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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thiefery

  1. Watch.The.Tape? or Real.Recruiting?
  2. 13 games last year with a total of 14 tackles? Guess he's a 5 star that just hasn't put it together
  3. I know his family is wealthy, they literally have a practice field in their backyard.. He had video clips of his workouts there that were shared on this board
  4. guess the writing on the wall is very clear heading into the Spring game this week
  5. Are we still in this or is he really going to Clemson?
  6. I knew this was going to happen.. if anyone listened to his mom rants on Twitter spaces this past season, you could easily put 2 and 2 together. She would throw Worthy, Marion, Sark under the bus for not giving her son more PT. She also would get in on Quinn for not targeting her son when he did play.. I got blocked from her because on the space I told her QE was looking for him but Brenan couldn't get separation at the LOS.. I know aggy came hard for him during his recruitment but I doubt he ends up there because she also hates Evan Stewart and also thinks Cook will be a diva like Worthy and him. Maybe Clemson?
  7. the way he looks on camera, sitting on his sofa.. gives me chills (not in a good way).. I hear there is a serial assaulter around lady bird lake.. I find it highly unusual that attacks happen when Ian Boyd is NOT on a live Youtube show for IT... just saying.
  8. Yes.. but i would think Cam Williams is staying.. he looks to be the next man up at Guard and RT. I also see him playing Karic's role of a season ago at TE
  9. I'm pretty sure I've seen him practicing and making a hit on one of the hype clips they put out
  10. I remember the talk of Hutson coming back and getting his spot back.. but I missed the news on DJ having issues
  11. They probably are taking it easy on him til Fall Camp begins..maybe?
  12. Real. Recruiting
  13. yeah, he seems to be sour on most of the players we end up getting and goes in on the ones we didn't... These latest updates haven't mentioned Kobe Black.. is that just a shot in the dark at this point?
  14. 4. The slog schedule processThe further Big Ten officials delve into a new schedule format, the more exposed is the reality of USC and UCLA alone on the West Coast.Officials continue to work through format proposals — 3 permanent opponents and 6 rotating is still the likely choice — even though it could all be scrapped once a new commissioner is hired and if expansion is revisited.Multiple Big Ten officials expressed concern about travel logistics with USC and UCLA, and earlier this month told Saturday Tradition that athletic scheduling/travel and academic “stress” for all student athletes at all member institutions (not just football players) must be addressed — and that USC and UCLA can’t be left “on a geographic island.”The Big Ten and the SEC both will likely announce in May new schedule formats for their 16-team leagues in 2024. The Big Ten schedule could be reworked — and allow more flexibility for USC and UCLA — should the conference add 2 (Oregon, Washington) or more teams (Stanford, Cal) in expansion. https://saturdaytradition.com/big-ten-football/the-b1g-10-jim-harbaugh-poised-to-finally-hit-the-elite-level-in-recruiting-at-michigan/
  15. boom!!! Fuck you aggys
  16. there ya fucking go!!! one more!!
  17. c'mon man.. you gotta make that play
  18. there ya go
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