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Everything posted by F250

  1. I am so confused, is this a real movie or not?
  2. What the hell is the obsession with RTO?
  3. Uh, I have more than a few older relatives there. None are Republicans in fact one of them olds may or may not have dragged down a large Trump sign with his truck a few years ago.
  4. If they work in a bar there is a very high chance that they are sugar babies.
  5. No but it speaks to sentiment and privilege.
  6. When I click on that link. Shit, I never heard about Chiefs fans freezing to death.
  7. You just said, your children are no longer in America so it's okay to wish terrorism and death on America. Bro, just stop.
  8. LOL Okay, now it's time to wish terrorism on Americans. Listen to yourself.
  9. No bro, I am asking you to take the first step. Lead by example or just talk shit on the internet.
  10. Yeah. Like you are really going to really do anything other than promote stochastic terrorism. Fucking commit violence yourself or Fucking shut up!
  11. My recommendation is too execute every person with a law degree.
  12. This is crazy talk. Trump policies will generate enough economic pain, nobody needs to wish for death and violence.
  13. Because you are hoping for Americans to die in a terrorist attack. That's crazy thinking. I understand the logic but you are expressing the exact thing that you oppose, a lack of empathy.
  14. You need to take a Xanax or start smoking weed. You are going off the rails. This is crazy talk.
  15. Shit is getting fucking crazy. I recently talked to a married couple I know that both work for the V.A. They were both on vacation together when the "Reply with what you did last week or be fired" email was sent out. When they returned to work on Monday there were emergency voice mails left stating that they need to respond to Musk's email. They are both veterans and have been with the V.A. for years and both have already lost staff with the initial round of firings.
  16. Nobody gives a fuck. Her speech is already forgotten.
  17. iMAX colonoscopy? If we are talking about a 3D iMAX watch party.
  18. I thought about Interstellar too when trying to find a hint of blue sky this afternoon. That was some ominous looking shit today.
  19. I have an employee that recently moved to Turin in northern Italy. He rents a three bedroom apartment outside of the city for 1500 euros. That's a pretty affordable price.
  20. F250


    I just keep waiting for Michelle Randolph to walk around in her panties so a bit disappointed so far.
  21. Actually, someone in here gave me shit about using the term honky a few years ago and they were a member of the liberal cabal. Since then I've learned that it's best to just say "Fuck You Honky."
  22. Okay, Elon. They do research this information and it's publicly available.
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