Maybe this isn’t the thread for it but bear out my musings.
My wife is Turkish, so I travel to Turkey frequently. One thing that’s always bothered me about being there is that the culture encourages selfishness. Everything is about trying to get one over on everyone else. From their behavior in traffic to ways to cheat regulations and rules, everyone is out for themselves. My BIL is in construction management. He said if the law required 20 rebar in a concrete pour, they’d do 15. If it called for 15, they’d do 10. I’ve said in the past while I was there that it’s extremely hard to recover from a culture like that. That outlook is the only way they know how to think about issues.
I’ve often wondered how a culture devolves into an attitude like that and I think we’re there. Trust me, I’m full “leopards eating faces right now” as I’ve stated earlier in this thread. People who cared about others have been beaten down to the point where they’re callous and actively enjoying the suffering of others. It’ll be interesting to see how our country evolves from here.