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Everything posted by Updawg

  1. At least they withdrew their rate increase. Quit your bitching. PEC actually gave me a few bucks back recently
  2. Don’t overlook that samford game
  3. Don’t worry. Dan Patrick is investigating and will get to the bottom of it
  4. ESPN has been great rebroadcasting sky with lack of commercials. Hopefully Netflix or someone other than nbc does the same. Please just don’t be nbc/ peacock with Lee diffey. Can’t even imagine how bad the will fuck it up now with trying to force everything on the peacock deal.
  5. Finally just threw away a 2008 Samsung plasma from a back bedroom . It still worked but got a line down the side. Fucker was heavy. Was a great tv for a long time
  6. I wish that was one of my shitty courses.
  7. Crazy anyone believes their bullshit. I don’t blame the guy above already retiring taking the chance though.
  8. It’s interesting and we have discussed how some of these guys mature and become like able. Not sure if max will ever though
  9. That’s pretty good. I’ll pull for him to get 2nd after McLaren
  10. From 1997 https://www.texasobserver.org/molly-ivins-school-vouchers-1997/ Three strikes and you’re out? Watch Texas spend more on prisons than it does on schools. Thinking of making your tax structure more regressive? Come to the Lone Star State and see how it’s done. The latest brainstorm to afflict our friendly pols in Austin is school vouchers. Consider the beauty of this nifty scheme as it might eventually be worked out under the guidance of the Texas Lege. To improve the public schools (I swear, that’s how the advocates are advertising this lunacy): ■We give vouchers to all the students who are already in private or religious schools around the state. Right there, before anybody else even gets a voucher, we will have taken, say, $1 billion out of the budget for our public schools. Shrewd move, eh? ■We also give all the kids now in public school a voucher, thus theoretically enabling these children to attend the schools of their parents’ choice: Unfortunately, private schools might find themselves under no obligation to accept any of our kids; they could be rejected because of their religious affiliation, their disabilities, on the grounds that they’re not bright enough, because the school administrators don’t like their looks—any reason not specifically excluded by law.
  11. Do they golf? Some good courses. 8 days is a lot
  12. No kidding. I hope that’s not real. Luckily I just had some trees trimmed
  13. Well he is correct. There are a lot of things more worthwhile than Aggie football.
  14. I need to look at the schedule. My kid just got into racing so want to check out the track. We aren’t nascar fans though. I’ve been to almost every F1 weekend and prefer Fri and sat. Is it the same with nascar weekend?
  15. I’ve never gone out here for nascar but I assume tickets will get cheap closer to the race. I want to check it out this year
  16. Just saw chevron is going to cut 15-20% of staff. Are things that bad or expected to be? Is this just them?
  17. Eventually you should have an idea of what size clothes to buy. If you are very picky about fit then you probably shouldn’t be buying clothes at Costco
  18. That’s ridiculous. What a pain in the ass customer and they should be banned
  19. I can’t even remember the last time I tried returning something
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