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Everything posted by F250

  1. Tomball suburbs is kinda farm life.
  2. Oh, damn. How I feel about tonight's game after reading those posts.
  3. This thread is getting a little weird but I can't stop laughing.
  4. Our H.S. head coach made us "voluntarily" attend FCA meetings that he ran. One day, we had a bad practice and he started off a speech by saying "Let's set aside that FCA stuff I've been talking about for a minute." lulz Then he began a rant, "Ya'll play football like a bunch of little shit balls. You know what that means? Ya'll are a bunch of pieces of shit clinging to a hairy ass."
  5. My youth pastor tried to confiscate my cassette of The Dead Milkmen "Big lizzard in my backyard" but the wholesome cover persuaded him it was safe. Then we played V.F.W. on the speakers in the church gym and chaos ensued.
  6. Halftime discussion about the Texas Washington game. Dilon Johnson's running impact on the game. "He will need to a couple of aspirin before this game."
  7. I forgot about him. I wonder if his sister has an onlyfans.
  8. Texas State is displaying all the dignity of a program that has never been invited to a bowl game.
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