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Everything posted by Updawg

  1. Just the beginning
  2. Lived in Texas my whole life -54 years. Never thought I’d be thinking this way for these reasons
  3. I have Irish citizenship so hopefully that’s will be my fallback. My daughter does as well so I’m trying to talk her into university there. We shall see
  4. I don’t see how a single parent could do it these days the way traffic is
  5. Yeah. I’m getting sick of all this winning
  6. Was pretty fun out there for my first time at nascar. Parking was easy and it wasn’t crazy crowded. Watched the first stage on the main straight and also had a good view of t1. Then we went to t12 and left with about 20 laps to go. I didn’t want to deal with traffic. Nice breeze so it wasn’t hot
  7. Ha I think I know what you are talking about. I missed but everyone around us started making fun of Aggies and ragging on him
  8. Parking sounds good then I have enough cota experience to be able to handle then. We are also in t 12 but I like to move around. Looked pretty empty on tv today but I’m sure there will be more people tmr. Plan on getting there around noon. Need to remember sunscreen
  9. I was looking at texags about the noaa cuts. Those geniuses figured out you can just look at the weather app on your phone so there is no need for noaa or anything
  10. We are going out tmr. Am I crazy to try back ways to park in a free lot. I think N, f or t. I’ll bring cash for a private lot as well. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve been out there so I’m sure things have changed. For F1 I used to always come in from the south on a back road and park in a private lot
  11. Not all of them are happy
  12. LHN was showing games. What is this company buying? rights to games? What platform will they be shown on? Will they try and take over texags?
  13. I was stuck in London for 3 days. We couldn’t go back to my grandparents house since we had no idea when our plane flight would leave. My mom, and me and my brother who were like 8 and 10. No idea how she handled us. No video games etc to keep us entertained.
  14. If they make the playoffs
  15. Since returning to the often somewhat I’ve been listening to Jeff and Ed on the way home it’s ok but it’s probably mostly nostalgia so will see how it goes. E in the morning is the same. No idea how Trey gets such good guests but he always has. Every other description of him is accurate
  16. Damn that would be
  17. All this layoff, disruption stuff etc is probably just distractions from what they really are doing.
  18. I assumed all $5million would. Who’s gonna check or stop it
  19. I’ve seen this sentiment a few times recently and am curious about it. I know years ago sprint used to suck such as when I lived in Hyde park but would have to wonder around my back yard to get it to work But I recently switched to T-Mobile a few years ago and it’s been great. Better than dealing with att
  20. I’m with you on that. Occasionally there will be one I notice that interests me but it’s pretty rare. That ric one was awesome
  21. Must be expensive trying to find anyone that wants to work for the asshole
  22. At least they withdrew their rate increase. Quit your bitching. PEC actually gave me a few bucks back recently
  23. Don’t overlook that samford game
  24. Don’t worry. Dan Patrick is investigating and will get to the bottom of it
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