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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Thiefery

  1. In my wet dream... He tells jawja, thanks but no thanks..it's you.. then commits to us on one of the two weekends he will be in Austin
  2. lol. is will also a fashionista like our favorite $9.95er EJ Holland?
  3. I was a Marine in the late 90's early 2000's. Everyone knew about the surprise drug tests.. which is why so many started taking x pills til they were able to test for that too. However, Cocaine binges from Fridays through late Saturday were frequent, knowing it would be out of your system by Monday or Tuesday mornings. Of course we all knew better, but 18/19/20/21 still will 18/19/20/21.
  4. On the latest Andy Staples/Athletic pod, they had Sam Khan their recruiting guy on it. Said he thinks as of now Arch and Sark are an item. Also one of the hosts thinks Card wins the job and Quinn will take over after the Bama game. Says that Sark doesn't want to put Quinn in the same position he did with Card a season ago.
  5. u gotta be more specific on which one
  6. thought most of us would have been blocked by them
  7. was it as cool as Red Dog beer in the 90's?
  8. he melts down every cycle.. typically in June/July, and he attacks his subs/message board members for them to even question why he was wrong or that he had bad info.. it's not him, it's the staff.. he'll tell you that himself over and over lol
  9. worthy is on a whole different level when it comes to these drills.. makes it look so effortlessly. Also it was cool seeing Sark squatting looking on in the background on a few of these clips
  10. i now wish my Rockets had chosen Mobley over Green
  11. obviously you are putting her on a pedestal.. Around these parts.. she's just average.. Do better, man
  12. you've got to be kidding me....
  13. lol didn't his buddy hire hot guys instead? And he couldn't let them go since they knew how to make great coffee? Loved that show
  14. thanks.. last year Roach was saying there were things going on with Abor, but he wouldn't discuss it til after the 22 class was done.. and he really didn't say anything here.
  15. guess in part 2 he'll discuss the abor recruitment? That's the one I would like to know more about.
  16. How long til Roach/Wells/Nahlin/Such put out their recruiting cycle re caps/behind the scenes write ups?
  17. wish they would just color those black streaks/identions white
  18. @texasstrong12 is going to need a minute reading this..
  19. saw this posted on twitter.. they shitted on kobie
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