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  1. If they had reed starting at the beginning of they they would have beat ND /aggie
  2. Parker won’t be on the team next year.
  3. https://www.kbtx.com/2025/01/02/treat-day-texas-am-meat-judging-team-earns-reserve-national-champion-honors/ COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) - The Texas A&M Meat Judging Team earned Reserve National Champion honors at the AMSA Nationals. They earned a perfect score in specification and first place overall in Lamb Judging. Dillon Prokop was named High Individual Overall. Prokop and Kyla Beck were named to the AMSA All-American Team.
  4. Damn I knew when helo posted they would postpone it. Too bad but they must be concerned Helo. How the fuck do you make it through life being so consistently wrong about everything
  5. Gig em gazette and graham need to start a message board to keep moving in on billys and texags territory
  6. Comparing them to Dan Campbell and the lions. They will eat that shit up
  7. Nah, we are a modern economy now - bitcoin mining. Screw farms
  8. I assume there probably is some sort of insurance they don’t want to have to pay
  9. Looks like they are still built in Japan. There was speculation that the 6gen would move to Mexico or something but I guess not
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