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Everything posted by Updawg

  1. Was wondering if Galveston would get some surf out of it but I guess not
  2. They fired the IG’s. I wonder if they will gut all auditors next. Get rid of journalists next and you have a free for all for those in power
  3. As a previous private sector employee and current gov employee I can say they both have a lot of the same faults and issues. I’ve seen a lot more waste at public companies by far. Gov has auditing out the ass and lots of red tape but those are usually laws etc implemented by your elected officials. Yeah the gov wastes money but is very very cheap on most shit for employees. I need to renew my family’s passports asap.
  4. Well as long as nobody tells them to score more points then the other team we might be ok
  5. It got annoying watching Kim stand over a ball for 45 seconds on every shot. I don’t know how he does it, I’d totally fuck up my shot if I did what he does. It was interesting to watch once or twice
  6. That’s pretty wild …poor kid Listening to aggietherapist was probably a bad idea on his part.
  7. I’ll definitely avoid that. Definitely avoid whatever area it connects to. All that space and they are going to waste money on a garage.
  8. I think dei until told different
  9. Why would they have illegal Mexicans work on it?
  10. Where’s Rudy
  11. Thanks a lot Obama
  12. Know some who got the fuck out. They are hating it
  13. It’s pretty damn bad and all of them are following an easy open door to the fed govt.
  14. WW2 museum is worth checking out if you have any interest in that. I enjoyed it especially since I had just recently rewatched band of brothers and masters of air
  15. Yeah you will be fine. We recently stayed right across the freeway from you and it was fine. Walked around there a lot with no issues
  16. So these VIP flights are basically just Army taxis for politicians to get around town? I assume this is paid for by taxpayers?
  17. Don’t forget school shooters
  18. If you want to sell let me know. Might be interested
  19. Because Trump and Elon have one
  20. It must suck to be an Aggie. Everyone is always out to get them
  21. I’m sure the first choice for any owner is a new stadium. I guess the time to start dealing is in the near future while they are good. I have no idea though
  22. The nfl has had success due to parity. Dynasties create these issues and turn people off although it draws in some. Green Bay, patriots, chiefs were all teams people didn’t mind until they got over saturated by them. At least to me.
  23. I was wondering that during the game but noticed it was way more than the Texan fans. I think most Texan fans like me moved on after last week. I thought the game was pretty well called yesterday except for that 4th down spot. The worthy catch was weird but I don’t know how they could have called it differently The bitching just seems to be a popular thing now for every fanbase I guess and it is kind of annoying
  24. I imagine these broadcasters have a fairly tight circle and are like WTF and laughing at A&M
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