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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thiefery

  1. lol fuck that guy and his dungeon and dragons rating system..
  2. They'll end up in bed with ESPN/ABC
  3. So will the 2:30 spotlight game be on ESPN channel or will they air it on ABC? If they put it on ABC, they will beat CBS in ratings
  4. I'm in the same boat regarding Jr.. I know he's the leader but man, he makes mental errors in crucial downs.
  5. my only real concern is that the Center is usually the player that calls protection prior to the ball being snapped Maybe they use Angilau at G to call schemes?
  6. Angilau never looked good at Center.. they put him there over the past couple Fall and spring camps
  7. Ketch moved to the woodlands area.. I never thought I'd enjoy Galveston as much as I have. Don't think I could ever live there since I'm not a BMD but being 25 minutes away isn't too shabby.
  8. I'm assuming espn will go to war with those time slots with SEC and ACC games?
  9. @closetojumping called this..
  10. he also said he made some mistakes and was given a second chance.. so should Cale lol I really thought he was going to break down and cry on the radio a few times this morning
  11. Yeah, remember the $9.95ers saying Pettaway didn't feel the love from the coaching staff.. then once he had his visit, he felt their love... but not from the current players nor the committed players of this class..
  12. there was an update a couple days ago saying that the staff was attempting to re-engage him again. I know that they also tried to get him to visit while still committed to Tech, but he seemed locked in with his commitment at the time.
  13. He must have a good personality..
  14. If we land Baxter.. how is that not an A plus? Also, I think WR is also an A with Cook, Niblett and Hale. Wilson isn't too shabby either
  15. a little over a month ago my brother dragged me, my daughters and wife to the one in Houston.. He was loving every bit of it... Once we were finished I had to grab some Chik Fil A for my girls on the way home.. That place makes you lose your appetite. I don't ever remember the one located off Oltorf in Austin being as bad as what I experienced in Houston
  16. dude, quit being soft and tell him to go to UT and you will personally fund his and his sisters NIL accounts
  17. after seeing how much of a bluechip player Vasek was after he committed to ou.. i'd expect the same if Gullette goes elsewhere.. if he chooses us.. I foresee a lot of twitter idiots calling him a project
  18. Yeah i was shocked when I went to Bootcamp at MCRD San Diego (98) and they'd use the flag system.. I also remember easily qualifying when we had to do the timed running because it felt like fall compared to what I was running in Austin during that time.
  19. TFB guys on twitter are feeling themselves after Vasek committing there over us.. (never knew he was such a stud) and they are on koolaide regarding Hicks too, which is probably legit
  20. LOL that's my neighbor on the top right.. He's cool, hates aggys too
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