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F250 last won the day on March 6 2021

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  1. Perhaps, but there is nothing wrong with that.
  2. Because you crave a thick veiny penis. Pretty much the same reason you eat a Snickers King Size upside down.
  3. Heretic was a good watch. As you said, it has the horror vibe without the gore. Hugh Grant was great and I also thought Chloe East did well too. I didn't recognize Topher Grace until the credits rolled. It's been awhile since I have seen him in anything.
  4. It's a slow burning joke.
  5. Vodka and pickles is how you repel women.
  6. I've been told scotch makes me mean but rum makes me fun. I think it's because I drink scotch when stressed and rum for celebrations.
  7. Seems plausible and the situation described sounds like Boar on the Floor.
  8. 2008? Pat Buchanan was doing his crazy thing back in the 90's. The Republicans went bat shit crazy 25 years ago. You didn't realize this very early on in the first Bush administration? Holy Fuck, batman!
  9. Damn dog, I remember waking up in the morning to watch Bozo the Clown before elementary school in 1984.
  10. Yeah, they used the "women turns down alcohol at dinner" trope to expose her pregnancy.
  11. Just two? Me if that happened.
  12. What if Dems actually fanned the flames of class warfare?
  13. 1,000 students? That's the size of a 4A high school.
  14. I am so confused, is this a real movie or not?
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