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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ndawg

  1. I think she could be using "we" to refer to the American media, the way sports fans use "we" to refer to the team on the field. At least, that's how I read it.
  2. He will run in the future... and win the 2008 and 2012 elections. Time travelling is confusing like that.
  3. Well said, and I certainly agree. But even when we assess how qualified they are, we all have different rubrics. Some are better than others. In my view, the ability to rethink one's position, weigh counterarguments, and accept criticism is a significant qualification -- and moreso than the extent to which one has memorized the full body of knowledge of how the government operates (i.e. "who knows the most stuff"). But even on the crude grounds of who knows the most stuff, AOC's Republican detractors are largely projecting. She's at least as knowledgeable as most of her colleagues across the aisle.
  4. I mean, in a constitutional republic, the qualifications of representatives will reflect the qualifications of the voters. AOC is far from being the least qualified representative. That’s not an endorsement, either.
  5. Computer programmer. It's the ass bottom of the qualifications barrel for actual professionals. I'd say most programmers should be hauling garbage but that's an insult to a comparatively noble and absolutely necessary profession.
  6. I don’t buy the idea that Trump is just a cowardly conman who who will back off when faced with real pressure. His base will fight for him and frankly he will (and has) fought for them. It’s easy to say “how has he helped his base? He’s too stupid to actually do anything!” He doesn’t need to be smart to improve the lot of deplorable. He just needs to smash everyone and everything else besides the dumbasses wearing red hats. That is something even an idiot like Trump gets. His fanatical devotees aren’t *duped* by him. They know what he is, and they know what he will do with the power he’ll have if he survives this. He is their guy.
  7. I mean, David Miscavige slid right into the big boy seat at the Church Scientology after L Ron Hubbard died. Cult populations can be transplanted over to a new leader. It's not easy, but there is historical precedent.
  8. WITCH HUNT! FAKE NEWS! Nope.. you're not a Trump supporter at all.
  9. I'm seeing tons of results when I search from my internet connection. Maybe your ISP is filtering results differently.
  10. We're at the point where if the Dems push for impeachment (rip the bandaid off), we'll quickly bleed to death, and if they don't push for impeachment (leave the bandaid on), we'll soon die of infection anyways. Ledge. Scotch. Shaka, when the walls fell.
  11. I need David Gilmour up on the wall, crushing the solo to Comfortably Numb.
  12. My ACA plan had a ~$400 deductible and an ~$8000 maximum out of pocket, and it saved my life this year. Would have been fucked without insurance, and the episode would have been a hell of a lot better if the Republicans hadn't done everything they could to fuck over the ACA.
  13. I don't think you'd know tyranny if it were fucking you in the face.
  14. He a troll. Not the modern, garden variety of troll that just throws stupid shit at the wall. He's an old school troll. That means he's a sly operative, dropping contrarian "gotchas" carefully designed to induce replies that squirm around uncomfortably within the distorted reality rearranged by each of his preposterous equivocations. I've come to respect his work. It's like a blast from the past; a relic from the message boards of old. Not a lot of trolls left like him. He does it for the love of the game.
  15. Briscoe Cain is an overcompensating autistic man-boy. There's always been people like him. There hasn't always been a major political party backing people like him. That's how fucked we are.
  16. Why do you characterize the dynamics related to gun violence as complex? If you're speaking relatively, then what other public safety issue are you comparing it to?
  17. Wow, you really have this message board posting thing figured out. Glad that's going to help reverse our rapid demise.
  18. Anyone else ever try to imagine what kind of worldview @Anastasis actually holds? Or, rather, what kind of worldview he'd actually espouse, if he had the courage to relate one, rather than just cowardly bait people with hypercontextualized drivel?
  19. She triggers cuckservatives, and that's enough for me to be a fan. ... ... (did I do it right?)
  20. You must make a small amount of money to be that concerned about having a little bit less of it.
  21. And yet, for some of us, the idea that the answer could be so plain and out in the open is impossible to accept. The truth must be something deeper, more nuanced -- something only our clever minds could perceive. Yeah, this is gonna go right over his head.
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