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Everything posted by Bernard

  1. Is he asking you for money? Is he asking you to move your house? Is he familiar with adverse possession? Bernard
  2. Your mental limitations don’t change the facts. Bernard
  3. Don’t kid yourself. The BS at DKR-TMS has surpassed the NFL already. Jacksonville @ Texans last weekend was a FAR SUPERIOR game day experience than ULA-LA or Rice @ Texas. Bernard
  4. Dovetails nicely with Bellmont forcing me to use Gate 25 this year. Bernard
  5. Brian Jones was fixture on the road game Friday night bar scene in the late 90’s early 2000’s when he was UT sideline reporter. Good times. One night the usually good natured ribbing from the home team fans turned a bit toxic. Some dipshit dropped the N word. Five seconds later BJ knocked him out with one punch. Bernard
  6. True Story: I was a low numbered potential juror in a jury pool for a criminal case where the defendant was a cop charged with falsifying government documents. I spoke freely during the voir dire. I was not selected for the jury. According to the newspaper the next day, the cop got off on a technicality, although a few of his co-conspirators were convicted in separate cases. Bernard
  7. https://abc13.com/archive/7403777/ If you don’t see it, it’s likely because you’re affluent enough to be left alone. Cops bread and butter is fucking with the lower socioeconomic classes who lack the education and means to fight back. Bernard
  8. Yet HPD (not to mention HCSD) has plenty of time write 1,000 traffic citations per day. Bernard
  9. On the road home from Fayetteville, I was seriously considering the fact that I might need a new hobby. Then the gates to the Yellow Lot opened at 8AM. The beer started flowing in me. The weather was quite nice for mid-September. The Texans kick some Jaguar ass. All seems well in the world. Bernard
  10. Vroom acquired Texas Direct Auto, which used to be a decent place to buy a used car. Bernard
  11. Section E519. Row 8. Seats 15 and 16. In Houston now. Or can meet in somewhere in Fayetteville. Bernard
  12. I like football more in person than on TV, so it’s still better than watching at home. It’s just a shame to see do many other stadiums do it so much better. Bernard
  13. DKR-TMS is a horrible place to watch a football game. Sorry. It has to be said. The jock rock sound clips have been taken to ABSURD levels. And that’s just the start of the issues. I’ve been to hundreds of college football games; more stadiums than I can count. DKR-TMS is among the worst. Fact. Bernard
  14. Last day of the off season. Down another 10 pounds since above post. 75 pounds lost since mid-April. Currently 225 pounds, which is 15 pounds over the max normal BMI for my 6'5" self. Ultimately, I'd like to see 199. Was 208 when I walked on UT campus in 1987. After losing 92 pounds in the 2018 off season, the Yo-Yo gained back 47 pounds between Labor Day and New Years. I travel and party a lot during the football season. 2021 football season goal in stay at 225. Bernard
  15. I used a U-Haul pod (the smallest one they had) to move some stuff from Philly to Houston a few years ago when my aunt died. Very smooth. Very easy. Cost about $1,300 IIRC. No storage time needed. Would use again. Bernard
  16. You clearly do not understand the bail reform issue. You’re confusing the judge’s decision to allow bail AT ALL, with the issue of cash bail reform. They are NOT related. If you disagree with the concept of Innocent Until Proven Guilty and you don’t want defendants released pending trial, you are taking issue with the 6th Amendment of the United States Constitution, not cash bail reform. Sounds like you should be mad at the police and prosecutor’s office. Why does it take them so long to prosecute an aggravated robbery case? If the cops and prosecutors were doing their job, these guys would have been in Huntsville already. And speaking of people doing their jobs, did HPD lift a finger to try to apprehend the guy whose bail had already been revoked in the prior case? I doubt it. Every sped trap in the City is fully manned, but apprehending known bail violators seems to be WAY down on the list of priorities. Bernard
  17. You don’t seem to understand the actual issue at hand in the bail reform debate. The folks trying to kill the cash bail system are NOT saying all defendants should be allowed to walk free until their trial date. They are fine with allowing a judge to refuse bail. They are trying to change the system that keeps poors locked up pending trial just because they are poor. They argue that once the judge decides to allow a defendant to remain free before trial, money shouldn’t be the determining factor in who actually gets released. Bernard
  18. Back to bar talk... Roll 'N Saloon is sorely missed. Bernard
  19. Well, I guess I was wrong about the Grotto shooting being a hit. Apparently stick up boys are dumber than I give them credit for. Bernard
  20. Houston is shifty, so I’ll move somewhere shittier???? Nice logic. 🙂 Bernard
  21. I guess losing 70 plus pounds agrees with me... Finished a lap at Memorial Park yesterday afternoon. Hot AF. Sweaty AF. Stopped by the closest C-store to grab a Topo Chico to quench my thirst. Cashier chick: Why you wearing that Texans shirt? Me: Is almost football season!!!!!! --- then noticed cashier also in Texans shirt Cashier: Oh. I thought maybe you were a retired player. I took it as a complement. Bernard
  22. Late to the game, but the Grotto shooting sure looks like a professional hit. Dead cop was a narc. Plenty of bad guys out there with motive. 5:15 PM. Westheimer at 610. I can’t think of worse place to commit a random robbery. Also, there must have been five other guys on that same patio that would look like easier and more affluent marks to any crook. My first thought was the dead cop did something stupid like try to grab his own gun, but witnesses say different. Buddy of mine ate there tonight. Spoke to manager. Manager said perps yelled, “Hands up.” Cop and friend complied. Then shooting started. No video camera coverage of the patio. Bernard
  23. CPO and aftermarket warranties are for poors. Yes, they sometimes end up paying off for the vehicle owner, but overall they are a huge profit center for those who sell them. Better off taking the warranty money to Vegas. If you can't afford the repairs, don't buy the car. Speaking of Audi, my old man has had a few A8's. He lives at the top of a hill in snow country. Quattro AWD is nice. And yes he had to pay $8,000 once to replace a transmission out of warranty. 🙂 Bernard
  24. My water heater is in my attic so I always figured a hot attic was saving me $$$ on my water heating bill. 🙂 Bernard
  25. You could do that with the bar codes on mobile tickets 1.0, but the newer versions of mobile tickets have live/rolling (not sure of the technical term) bar/QR codes that changes constantly and cannot just be copied / screen shot. No idea if UT is using the last eat version or not. Bernard
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