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Everything posted by phdhorn

  1. Oh, ok. Yeah, whenever I see models like that, I don't pay much attention until about 48 hours out. They're accurate to about 50% outside of that. I start paying attention within about 2-3 days. The local honks were still saying high 40's (started about high 50's a week earlier) for this week. No one was calling for ice. Admittedly I might have seen it if I had been looking at the Web models, I might have known. But really, it didn't make much difference in planning - 1-2 days is nothing as far as supplies, and the wife and I decided NOT to have our generator ready- this is a 48 hour max event, with cold but not frigid temps, and much less wind. This is an overrunning situation, not an arctic front blast that drives 15 degree winds up every crack in our house. If we'll lose power, we can manage. And since these 1-2 day freezups are common around here, I didn't think it was any big deal. I think people have gotten so jaded about the one in 1,000 year event that happened 2 years ago, they get nervous. Anyway, I'll try to update here if something's worth it. Meantime, 1) roads will be mostly ok if not iffy on elevations the rest of today, 2) rain stops so we'll get a break for much of the rest of the day and evening, 3) more rain moves in tomorrow the main system, just now moving out of SoCal. Temps will be critical to the degree of icing. I have a faint hope that a little slightly warmer air will be swept in with the system movement and mitigate the ice problems. We'll be right on the border of bad vs. not-bad ice, so there's no way know with something this close. Hopefully it'll be relegated to about a 12-15 hour event. Sporadic power outages mostly due to ice breaking stuff, not a grid problem. We'll see.
  2. Yes. I went there today after the post-apocalyptic rush of idiots buying 10 days' worth of shit yesterday. Roads were fine all morning, as I expected (because I study WEATHER!). Not a fair/accurate accusation. I'm only a ginger in my pubic area, where I bleached it. Thanks. Last week? What happened last week? This wasn't really on anyone's radar until maybe Friday or so. Hell, the forecasts called for highs in the high 40's as recently as Sunday. I didn't pay much attention to it until then, and when I saw that the temps were trending down, I started looking. A semi-polar blast but not a direct vortex hit here. But anyone who follows this stuff knows, the models *always* underestimate the density and coldness of these air masses. They need to get those working better. But this cold isn't much below freezing so it's taken much more time to overcome the warmth of the ground. Hell, the icing is taking even longer than I thought, which is why I was all out and over this morning doing errands. Yeah bridges and stuff froze over here/there, but I wasn't going far and on any long overpasses. Worked out great. Today it'll still be borderline - temps will hit either side of freezing in the area, so icing will be sporadic. Then this little disturbance is gone by dinner - no more precip. But overnight and into tomorrow might be bad, the main system is finally moving over us - more widespread/heavier precip. If people lose power, it'll be starting Wed. morning into Thurs. The icing amounts could be damaging. The hopefully good news is that if the wind stays down stuff won't break. If not, it'll be worse. Anyway, this has turned into a true winter event, but not atypical at all in this area, and only (now) about 2 days.
  3. Yeah, yeah I'm still alive. I'm not Missing in Action, at least that's what the Chinese and Russians told me at the ladies' garden meeting (yeah, it's a reference to something). Not a poster much any more, by design. Weather? Sometimes if needed. This one's borderline. Seriously, what do y' want to know about this, if anything? I'll try to answer.
  4. Disagree in part w/the feel of the car point, agree with most of the rest. Just got back from a week in UK, plus have driven numerous times in British-cultured countries (i.e. Caribbean). One thing apparently new, some cars now have blinkers on left side/wipers on right as we're used to (my car did), especially rental cars made in other countries. It doesn't take long to get the basic feel of the car, but driving there has a variety of conditions and unusual stuff. Plus, no matter what, it takes most Americans a lot more focus to keep the car centered on the left side - being used to driving on the right, most of us are pretty much unconscious about that. But in Britain, you are constantly thinking about it, taking up brainpower that normally is used for 2nd-level functions in an American car. The dreaded roundabouts are okay especially if you're used to any kind of traffic circles in the States (flowing clockwise though of course in UK), but there are some harrowing situations. One is that many of the "A" routes (usually 2 lane or 4 lane undivided) where you're going 65 suddenly end in a large roundabout, with medians between the lanes within the circle! This means you have to get into the exact lane you want or else just end up going the wrong way. The only way to overcome this is sheer familiarity - knowing the road exactly. 1-2 times over it will solve the problem usually. Also, most routes have the directions painted on the roadway, which gives little notice and often the writing is worn off. Yes they do have signs but often they're plied with a diagram of the roundabout, with as many as 3-4 routes marked and a list of destinations under each - it's like a page from War and Peace at times. Fortunately most roundabouts are smaller and less crowded with signage and traffic. The major routes (the "M"s), equal to interstates, are easy to drive but the flow is reversed - faster lanes towards the right, not left, and 90% of on/off ramps are on the left of the main highway. You are correct about the roads being narrow - and in fact most of them are much narrower than here (again the "M"s are wide though). Many roads have to waft through Medieval towns and so the lanes are very narrow. It does take a little practice to get used to the turns - right turn is across traffic while left is a direct turn. That's not too hard but yes there are some places you might not easily be able to see the lanes (British markings are a little rough sometimes). Driving isn't too hard and can actually be fun there. But make no mistake - it takes a lot more energy and concentration than in the States, mostly because you can't afford to relax and go "brain dead" as you can do here, being so used to it. The main thing is start out on unbusy roads, get the feel, and then work up into traffic only after being VERY comfortable with the car's handling. But it can be done without much struggle. BTW they still rent out (and drive) far more sticks than automatics... they're getting more in the rental car stocks, but it might cost extra (I always drive a stick and it's a lot of fun, plus it keeps me focused more than an automatic). Don't worry about driving in London - you pay a fee to be able to do so (congestion fee). Great idea. For most big cities, the speeds are slower so you have more time, but the worst enemy for an American driving in Britain - the dreaded one-way street - lurks. The #1 cause of accidents is thinking you're going the "British" way turning on a street but it's one way, or you come out of a one-way where traffic suddenly has 2 ways (and is often not well marked). But that's fairly rare, though worth mentioning. All in all, driving in Britain can get fun but for Americans you really can never let up. It takes more out of you but as long as you stay focused, it's fine - and weirdly differently enjoyable. It's also sinful and evil, but that's another story. Edit: The comments about wives/passengers going batshit cray with stress is spot on. It's VERY tough sitting in the passenger seat constantly watching the car get way too close to curbs and shit on their side (the left). My wife had a terrible time and frankly hated it even though she said I drove well (well except the one time I hit a low curb sticking out at night on an unfamiliar Oxford road!). Be sure each person smokes a peace pipe - driver says I won't yell at passenger for looking horrified, and passenger promises not to mother-in-law it to shout comments like "you're too far over!" or "watch it" and whatnot. Passengers unused to UK driving probably get much more stressed out than drivers, who are at least doing something and have some control over it!
  5. I kid, I kid, congrats!
  6. Wow, didn't know you were on your 43rd marriage! Congrats!
  7. Update: Rain done, more or less. Could be a shower somewhere in the area before sunset. However, the thing in the Bay of Campeche looks to bring better rain chances late weekend/early week. In any event, temps stay down. More if/when.
  8. Update: Not much from my last post.. but the front has stalled south of us about the I-10 corridor. They'll get the big rains today. However, Austin is sort of on the north end of this zone, so (as we've seen already today) rain is still likely around a lot of the area, even if not heavy. No TV weather honk has predicted that the front will move north again (bringing us potentially flooding rains) but that's always a possibility. There's not a lot out on the radar now beyond what's fallen this morning, but that can be deceiving. Stuff will pop up as the sun gets going. My guess is a cloudy day with only short periods of light/moderate rain. If the front moves north or we get a lot of lift going, I'll be back. Otherwise enjoy the fun. If it stays like this it might not even get much into the 80's, but I think enough sun will pop through that we get near or just over 90°. And not a 100 in sight for at least 5 more days. The meteorological season has changed for sure although of course we could easily get hot/dry and over 100 again... but we're done with the marathons. (Meteorological fall starts Sept. 1).
  9. Update: Yeomans (KXAN) put it well tonight: next 2-3 days is a "sloppy" forecast. That's because rain, and lots of it, is still very much in the picture. There's a slow-moving disturbance leaving a weak front behind it. But, that front's still potent enough to do what it did today for 95% of us in ATX. But he problem is that no one can really tell where the front will park - where it does, underneath it, gobs of rain. It moved through Dallas yesterday, Austin and east today, but now it can stall and even move back north - or more south. That's the slop. Still, another little disturbance is coming into the picture and it'll interact with that front. The result: high chances of rain (>70%) the next 2 days. Much of it is gone tonight, but don't get cozy - models are showing a thunderstorm outbreak 3-4 a.m. right in the ATX area. Even if that fizzles, it'll certainly whip back up tomorrow. Widespread flooding is still not out of the picture, never mind the flash flooding (Shoal Creek today had it's 4th highest crest - EVER! - in less than an hour from essentially being a rock bed!). I'll come back to try and give a better idea tomorrow where the rain falls, as the sun heats up and shows the trigger point plus with the possitility of more flooding, I'll try to stay on top of it. ironically, 50 miles one way or another won't get squat. But there's 2 days for everyone to get a piece of the pie. Longer range, the end of August is more like the end of April, and September is shaping up to start cool and wet. If the big heat comes back, it'll have to do it well into the first week of Sept. We might get one of our top 10, even close to #1, rainiest August's ever. Bet you didn't think that would happen 2 weeks ago. Weather, she be funky an' shit. More later.
  10. Flash flood warning for Austin Central till 7:15. "I'm sick of all this rain, I wish it would dry up and we could get some sun and warm weather!!" -Surly
  11. Chances of it hitting 100° today are... not so good...
  12. This one will be different... or else I wouldn't have posted. Went all John Wayne in on today's bitch, but I'm confident. Technically, it ain't even 'posed ta start rainin' until later, but wife reported animals by 2's in N Austin (183/Riata area). And that one was earlier than expected. Radar is showing the main lines coming now. We'll see, I guess.
  13. Today (ATX_): We're gonna get rain today - some people a lot. (1-2 in. here/there, some people >3"). It comes in before dinnertime and lasts from a squall line to well into the overnight. Temps will stay mid-90's today and aren't likely to get above 90° tomorrow. Slow drying, warming trend, but still well lower than what we've had. Long range forecast for late Aug-early Sept is cooler and wetter. Really? We'll see. Enjoy the rain that's coming.
  14. We could hit 100° in ATX proper today or tomorrow as a bit of lull in the rain. But today would be the day, Sunday is supposed to be less hot, and through the next week I think we'll have a few days that don't hit 90°. This has been too hot/weird a summer for me to say "never again (2022)" but the latest monthly forecast (CDC) calls for "normal" temps and precip, and "normal" starts Sept @ 95° and ends @ 88°. I can easily see another 10 days of 100° but scattered and not the endless beatdown. I just hope that fuggin' high stays out over Nevada, which it's supposed to even with this hot summer possibly still having its fingers up our collective asses.
  15. Yeah those guys were probably the kind of kids that wore $800 Nikes to gym class but couldn't play basketball worth a shit. If you get one, if it doesn't have at least five necks, you shouldn't have gotten it.
  16. Thx for this. For years I was a keyboardist and guitarist in bands, so I had to haul not only the heavy bass stuff (although the BW cabinet is sorta relatively light for the size), including a Fender Twin Reverb with the two 5-ton Fender speakers(!). I don't think the gigging will be all that frequent, and I can pop it in.out of my truck. I just figured the 400 would give me the Peavy sound in the bass (which I also like) but a bit more pop than the 200. I suppose if the lugging gets too much I can buy a new-fangled lil' amp (I do love the idea, though hauling a vintage head really isn't much work compared to the other stuff). But this wouldn't be any soundophile's level.. I'm not super-specific on the "vintage" sound. If a newer microhead can approximate it, good 'nuff for me. I might spring for the 400, we'll see.
  17. Question: I have these: I've been out of the gigging game for awhile, and the head seems like it's acting up... Thinking of another head for the BW. Something vintage like this: Question: would you buy this (just over 2 bills) or something newer, like one of the newer little thingies, i.e. minimax, Warwick Gnome, Trace Elliot Elf, etc.)? If it matters, I'm looking for a classic rock tone/vibe, which is why I'd opt for the heavy Peavy mofo, but that's about the only reason. Thanks, I'll hang up and not listen.
  18. Very good, lol. Probably the best part of the movie. Anyway, whatever youse guy'ses little pitiful compounds may or may not have gotten last night, yeah, this isn't the same old shit. We have so many weather things coming together over the next 3-6 days that it's not unpossible we could get into drought-busting categories. I honestly haven't checked the weather a lot the past day, and not much yet today, but I will later. But yesterday models were lining up with much lower temps, a (relatively) lot of rain, and even some mild tropical stuff this weekend. It's a fool's game to predict when/where/how much rain will fall on your little heads specifically, but understand that the big high which always controls our summer weather, and which this year was particularly nasty, came in real early, and didn't break up, has moved in a season fashion away from Texas - it's bigly moved. It's a yuuuge deal. So don't be surprised if the next 5-7 days are very different. No, it's not gonna rain all day every day. Some days it might not rain much at all and git hot. But the point is that this thing as we've known it is blowed up, sir. Yeah, it could creep back in next month. But if the ground gets wet enough now, no way we'll see 10 straight days of 105+ or whatnot. Remind me to tell you about the earth's orbit and northern hemisphere and all that (semi-inside joke). I'll be back if sumpin' is worth pinpointing (esp. the little tropical thing, which has a good chance of shitdumping rain on is, but not quite yet...). Otherwise, - Temps mostly in low-mid 90's (could me MUCH lower if it turns into a rainy day - like this one's starting out) - Anywhere from 1-5 inches over next week for most of us, certainly more for some, and yeah, less for others (pinpointing rain is not anywhere near accurate even these days). Bye, until whenever. Edit: just to keep the record straight, when I talk here I'm talking about oh say ATX and 50 miles radius around it. Other places I can look at if U want. (Never mind that the SE coast and the Valley have been clobbered a good bit the past week or so - their drought is basically gone).
  19. You guys aren't gonna believe the 7 day forecast. Holy shit. Later.
  20. No. A second round is coming. Probably not as widespread as the first. But some people will get more. But... ...Every day for the next 6-7 has a good shot of rain, some days excellent shot. I'll be back if/when.
  21. I have my house windows open. On August 18. At 5 p.m. Hey summer 2022,
  22. I don't think I am. But as for the chance of rain bots, I don't have a problem with them per se. What I do have a problem with is when they do shit like yours did... 90% to 30% to 50% to 70% to 20% within an hour. Shit, you might as well just look out of the window. Those sob's waffle and flip flop more than I do - and that's saying something!
  23. Ugh, "chance of rain" apps. My techgeek wife does it too and it drives me up the freakin' wall. Those black clouds 15 miles to the north think it's 100%. It's gonna rain hard within an hour on almost all, if not every single one of us in ATX. Stick that up the "rain chance" bot's ass.
  24. Gonna get hot today because the front is coming in 3-4 or after. One more.
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