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Certifiably Surly
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About Thiefery

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  1. @closetojumpingyou had a post earlier this week saying they would have a good year.. 8 wins maybe?.. After seeing this.. You still expect them to win 8?
  2. I caught the tail end.. But I did watch the rebuttal.. Thought she had a very clear message
  3. ou fan i interact with on discord told me Jayden Gibson shredded his knee again today...
  4. Could they transfer and fight it on appeal or something?
  5. Real.Recruiting. Nagy didn't offer Diamond in the rough, 3 star takes.. In Nagy we trust.. Anymore I miss?
  6. stay away.. Tomlin only makes coaches worse
  7. it's because you are a bright light of sunshine, in a world of darkness, amigo.
  8. if hatred could be monetized.. she is WEALTHY
  9. from what Anwar was saying.. this thing was not a secret over the past couple of weeks. Joseph seemed really interested going to the NFL..he's been passed over on promotions in CFB as far as making him a DC somewhere.. so the NFL was something he was open to. I'm pretty sure Sark already has someone in mind for a replacement with the safties.
  10. anwar just said terry Joseph to the Saints
  11. uncontrollable laughter.mp4
  12. anwar just said that Baxter target to return is more like at the midpoint area of the season... not for tosu. The new hire probably will be in his RBs ear at WVU.
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