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Everything posted by Bernard

  1. Took a break from Surly for awhile. Can’t remember why. Came back recently to read thread about the odds of 2020 football season even happening. Found this. Yes. Heady times for Bernard the last couple of months. Of course I joined the protests in Houston. At one point I let off an epic verbal blast to a group of cops standing out in the street earning overtime . When we reached the next block, a stranger said, “Hey, can do do that again so I can get it on video?” Of course I obliged. Bernard
  2. How can it be the best price in Texas if it’s the only one available in Texas? What are you comparing it to? Bernard
  3. I’m drunk on a flight to London right now. Watched most of the game in the airport lounge and bar and streaming until takeoff. Game 7 in London should be epic. Bernard
  4. Much better value than the four tickets above poster and I have for Kansas game next week. When you add in airfare and rental cars, I’ll spend more going to see the @WVU and and @IowaState game this year. So on a relative basis, the OU tix seem like a bargain. Bernard
  5. Two tickets. Section 122. Row 8. Total cost including StubHub fees: $1,084. Pulled the trigger Friday afternoon on the drive from Houston to Dallas. Bernard
  6. Bought on StubHub. Feeling violated. #metoo Bernard
  7. I’m in Houston. Can deliver cash pronto. Can likely do the same in Austin or Dallas too via friends. Bernard
  8. JKC. Now I’ve heard it all. HPD has 5,500 cops and a $880 million annual budget. Harris County has 2,500 deputies and $669 million annual budget and and it seems like it standard operating procedure to do nothing more with parole violators than enter their name in a database and just hope they get somehow screw up and cross paths with a cop. Unbelievable, except of course it’s totally believable. Bernard
  9. I’m curious how much HPD or HCSD manpower has been involved in getting this guy off the street over the past two year vs the infinite number of hours expended keeping all the speed traps fully manned. Of course they only find him when he rolls through a stop sign. Bernard
  10. I don’t think this is true. My understanding is that if you add your kid as an authorized user on your card, their credit report gets credited for all your timely payments. Seems to be confirmed here: https://www.creditcards.com/credit-card-news/what-is-the-minimum-age-to-be-an-authorized-user.php Bernard
  11. OP sounds like my 78 year old aunt who passed away this year. Never married. Had money, but rarely spent any. She wasn’t about to change anything about the kitchen or baths in this 1940’s house she grew up in: https://b1iw.app.link/7FslNdguj0 Bernard
  12. $50 is not realistic unless it’s pouring rain. Since you mentioned you’ve never been to the game, I’ll mention that I’ve been every year since 1989. Bernard
  13. Nope. I have a perfectly good relationship with my parents, but could easily go weeks without speaking to either one of them while in college and long after. Now they are old so I keep closer tabs on them. Bernard
  14. For the record, I’m happy to pay my fair share of school (and other) taxes even though I have no kids. An educated populace enriches us all. My issue lies in one group of government subsidized folks bitching about other folks’ government subsidizes. Bernard
  15. Are the remaining birds angry about this? Bernard
  16. Does it process at 60 teraflops a second? Bernard
  17. Do you not get tax breaks for having kids? For being married? For my side of the fence it sure seems like the gubment is contributing to your kids upbringing. On top of that, I pay a shit ton of property taxes every year and more than half goes to the school district to educated other people’s kids. Bernard
  18. Let me get this straight. Saudi has been fighting a war against Yemen in Yemen for years now with (I assume) USA sourced weapons. No one seems to blame Uncle Sam for the casualties. Now Yemen brings the fight to Saudi Arabian soil using Iranian made hardware and suddenly it’s all Iran’s fault??? Am I missing something? Reminds me of the time a bunch of Saudi Arabians hijacked planes and flew them into US buildings. Uncle Sam was so pissed off at Saudi Arabia that we started wars with Afghanistan and Iraq. Bernard
  19. Just turned 50. Never had the desire for kids, which probably bled over into never really having the desire for a wife. I’ve had many options for both over the years. Had many relationships end when the GF started talking about marriage and kids. I’m a bit of a lazy, selfish, asshole. No regrets. I’m quite happy with my independent life. I dog sat a friend’s dog for three days last week. JFC that was a pain in the ass. I can’t imagine dealing with a wife and kids 24/7/365 for two or three decades nonstop. I’m way too far down the road of living life on my own terms and making decisions without a care in the world for how they might affect my dependents since my dependents don’t exist. I have plenty of friends. And good times. That’s all I want. There’s no right or wrong answer. I doubt you’ll find many people on either side of the fence who have major regrets. No matter what choice you make, you live with it. Those decisions become your life. All the other infinite other roads you didn’t take become not-your-life. In the end most people find a way to rationalize how their choice was the right one for them no matter how your life actually works out. I saw an interview with one of those Murderball guys once. He made a decision that put him in a wheelchair for life. He dealt with it and moved on with his new wheelchair life. He had zero regrets. He said if he a time machine he’d make the same bad decision that got him paralyzed again in a heart beat. His life, his friends, his wife, his sport all came into his life after his accident. All those things became his life. Without the accident he’d have none of that. He’d have a different life, but an unknown life, one of an infinite range of other possible lives that might have played out had his accident never occurred. In the end he only knows his actual life, and he was happy with it. I wish the same for everyone. Bernard
  20. 6:30 PM start time!?!?! WTF. Should start at noon. I’m looking for a place with AC to post up for a few hours before Uber-ing to the tailgate. This would have been perfect. Bernard
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