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Everything posted by Bernard

  1. Best beer for the end of a stupid hot day… Bernard
  2. Mea Culpa time. New info seems to contradict the initial story of police in pursuit prior to the shooter entering the school. Now hearing that the school called for help and first LEO on the scene was a border patrol agent. Other LEO’s arrived later. Engaged and the shooter and killed them. If that’s the case, good job, guys. Confirmation bias seems to have struck in a fast developing sorry. My bad. Bernard
  3. OK. Done. It’s good to know I’ve made my point. Now we can carry on with the standard broken record of comments that follow every one of these tragic mass shootings. Bernard
  4. True. We are very early in learning the facts of the case. I’ll stand corrected if new facts dispute my current jump-to-conclusions. Obviously, I’m biased. Of course we all know that cops are compulsive liars, so there’s always those pesky facts that get buried. Time will tell. It’s all tragic regardless. My mom was an elementary school teacher. So this hits close to home. Bernard
  5. I retired from real work at 39. HPD max age for a cadet is 44. At 43 I considered doing exactly what you suggested, just to serve in internal affairs. Alas, that was a decade ago. Too late to get hired now. Also, 15 people are dead in what appears to me to be an easily preventable crime. Seems like the police failing to do their job is a valid point of discussion Bernard
  6. 1. It doesn’t seem like a guy who’s planning a school shooting would just drive into a culvert 100+ yards from the school. 2. How does the driver of this truck get out of the truck and into the school with cops allegedly in pursuit? Bernard
  7. I suspect the dash cam footage from the chase is being deleted as we speak. Do you recall the armed police officer who was ON DUTY at the Parkland school shooting; the one who exited the school and hid in the parking lot while the shooter murdered innocent victims inside??? Bernard
  8. Photos show his truck crashed (at the blue dot) in this culvert, not far off the road. Some reports that police were already in pursuit Bernard
  9. Good job keeping everyone safe, guys. Bernard
  10. Cops pursue murder suspect. Suspect crashes truck in culvert. Suspect exits wrecked vehicle with two guns in hand and travels over 400 feet on foot, passes through school’s fence and into school’s entry before cops in working cop car(s) can stop him????? Can’t wait to hear how the worthless, pussy-ass cops spin this story. Bernard
  11. They broke away from regular markets talk on CNBC for several minutes of “breaking news” about this story; and that was when there only two reported dead, and 14 “injured”. It’s getting massive coverage. Bernard
  12. Can you install some bollards in a way that makes maneuvering a big rig difficult, but still allow cars, and not be ugly? I’ve used these guys: https://www.bollardbarrier.com/ Bernard
  13. The contract I signed was a boiler plate agreement. Easy boxes to check and blanks to insert names of those who can authorize a tow. It can range from you giving the tow company carte blanche to tow any violators on their own to having them tow only when you specifically call and say “tow this mofo right now”. Unfortunately, there’s no getting around the sign requirement. I was worried about ugly signs. In the end, they weren’t the eye sore I expected. Bernard
  14. Drive to a nearby property and look at their towing signs. Call the number on the sign; phone must be answered 24/7. Tell them you want to sign a towing contract for your property. Install proper signage; Texas towing sign regulations are very specific. Towing company will likely offer cheap signs for free. If you want higher quality, you can get them done many places at your own cost. The contract will be no cost to you. The contract will have various options as to who can authorize a tow. I’ve done it. It’s quite easy. Bernard
  15. I seem to recall OPEC cut production 10 million barrels per day during the pandemic, and they’ve only increased by 500,000 barrels per day since the world opened back up. It’s time to tell the Saudi Royal Family to open the spigots before we start talking about democracy and regime change in their backyard. Bernard
  16. I don’t recall his name. Last time I saw him he was on the front porch of my house on 25th with tears in his eyes asking us not to press charges. I reminded him that we hadn’t even recovered all of the stolen items yet. He walked sadly back to his Croix condo and gathered up the remaining loot that he “forgot” to give the police the night before. Bernard
  17. CSB: An SAE burglarized my house in West Campus on the night before the A&M game in 1990. Got away with felony level value of stuff. The security guard for the Orange Tree and Croix condos solved the case a few days later. APD showed up, went to his place and recovered most of the stolen shit. Refused to arrest the dude even after he admitted to the crime. My roommate and I wanted to press charges. APD made it so difficult, we eventually gave up. Bernard
  18. No and No. That’s my whip parked in front of my neighbor’s place. 🙂 Bernard
  19. The mojave copper FX in the photo is parked there daily. The mat on the floor collects the dripping AC condensate after each trip. Bernard
  20. Only a true garage drinking aficionado would recognize the Ying and the Yang of an Igloo table. 👍 Also, posting just to show off the new mood lighting. Drinking in your garage alone is best with just the right amount light at just the right color temperature. 🙂 Bernard
  21. Make sure to have State Farm pay for the vehicle’s diminished value, as well as the repairs. Bernard
  22. It seems like a career law enforcement officer could have come up with a better plan for the post-escape phase of the operation. The escape went well. Liquidating known assets like her house is on the right track. A ghost vehicle and a private place to wait out the surely expected media storm seem like obvious must haves though. Maybe cops are dumber than I thought. Bernard
  23. My 79 year old (otherwise healthy / former marathon runner / employed until COVID) mom called me Thursday AM. Knew something was wrong immediately. She’s struggling to speak. Then manages to get out, “I fell on the steps”. I was already in my garage, so in less than 10 seconds I was on my way. She slipped feet first. Landed hard on her back on the plushly carpeted steps. Crawled to her phone down the hall. She’ll be OK, but she fractured a vertebra. Pain meds and rest for time being. She got her first Echo Dot 4 going today. Soon she will have one in every room and the garage. Apple Watch is being discussed. The first few seconds on the phone call we’re scary AF. Bernard
  24. 2 seasons 11 games 8 rushes / 22 yards 3 catches / 16 yards Bernard
  25. Moving east toward the center line will be WAY better than moving west. Most people will not plan ahead. Half of Austin will wake up that morning and try to drive to Llano or Fredericksburg or Lampasas. Half of San Antonio will wake up that morning and try to drive to Kerrville or Uvalde. And oh yeah, half of Houston will be doing the same thing. Bernard
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