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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thiefery

  1. yeah.. tbh they and the big 12 should have gotten a merger discussion going... instead they got into a pissing contest. I think something could still be worked out with an Amazon deal in tow, but from what people keep saying.. Cal and Stanford are the real problems
  2. Wonder if the Big12 meeting today will cover adding the four corners/PAC raid. Rumor is that Oregon and Washington said no to signing a new deal (with GOR) for the Amazon deal. Both Arizona schools also rumored to have said no. Maybe adding 4-6 schools from the Pac, could free UT/ou in '24.. also killing the PAC?
  3. If it's at Reliant, I'll be there...
  4. BlackLab let his nuts hang in this response.. #HookEm
  5. is it too late to make a career change into Nursing at 43? Asking for a friend ....
  6. Did not know that Ferrell got Childers a gig at Rivals once upon a time.. And now that I know you are a listener to that channel.. Are you Longhorn Jeff?
  7. from my understanding.. FOX doesn't just want a couple RRS.. they want 6 or so games. They probably would settle for RRS for the next 2 years and UT playing a current/new Big12 member for the next 2 years OOC .. maybe they settle for the rights to the upcoming home games when UM and tosu come into town.
  8. sideways, small step up?? lol
  9. i gotta stop going to bucees so often
  10. Admit it..you'll eventually head back towards the Texans.. **ducks**
  11. Done.. I'll be sending out invitations next month.. Save June 17th
  12. burning desire of getting fundamentals?
  13. I'm currently paying for my oldest daughters Quinceanera, no way I can pay 1k for this. But I do contribute to the One fund every month. This topic brought an interesting point as far as donations.. I need to up my donation for Burnt Ends.. which I will do later today. #HookEm
  14. maybe this solves the drops.. with so many competing for targets, last thing they'd want is to drop it.
  15. Behind Keely and the QB at TN leava..however you spell it
  16. Maybe they both are into ladyboys?
  17. If the big 12 added current pac schools, they wouldn't be getting the same cut as the schools in the conference now would receive. At least that's what I remembered in the details of the new Big12 media deal. Espn would pay it's share but Fox wouldn't.
  18. following tate martells footsteps?
  19. he and anwar also brought up that Sark doesn't trust Brooks rushing since he only got 6 carries at the Alamo Bowl.. I switched to another youtube video after that..
  20. Cheeri-OHHH... Glory H-OOHH-Le
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