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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ndawg

  1. They're too drunk on libcuck tears to think about the future like that.
  2. Are you suggesting there was some life lesson I was supposed to take away from the results of the election? Okay, let me reflect on what you're saying... Okay, done. Got it... I get what you're saying. You're saying that the single most influential voting block in the electorate is petty enough to vote to re-elect the worst president in US history -- who has consistently stoked the flames of bigotry at every opportunity, mind you -- if they are led to believe that liberals by and large still think they are bigots (just like last time). And you're taunting me as if they'll vote elect him again if I don't learn to treat them with more respect. Do you see how that makes you come across as a moron?
  3. I love this take. The only thing the GOP needed to win the WH and Congress was appealing to xenophobia and demonizing Hillary. Apparently the Democrats are the only party expected to actually run a campaign in order to win.
  4. Hey, don't worry about the GOP, y'all. Tahoe is on the case. He'll bring coffee, donuts, and grave concern about the future of the country.
  5. While you're out there posturing as a highly intelligent grown up, all the actual highly intelligent grown ups are noticing that Trump is dismantling the checks and balances that hold our Republic together. So, there's that.
  6. Not going to deny he's a narcissist (may well be, dunno), but how exactly is he making this about him? He's promoting a movie he's going to make. That's kinda his schtick...
  7. ndawg


    Good points, Brisket, and the ability of the far right to suddenly swing far left might help explain why the Republicans are scared of losing Trump's base. The threat of them dislodging themselves from the (R) ticket is real.
  8. That video featured Zephram Motherfucking Cochran. First human to break the warp barrier. So, I think it hurt your argument.
  9. So? They're getting hooked on pharmaceuticals. Take away the prescription drug abuse and the market for heroin and fentanyl takes a *huge* hit.
  10. Also, what do opioids manufactured and sold by US pharmaceutical companies have to do with border security?
  11. This reply is one of those Dunning Kruger case studies that proudly espouses some retarded conclusion that anyone with an ounce of brains realizes is complete horse shit.
  12. The most chilling quote from that scene is the line, "If I had *my* way, they'd all be round up and shot." Because he's implying that he doesn't have the power to do so... that the law is in his way. In that one moment, he gets to pass himself off as someone who isn't an authoritarian, and he gets to pretend he's bound by the rule of law. But all the while he's inciting the audience to act as a mob on his behalf. He's inviting them to do what he seems like he wishes he could. It's creepy.
  13. Of course you don't have to support it. I didn't suggest otherwise. But you do not have the understanding you claim to have, regardless of the political affiliation of your family members. Most people have a very shallow understanding of, well, just about anything. I wouldn't be as confident in my understanding of the other side of the political spectrum if I were you.
  14. Wat. You stared off trying to present yourself as understanding the leftist point of view, but then indulged an incredibly slanted characterization of a single issue which simply revealed that you _don't_ actually understand that point of view.
  15. I want sugar banned. I've ignored him, but this is just garbage.
  16. Thanks, I'll read it when I get a chance.
  17. And, it's not supposed to, really. The objective of the question is to challenge the evangelical perception of Muslims, particularly the belief that acts of terrorism comprise a significant majority of faith-motivated deaths among Muslims. Very few evangelicals I've met have the capacity to acknowledge what they have in common with many of other faiths. The world would be a whole lot safer if they did.
  18. Of the Muslims that die for their faith, what percentage are terrorists?
  19. I can't wait for Trump to be shitcanned and to go back to disagreeing with 100% of what Walsh says. In the mean time, I'll suppress my gag reflex and back him up.
  20. Yeah, this take I almost completely agree with. On the last part, regarding other politicians entertaining foreign governments, I can't firmly agree or disagree. If a foreign power tries to influence our campaigns in a direct and brazen manner, they *normally* have quite a bit to lose. With someone like Trump, though, their whole calculus is thrown off. But foreign powers don't actually concern me as much as our susceptibility to populist rhetoric. Cheers, sir...
  21. You agreed with a post that clearly did. And I did not.
  22. No, they fart in our living rooms. And you're equating that with shitting on the couch.
  23. "By no means am I minimizing how awful it was for Trump to take a shit on my living room couch. I'm just saying, all other politicians take a shit on my living room couch, too. Believe me, I'm not letting Trump off the hook for that massive dookie he left on my sofa. I'm just saying, it opened my eyes to just how often these politicians are just dropping their drawers and unloading their burrito remnants on living room couches. I've long been suspicious that they're doing it, and now that Trump has taken a shit on my couch, I have proof that they all do it, all the time."
  24. You were lulled into a line of reasoning that justified taking the focus off of the corruption of the Trump administration. Think about that for a second.
  25. Cynicism always feels intellectually sound, and the absence of cynicism often seems like naivety to the cynical. There are times, though, when cynicism is the intellectually weak position. If you don't understand how glaringly obvious that Trump is driving us straight into banana republic territory (and, in fact, we'd have to already *be* a banana republic for your assertion to hold), then it is I that pity you.
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