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Everything posted by Bernard

  1. For the record, Moderna received funds from Operation Warp Speed. Pfizer did not. Pfizer got funds from some German vaccine funding mechanism. Bernard
  2. The amazing thing is that scientists had a vaccine ready 23 DAYS after the virus' genome was sequenced and made public by China. Testing, approval, and manufacturing consumed most of the timetable. Bernard
  3. Upside is that if HEB Pharmacy in Wharton, Texas has 400 doses, can other locations be far behind? The location list on the scheduler shows lots (150+) locations. I’m happy to drive my mom to any of them if that’s what it takes. 🙂 Bernard
  4. Shit. I was refreshing the news page a few minutes before 9AM. Got past the front page and to the scheduler right at 9AM. That page said no more appointments available. Bernard
  5. Yes, Abbot screwed the pooch big time with his super wide definition of Phase 1B. How had is it to just follow the CDC guidelines? My 78 year old parents shouldn’t be competing for appointments with a fat 25 year old. Bernard
  6. It’s a very open stadium by NFL standards. Bernard
  7. I’m flashing back to 2005. Watched the Horns win in Columbus on Saturday night. Drove through the night to Buffalo for Week1 game v the Texans. Texans got smoked. JP Losman looked like an all pro QB v Texans D. He was benched three weeks later because he sucked. His grandpa was sitting on our row. Mike Williams family was sitting in the row behind us. They were all wearing Longhorn t-shirts under their MW Bills jerseys. Bernard
  8. I was referring to the OP’s 20 year old windows. 🙂 Bernard
  9. Mine are 27 years old in Houston ad they’re fine. What’s wrong with yours? Bernard
  10. Tell the UT Austin student to find their own damn apartment. Bermard
  11. 2004 Home Run Derby at Enron Field in Houston. Section 119/120. Sat right across the aisle from him for the whole event. At first I just looked over and thought, “Hey, that’s Tommy Lasorta sitting there. Let’s watch some home runs.” Throughout the night though, the number of MLB insiders (not random fans like myself) who came over to say Hi to him was unreal. Non-stop. It’s like he was the fucking Pope. I didn’t say anything to him all night, because, you know, fuck the Dodgers.... but still, it was impressive to see who did. Baseball royalty for sure. Separately, HR Derby was actually pretty awesome in person. Better than I expected. Bernard
  12. I’ve been a lot of big events - Super Bowls, World Series games, Final Fours - and nothing has ever been close to scene outside the Rose Bowl that day. Thousands of fans actively looking for tickets. No sellers. None. Another Surly poster and I had two tickets, but our two friends didn’t. I’m a seasoned street ticket buyer. Couldn’t even stiff a ticket for sale all day. Forty-five minutes before kickoff, we decided to give up and instead attempt entry via the famous Texas-OU $20 handshake, which we decided should be a $100, then $200, then $400 handshake. We picked the least supervised ticket taker, way off on the left by himself. Just as we are about to execute our plan, a woman and son appeared out of nowhere. “Do you guys need two tickets?” they asked. Why yes we do. They wanted $3,000. We talked them down to $2,700. As we’re counting out the money and the total passed $2,000, I thought to myself, “God I hope it’s a good game.” Bernard
  13. Can you add some more color to this comment? Their website says they are only vaccinating those in Phase 1A. Bernard
  14. You and your daughter are tenants in common on this house. Write up a tenants in common agreement saying she owns 99% of the house and you own 1% of the house. Sign it. Notarize it. Present it to the appraisal district and/or the county tax office. This should be enough to get her a homestead exemption, or at least 99% of it. Alternatively, you can prepare a deed that transfers your ownership share of the property to your daughter. Sign it. File it with the county clerk’s office. Any title company can handle this for you in like 5 minutes. Your loan certainly has provisions that say you cannot transfer title without lender consent, but you should be OK transferring it to your daughter since she’s already on the loan. Transferring to a third party is a no-no. You’ll still be liable for the loan of course. My girlfriend and I did this two years ago. We owned a house together. I moved out. She wrote me a check for my half. I deeded my half to her. Lender would not approve transfer. We did it anyway. Fannie Mae loan serviced by BofA. Real estate lawyer I’ve known who also owns a title company said me transferring to her was a non-issue. Bernard
  15. Cops have officially gone from being compulsive liars to being too brain dead to even be good liars. Bernard
  16. The real question is why they stopped the kid at all. Cops claimed after the fact that he pulled him over for making a “wide right turn”. Yeah. Right. On the video they claim they followed the kid for “a mile”. When has a cop ever needed to follow someone for a mile before pulling him over for the high crime of making a wide right turn in bum-fuck Keller, Texas? Bernard
  17. Just dropping by to say hi. Bernard
  18. There’s a boat garage right fucking there. Just move your chair like 10 feet. Bernard
  19. Without family support and a strong game plan to get his shit straight after being bailed out, jail might be the best place for him right now. Jails are not usually the best place to get help with mental illness, but the can cure substance abuse, at least for a while. Maybe a stint in the slam will do him some good. I’ve seen it work out that for one bipolar girl I know. Parents tried everything including $50k inpatient program at Menninger Clinic. Didn’t work. They didn’t bail her out after her 3rd DWI. Six months behind bars awaiting trial fixed her right up. As already touched on above, if he’s facing jail time post conviction, might as well get the clock going now. County is better than TDC, right? Bernard
  20. How much is bail for that kind of charge? And what constitutes serious bodily harm? CSB: Dude tried to snatch a purse from a girl I know. Montrose. Mid 1990’s. He grabbed the purse from the front seat of her top-down convertible SAAB which was parked in her driveway. She tried to stop him and was pushed to the ground in the process. Aggregated robbery. He turned down a plea offer of 7 years. Went to trial and got 20 years. He had multiple previous felony convictions. Victim thought it was WAY too steep. Questioned her decision to press charges and testify against him. Bernard
  21. There was a group of cars in traffic on the left side. There was open track on the right. Looks to me like RG didn’t realize Kvyat was so close behind him to the right. Their wheels hit and sent RG careening right. Separately, replays showed a piece of car debris flying right under RG’s right front tire just before his move to the right. It’s unclear if the debris affected RG or the car. Bernard
  22. You can see a notch in the barrier where the halo smashed through. Wow. Bernard
  23. That’s not the exact same shit AT ALL. 🙂 Bernard
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