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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thiefery

  1. fuck it, gonna need to make him hand us the CC trophy awkwardly like he did this past spring after the men's basketball tournament championship
  2. or an alibi?
  3. I always pictured CTJ as a brunette
  4. LOL there's nothing wrong with it.. but Ketch took a dig.. guess if that's the best he can do.. Bobby really is a saint
  5. There are "he's going to reclassify" comments under his commitment tweet
  6. what was the reason why they both dislike each other so much other than the shady shit Ketch has done? A few years ago Ketch was talking about a trip to Vegas (one where a stripper wanted to see him the next day but he was at a movie and his cell was off), it was like a rivals thing. He didn't call out bobby by name but you knew he was talking about him and he took a shot at him for being married and having a weird fascination towards asian strippers. There's some real animosity there for whatever reasons.
  7. yeah we'll likely stay in Birmingham Friday night.. take off early Sat morning to Tuscaloosa to catch gameday
  8. TGIF of course
  9. LOL.. I didn't know Chance Mock talked negatively towards VY.. he only praised him during the show I listened to last week. But now I feel bad
  10. I know CTJ or Sydney will neg me but I enjoyed that outsiders show the other night.. it was fun.
  11. come again?
  12. IT is killing OB on the viewership on the 8am slot.. IT gets straight to the point and questions from the chat.. The OB one.... sucks, guess that's why they get under 200 viewers while IT gets 900 plus in the same window
  13. Gerry said last week that his guys are saying he's a def take and the kid knows it but they have no clue where UT stands in his recruitment.
  14. Love this show
  15. I hear you, my flight and rooms are already booked and paid for.. Might bump up my TL
  16. I need 4.. and I'm with you.. I probably give it another 10 days at the most..otherwise gonna have to pull the trigger at $570 a piece or get some upper deck tix around $280
  17. any of y'all also nervously waiting to see if tix for the lower bowl drop below $500 too? Or am I an idiot for not jumping on the $200 upper deck tix that were available ??
  18. you can take Crockett winning it all to the bank
  19. lol they really think Murray is the best RB coach in the country..
  20. If Majors comes back. Cruz will be his backup and Cruz will take over after that
  21. https://twitter.com/Hayesfawcett3/status/1690876238808707072
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