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Everything posted by Updawg

  1. Fun to read about that TPWD bill while camping in a state park. Fuck that guy and that bill better die
  2. Damn. I thought that putt was in. Great putt
  3. Yep. She will be buying cards at Walmart or Walgreens next. These fuckers prey on old people I was at a Walgreens the other day and the manager was train his employees to look for this stuff. It’s sad
  4. Yep. We are ripe for it. At least the winds have died down
  5. There going to be a shit ton of used Tesla’s for sale but I’m not buying one even though I need to get another car. I almost did a few years ago. Fuck him
  6. I’m glad my mom is smart enough not to believe bullshit on the internet
  7. Probably to the scammers wallet
  8. This could be a fun year. McLaren looks strong but there is a lot of competition. I think 7 teams in q3? Always ends up like this before they switch regulations
  9. Thanks but don’t really care about cheesecakes. Was thinking more of an icehouse type place. Something good to bring a dog to and have some beers and food. Or just a restaurant with a nice outdoor area that allows dogs.
  10. Will be in the government canyon area next week. What are some good pet friendly places near there Also might try out pinkertons, does it sell out?
  11. Looks like people are still getting off the plane? wtf. People are crazy
  12. Makes me wonder if this graham journalist is luccis AI sock/2nd fallback site
  13. I’ve never had issues with jet blue other than the limited destinations. Newer cleaner planes in my experience I rarely use southwest unless they have a cheaper direct flight than the othersbut that is rare for them these days. Didn’t realize their fleet was aging that badly. They may be in for a world of hurt in the near future
  14. Hope this means they have a serious plan to fix the oline
  15. Didn’t we get rid of those?
  16. They have probably come to accept it as normal
  17. Prep it with some gauze pads and Quaker state.
  18. I don’t see how that will be done by October. When I was out there the other week it didn’t look like much was done. But they will probably open up a bare bones amusement park That soil etc was my first thought as well
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