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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by ndawg

  1. 6 minutes ago, Newy25 said:


    I mean, I agree that Trump seems like he has lost it but in what universe are people not allowed to point out Trump's shortcomings? We have entire media industries dedicated to the task. The media and everyone associated with the media talk endlessly about Trump and and his fitness to be President. The word "impeachment" trended faster than naked teen coeds on the Internet. 



    I think she could be using "we" to refer to the American media, the way sports fans use "we" to refer to the team on the field. At least, that's how I read it.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Snacks said:

    Barack Obama has time travel level troll skills...

    he should run again, just because..

    He will run in the future... and win the 2008 and 2012 elections. Time travelling is confusing like that.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 24 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    It's not....but here's the thing.....I actually don't mind "unqualified" people in the House.  It's the people's House.  It's the body most suited for representation by "the common man."  I don't care if the person is raw and green, whether they come from the left or right.  I DO expect them to at least have some recognition of their limitations (a learning curve for AOC, and one she's been taken to school on by leadership and by the process).  But if there's one place that we can handle some folks who aren't "qualified professional politicians," it's the House (and that goes for the state level as well).

    The whole show shouldn't be run by them, but I like having their voices there.

    Well said, and I certainly agree.

    But even when we assess how qualified they are, we all have different rubrics. Some are better than others.

    In my view, the ability to rethink one's position, weigh counterarguments, and accept criticism is a significant qualification -- and moreso than the extent to which one has memorized the full body of knowledge of how the government operates (i.e. "who knows the most stuff"). But even on the crude grounds of who knows the most stuff, AOC's Republican detractors are largely projecting. She's at least as knowledgeable as most of her colleagues across the aisle.

    • Like 1
  4. I mean, in a constitutional republic, the qualifications of representatives will reflect the qualifications of the voters.

    AOC is far from being the least qualified representative. That’s not an endorsement, either.

  5. Computer programmer. It's the ass bottom of the qualifications barrel for actual professionals.

    I'd say most programmers should be hauling garbage but that's an insult to a comparatively noble and absolutely necessary profession.

    • Like 1
  6. I don’t buy the idea that Trump is just a cowardly conman who who will back off when faced with real pressure.

    His base will fight for him and frankly he will (and has) fought for them. It’s easy to say “how has he helped his base? He’s too stupid to actually do anything!” He doesn’t need to be smart to improve the lot of deplorable. He just needs to smash everyone and everything else besides the dumbasses wearing red hats.

    That is something even an idiot like Trump gets. His fanatical devotees aren’t *duped* by him. They know what he is, and they know what he will do with the power he’ll have if he survives this. He is their guy.

  7. Just now, Newy25 said:

    I’m not a Trump supporter in the least. I just love tribal hypocrisy. If you cannot see the irony you are most certainly part of the partisan problem. 

    WITCH HUNT! FAKE NEWS! Nope.. you're not a Trump supporter at all.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Incredulity said:


    My googlefu only returns articles about start of oral arguments back in Feb.


    I'm seeing tons of results when I search from my internet connection. Maybe your ISP is filtering results differently.

    • Haha 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    You need me on this wall.  Deep down, you really want me on this wall. Nobody wants to really exist in an echo chamber. 

    I need David Gilmour up on the wall, crushing the solo to Comfortably Numb.

    • Like 3
  10. 14 hours ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    They sure as shit don't anymore now that deductibles are 5-$10K. it wasn't that way for most folks who had insurance before the ACA.  Ours was about $2,500, a d premiums were about half what they are now.  

    My ACA plan had a ~$400 deductible and an ~$8000 maximum out of pocket, and it saved my life this year. Would have been fucked without insurance, and the episode would have been a hell of a lot better if the Republicans hadn't done everything they could to fuck over the ACA.

  11. 4 minutes ago, workswithseed said:

    I mean every tyrannical government that's ever existed that took away people's rights. That's a lot and kill a lot more people.

    I don't think you'd know tyranny if it were fucking you in the face.

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    America cozied up to dictators in WW2. Stalin. That maters not. We had to to win the war.

    Trump cozies up to dictators because he is a narcissistic piece of shit who care nothing about this country and only about himself. Doesn’t benefit the country at all. Harms it directly. 

    But you keep indirectly, not explicit of course, defending him, thus undermining our country.



    He a troll. Not the modern, garden variety of troll that just throws stupid shit at the wall. He's an old school troll. That means he's a sly operative, dropping contrarian "gotchas" carefully designed to induce replies that squirm around uncomfortably within the distorted reality rearranged by each of his preposterous equivocations.

    I've come to respect his work. It's like a blast from the past; a relic from the message boards of old. Not a lot of trolls left like him. He does it for the love of the game.

    • Like 6
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  13. 3 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    Who are you?  Why don't you tell us yours, as it relates to the subject of opportunities for meaningful research on the complex dynamics related to mass violence.  Or you just prefer a drive by?

    Wow, you really have this message board posting thing figured out. Glad that's going to help reverse our rapid demise.

  14. 24 minutes ago, fattyflattie said:

    No, because I’m voting for whoever leaves more tax dollars in my pocket. That’s probably going to be the guy not peddling M4A.  

    Fuck a bunch of waiting in longer lines for care that I already have, and double fuck paying more so the lines can clog up faster.  

    You must make a small amount of money to be that concerned about having a little bit less of it.

    • Like 1
  15. 23 minutes ago, triplehorn said:

    This is about Trump.  The issue is accepting goods from a foreign power to influence an election.  You can pay for oppo research at a fair market price - even if the services provided are from outside the US.  

    Trump was briefed during the campaign that Russia was attacking our election.  During that time there were greater than 100 personal contacts with Russians all of which were initially denied and lied about by Trump and others.  Russian cutout Wikileaks timed the release of stolen emails to maximize effect on American voters, and evidence Mueller has shows Trump campaign officials communicated about instructing Roger Stone to reach out to Wikileaks about how to further the benefit.

    What was the fair market priceTrump campaign paid for all of that ? 

    Initial payment was, within hours of being sworn in, Trump stampeding to lift sanctions on Russia.  

    Everything Trump says about this, including last week with George Steph, is pure gaslighting.  100% deception and lying to cover up his illegal acts.  He is compromised.

    And yet, for some of us, the idea that the answer could be so plain and out in the open is impossible to accept. The truth must be something deeper, more nuanced -- something only our clever minds could perceive.

    Yeah, this is gonna go right over his head.

  16. 4 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    Honoring Laffer for contributions to economics is like giving the author of Genesis a Nobel Prize in physics because he was right that the universe started somehow.

    Stop giving them ideas!

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