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Posts posted by ndawg

  1. 1 minute ago, Eskimohorn said:


    His cult following sits on their asses all day. The nutjobs cower when they are confronted. He’ll have some lone gunman unfortunately.

    I hope you're right about the first bit. I sadly think you're correct about the second.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Oh.  You're one of those "a leopard can change his spots" guys.  It's not going to work out well for you.  Trump is Trump.  Always has been, always will be.  He knows the rule: get bought, stay bought.  Because he knows the penalty for breaking it.


    That, and as long as there are people willing to believe and adore him no matter what, he's going to dig his heels in. I think he knows that much of his core base will absolutely take to the streets (armed!) to defend him. His cult following both sustains his delusions of narcissism *and* offers him his final leverage.

  3. 43 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    But, it doesn't fucking matter.  His thesis presumes something that does not exist within the GOP: spines and balls.  The GOP actually is everything that "Trumpism" supposedly opposes (yes, the irony is fucking rich) - people who are solely concerned with how to hold onto and consolidate power, by any means necessary.  And they'll say and do whatever it takes to do so.  They allowed the party to be dominated by Trumpism, and now they have no choice but to go along with it, if they wish to hold onto power.  And oh yes, they wish to hold onto power.  More than anything else, they wish to hold onto power.  Trumpism is here to stay in the GOP.   The GOP must be saved.  But the GOP cannot be saved, because  it doesn't want to be.  It's like your addict friend - if only he'd admit the problem and go to rehab, he could live.  But he insists that YOU'RE the one with the problem, because you don't respect his wishes.   And he's gonna shoot that sweet Trumpism into his veins, over and over and over, and you get to watch him die a little every day.  Because the addict only recovers when he wants to, and this addict isn't ever going to want to.  The only question is how many other lives he ruins on his way to destruction.

    Enjoy the ride, it's gonna be a bitch.

    I agree that the current GOP lacks spines and balls, but I don't think it spells certain doom. After all, cowards can find courage in numbers, and, in many ways, the numbers are there for the taking -- not only do I think a great many Americans would indeed be sympathetic to anti-Trump Republicans, but there may be enough in Congress to rally behind a legitimate anti-Trump opposition as a group. But it's a chicken-and-egg game at the moment, where middle of the road Americans and former Republicans won't trust any Republicans in Congress until they see real action, and Republicans in Congress won't take any real action until they see that voters will back them for opposing Trump. The glimmer of optimism I retain is that either the Mueller investigation or Trump's own self implosion could act as a catalyst that finally pulls substantial Republican political capital out of Trump's corner.

  4. I buy what Frum is selling here. I think the Republican party he hypothesizes could win a lot of votes. Hell, even mine if the left radicalizes.

    The vast majority of Americans don't want the country torn in half. Appealing to our desire for peace, stability, and tolerance will work once most Americans realize that the cost of furthering the political divide means the end of America.

  5. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I was thinking today how easily the Democrats could pivot to playing the Jesus card and “Christian values”.    The GOP has completely surrendered the high ground there. 

    Having a three syllable chant would help them, too. I hate myself for typing that, but it's true.

  6. Just now, Celery Man said:

    We should stop fucking with the Middle East. Just recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, open up an embassy there, and then stop fucking with them.

    Also, we totally need it well intact for maximum destruction when the rapture hits.


    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Vein said:

    How would the US go about cutting ties with Israel and what good would it do? Is the Middle East going to respect us after the fact? 

    Israel is surrounded by countries that want to destroy them. I'd say that's worth defending even if we are taking advantage of them because of the region they're in. 

    Okay, but, what about when you said this:

    28 minutes ago, Vein said:

    It's a matter of risk and reward for me. I'm not putting America at any more risk in the middle east because of this man's death wish. This is the kind of situation that could snowball into more people getting killed. STOP FUCKING WITH THE MIDDLE EAST.  

    Oh, right, you aren't aware that your position is internally inconsistent.

    Carry on.

    • Like 4
  8. I really love the preposterous notion that world class cities like NYC are expensive because they're filled with socialists voting against their own interests. Seldom do we see such an impressive combination of cognitive dissonance and projection.

    See, it's hilarious enough seeing idiot Trumpkins in rural America guessing at what life is like in wealthier spots like NYC, Scandanavia, etc., and then assuming that the quality of life there must be poor -- because, of course, they're more "socialist" in those places, and obviously every meat-eating, red-blooded American knows that socialism can't work, right? But when you add in the fact that the Trumpkins are actually the ones voting against their own interests, it puts it over the top.

    Please, keep going y'all, this is great.

    • Like 4
  9. 23 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    And pull a birth certificate out of its ass!

    And the birth certificate is tied to a string that's attached to his ass, so that when you pull that birth certificate out, Obamabear says "There isn't a Red America and a Blue America, there's a United States of America!"

  10. 5 minutes ago, TonyTexas said:

    a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions.

    Describes many liberals these days.

    "Intolerable" applies far more to conservatives these days than "intolerant" applies to liberals.

  11. 1 hour ago, Chrispy said:

    You’re not spouting facts, just emotion. Transgender women aren’t actually female, I’m sorry that offends you. 

    Your ability to bury your head in the sand and proudly believe something completely idiotic is impressive. You should consider a career in the GOP.

    • Like 1
  12. I don't want families earning $50,000 per year to go back to choosing between $600/mo premiums or racking up more debt, even if that $600 is less than what the premiums would be without pre-existing coverage.

    In this case, we're better off talking about the outcomes we want to see rather than the means. Most people want heathcare to be cheaper, better, and available to more people. The insurance business model exerts minimal pressure on cost, at the expense of harming quality and making health care exclusive to those who can fork over the money for premiums and patient portions. It frankly sucks for health care.

    There was a good intention behind ACA's mandate -- if we force everyone to buy in to the system, but use tax credits to ensure everyone can afford it, everyone ends up paying the least amount necessary to cover everybody. This doesn't have to be a zero sum game, though. I think we can increase health care quality while simultaneously expanding coverage and reducing cost, if our politicians actually solved problems instead of leveraging the present dissatisfaction to galvanize voters.

  13. Here's how I'd fix health care in the US:

    1. Get rid of ACA and force people to get health insurance through their workplace again
    2. Make sure small businesses can once again never afford to offer health care, funneling the labor force to larger corporations
    3. Subsidize farming heavily so that even the poorest Americans have access to cheap, empty calories. Conversely, make sure healthy food is really expensive
    4. Once most Americans are overweight and have adult-onset diabetes, turn doctors into pushers for their expensive pharmaceuticals that manage those conditions
    5. Lock down our borders and make sure Americans can't bring back affordable medicine from Canada or Mexico
    6. Cut Medicare and Medicaid in order to transfer wealth from the poor and elderly over to the wealthy

    Republicans, cross check me on this -- do I have it right? Am I missing anything? Wait, I am! We need a little help from the left in order to completely fuck over Americans...

           7. Start accusing anyone actually addressing our obesity crisis of body shaming

    Yep, now we're fucked real good.

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  14. 5 minutes ago, GlenFromTheMailRoom said:

    But he’s not accurate.  Fuck you mother fuckers.  Line up for your crow.

    Today's performance was special, but if he starts hitting his receivers in stride consistently on intermediate routes, he'll be on another level.

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, GRHorn said:

    I must be very fortunate to know no where near 12 women who’ve been sexually assaulted. 

    Either that or there must be something different between you and Brisket that impacts their likelihood to confide in you about it.

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