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Posts posted by Bernard

  1. Didn’t read the article, but I assume he’s including all RB passes in the analysis. The problem with this is that lots of times the QB throws the ball to the RB as a receiver of last resort. When nothing is open down field and the pocket is collapsing, dump it off to the RB. This is not at all the same a specifically designed pass play where the RB is the primary receiver. Stats lie. 


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  2. My long term update: Lost 92 lbs. as documented in the 2018 thread. Went from 324 tom 232. Then went off the rails completely. Not sure how much I gained back. Sitting at 256 lbs. now and the pendulum is swinging back in the right direction. Want to get back 232 and beyond. I was 210 when I moved into The Castilian in 1987. Have not been that weight since. 6’5” and 50yo.  


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    Why are Austinites such fucking pussies??? If you see a scooter rider blatantly violating the rules of the road, how hard is it to shout at the top of your lungs, “Get off the fucking sidewalk!!!!!!’?

    I run around Memorial Park in Houston. Every so often, there’s some clueless person riding their bike on the jogging trial, where bikes aren’t allowed. When this happens I shout out, “NO BIKES ON THE JOGGING TRAIL!!!!!”. Then they get off the trail and all is well in the world.


  4. 8 hours ago, Rougarou said:

     I had heard that the plane rides we take these days are so automated that if the laymen knew how little a pilot does they would psychologically not be able to handle it and it would hurt the industry. Is that true?

    Buddy of mine was training United pilots on how to fly the 787 when it was brand new. He got me in the simulator at IAH. With zero flying experience, I was able to taxi to the runway, take off, fly to downtown Houston, then land. Over course he was standing right behind me telling me what to do. It seemed awfully easy though. Of course I wasn’t dealing with any abnormal circumstances. 

    I shot this video of my other buddy landing the same simulator:

    My landing was smoother than this one. Once on the runway though, I forgot (until reminded) that I needed to steer with my feet. Made things a bit interesting careening down the runway swaying left and right.

    Captain Obvious: flying the sim was awesome, unbelievably realistic.

    Random Fact: the steering wheel used to steer the plane out to the runway was this tiny little thing about the size of a door knob. 


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  5. Is your wife on birth control? If so, what’s the point of following other Catholic rules? You’re both going to hell anyway. Might as well enjoy life now.


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    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, TwiceHorn said:

    The Center for Responsible Lending found that during the housing boom, 6.2 percent of whites with a credit score of 660 and higher received high-interest mortgages but 21.4 percent of blacks with a score of 660 or higher received these same loans.

    These are exactly the kind of statistics that are super easy to manipulate. A credit score of 660 won’t get you a prime mortgage. The cutoff for a prime loan is substantially higher. Although the statement is likely true, and certainly appears to damning, it’s misleading. 

    2 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    It turned out that several of the major banks had been purposely giving people of color subprime mortgages, including borrowers who would have qualified for a prime loan.

    As I mentioned in a prior post, people (regardless of race) should shop around  for the best mortgage terms. The people making loans are on the other side of the table. It’s unfortunate that many people, especially people of color it seems, are ignorant to this fact. 

    2 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    One former employee testified that in 2001, Wells Fargo created a unit that would be responsible for pushing expensive refinance loans on black customers, especially those living in Baltimore, southeast Washington, D.C., and Prince George’s County—all locations with large black populations. 

    A sales organization with geographic territories?!?!?!?! Shocking. Wait. This describes countless other sales organizations. 

    2 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Specifically targeted for subprime loans among the minority demographic were black women. Women of color are the most likely to receive subprime loans

    Have you read the Wives and the Stupid Things They Do Thread????

    Lastly,  I heard Madoff’s sales organation targets mostly old, rich white people. Fucking racists. 


    • Fuck You 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Catdaddyhorn said:

    We aren't talking about a single black family here? We're talking about a large sample of black families being more likely to be thrown into subprime pools than white families making 170k less than them.  No amount of bending over backwards to stick your head in the sand to avoid seeing racism can hide this fact.  Not to mention what we already know in regards to this topic

    You don’t seem to grasp that the subprime mortgages were not about income. They were about credit scores. The article talks about income, but not credit scores. The research behind the article says they examined four million loan applications. Where is the credit score data? It’s conveniently left out. If the data showed that black borrowers were steered into subprime loans while white borrowers with the same credit scores were considered prime, then we’d have a real, live smoking gun. I can only assume that data, since it was left out of the article, doesn’t exist. 


  8. It’s not racism.

    I got a loan to buy a house in 2004 from Countrywide Home Loans, then largest home mortgage lender in the county. I did the whole thing by phone/fax/mail. I doubt they knew if I was black or white until long after the loan terms were settled. 

    I will add this though...

    Regardless of race, there is an amazing amount of ignorance about how the whole process of creating a home mortgage works. A huge majority of borrowers have no idea where the money comes from; who the players are, or how the players get compensated. Very few are aware that the friendly person on the phone does NOT have your best interest at heart. The higher your interest rate, they more the lender profits when the loan gets sold, and they all get sold. Every borrower should shop around for a loan, but few do. Lenders take advantage of the ignorant. When you sit down to buy a car, you know the dealer’s financial motivations are diametrically opposed to your own. It’s the exact same thing when dealing with a home mortgage originator, but most folks don’t know it.  


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  9. On 2/20/2019 at 1:40 PM, Bat Guano said:

    From what I've read, and in my limited experience, the dealership makes most of its new car profit from your trade-in

    A quick look at Group 1 Automotive’s 2018 annual report says otherwise:

    Gross Profit Margins:

    new vehicles - 4.9%;

    used vehicles (retail) 6.1%;

    used vehicles (wholesale - this is where most trade-ins go) - 2.1%

    G1A owns 187 new car dealerships selling 30 brands of vehicles  



  10. It’s a tax on driving. Nothing more. Just pay it and move on.

    Tell Jr. that if he wants to speed, the best technique is drive slow until passed by faster vehicles. Follow a few hundred yards behind your fellow speeder. First car almost gets the ticket, although I was once pulled over along with the guy I was trailing.


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  11. 57 minutes ago, Your Mom said:

     Doubt that weather was strong enough to bring down a 767 but it might’ve been just rough enough to dislodge some cargo containers. Could’ve been something like that 747 in Afghanistan a few years ago if a few containers slid from one end to the other. 

    Extremely doubtful. Amazon cargo containers are night and say different than a 15 ton MRAP breaking free from its straps.


  12. 6 minutes ago, RegularSizedRudy said:

    My first thought if there was bad weather is that they got caught up in a microburst.

    According to the posters over at airliners.net microburst, wind shear, etc. shouldn’t be a problem for a 767 at 7,000 feet. 

    Something went wrong quickly. Same folks referenced above say this flight went from A-OK to impact in less than 20 seconds. 


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