only 3 invites to the NFL combine.
  2. fify
  3. So Johntay is back in an orange uniform?
  4. sdm

    Hudson Card

  5. Tell me you have an inferiority complex without telling me you have an inferiority complex. Geez.......what an embarrassment and they don't even see it.
  6. sdm

    Tell me about ou

    Is that a phot or claymation?
  7. I was expecting to see a mugshot.
  8. Isn't that just a QB-receiver bonding exercise? You know it's important that they bond.
  9. fify
  10. Since when was pointing a first down a personal foul?
  11. Fuck Will Howard in the ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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