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Everything posted by Azbadlands

  1. I can't wait for your response. Before you do though, I will let you know my nephew and my best friend both work for the Border Patrol in AZ. My son works for Game and Fish in AZ, and my Brother in law just retired recently as a Detective in Yuma, AZ down by the border..So fire away with all the bullshit the media has told you....
  2. I guess the one's they find across the border in Mexico are fake too? And, all the stories the immigrants here in AZ have told are lies? The Cartels are fricking animals. A few years back they parked a Suburban on the Arizona side of the border loaded from top to bottom with freshly sawed off body parts... You think immigrant women mean anything to them? They are just a piece of meat for them to use as they please when they can't pay for the trip across the border.
  3. Arizona gave up a long time ago on fighting the FEDs over the border. They tried to pass several laws about a decade or so ago to allow local and state authorities to make arrests/ have more control over the border, etc and got shot down by the SCOTUS in every case. They even tried to pass a law similar to the one Texas is in a lawsuit over now back then..They were tied up in lots of lawsuits for several years. But to act like Arizona doesn't have issues at the border? That's crazy. I can take you down there to an area I hunt and show you all kinds of things. Even a couple of fresh rape trees if they haven't been cleaned up by the local do-gooders already.
  4. Where I grew up in Texas, the time and place, almost everyone did their own handy work. Their were illegal immigrants around, but they weren't doing any work that white people/ black people, etc didn't also do...Mostly teenagers/ 20 and 30 year olds that grew up around my hometown did the real grunt work on ranches and in the oil field...I made money for college doing all kinds of manual labor jobs from working in the oilfield, welding, framing houses/ barns, painting, hauling hay, working cattle, etc... You could be right, the whole world might collapse without the cheap labor, but it didn't back then and there was way less people in the country illegally in the 70's and 80s.. Anyway, I didn't imply we don't need those kinds of manual labor workers here in the US, what I said was immigration needs to be controlled and maintained in the country by us, our government..Way better than it is now. I couldn't or maybe don't know to get away with paying an undocumented immigrant to do major work with insurance money on any of the houses i've owned. They always asked for licensed contractor everywhere I've owned a house.
  5. I don't do any of that hiring. I've been the grunt my entire life since growing up on a ranch in North Central Texas... You're talking about really rich people. I wasn't trying to distract, I'm just saying that the Middle class should be voting based on how immigration will impact them... Yeah, food prices could be higher, but some of the rest of the stuff you brought up, we are already feeling it. I can't just go out and hire some undocumented immigrant to work on something major on my house to save money. There are building codes, insurance rules, etc. I'm still gonna have to pay a licensed contractor a boatload of money. If it is something minor, I'll just do it myself... I guess what I'm saying is, if it eventually raises my taxes now or in the future to pay for all these people that are coming by the droves, to get them situated in the country and cared for, etc. How is it benefiting the Middle class taxpayer? I'm not against immigration, I just think it needs to be controlled by our government and maintained at certain levels.
  6. It was literally at the end of the tax year when I moved to AZ, so most of the income was earned in California. However, I will have to look into it this year..I go back and forth between here and California a lot traveling for work, not sure how they will handle the situation. I'm going to have to hire someone to do the taxes that knows the laws.
  7. You're close, I do live in AZ, but I work remotely for a company out of California, so I got taxed at California's state income rate. At least I did last year when I first moved here. My company is starting to build an office here in AZ now so won't be based out of California anymore soon. I probably paid around 34 to 35 % taxes total based on your calculations last year..
  8. If you don't have a problem with it, you can sponsor me and pay my 5 to 6,000 extra a year to the Government...I feel like I pay enough already.
  9. For one thing, I live in a state where I have state income tax unlike Texas, and it keeps inching up. I also live in a state that seems like overall things cost more than several other states, like gas, food, real estate, services, etc..Just going off of places I've visited, or what people I know out of state tell me. I don't own a home, my wife and I rent, but we own land that we pay taxes on. We both make a fairly decent income, but don't really have a lot of write offs. We both probably make a little more than the national average income, but not wealthy by any means. I claim 2 dependents and she claims none. We used to get maybe 5 to 6,000 in tax returns a year but this previous year we got exactly 0...Even owed money to the Fed, which was paid for by the return we got from the state so ended up with nothing.
  10. Really? I need to breakdown for you how the government taxes the shit out of the working class in this country in any way that they can? Why do you think there was a mass exodus in California in the past few years? If the high taxes haven't hit your state yet, I envy you..
  11. Yeah, I claimed that, please educate me on how I'm not? Between State and Federal income tax, sales tax, real estate tax, and whatever other tax they wanna stick to us, i'm paying a shitload of tax, and I claim 2 dependents for income tax and this past year I got exactly 0 for a tax return. Everything I got back from the state for a tax return, went straight to the Fed to pay what I supposedly still owed them...
  12. The price of it going up would hurt for sure, but does it sting as bad as not getting the thousands of dollars I used to get in tax return at the end of the year that I don't get anymore? i don't know...I mean at this point I feel like I'm just working to pay 60 % or more of my income in taxes anyway to pay for all these government decisions. The middle class can't win for shit..We are used to getting screwed.
  13. Do you really think that would impact the average Middle Class Citizen voter? Food, housing, transportation, maintenance on our home costs is already through the roof...As far as the threat of having to clean our own pool, mow our own lawn, and clean our own house, I think most of us already do that. I'd rather save the money for a vacation. I'm just saying most of those threats may not have the same sting they once had..
  14. You would think they would have changed the spelling of the family name a little over the last hundred plus years.
  15. I would think his loyalty would be to Saban and not BAMA, and I don't think Saban is the type of guy to hold him to any of that. He let him leave BAMA with 2 other of his Assistant coaches to Texas without really raising any stink about it in the media. Just said that's how it goes in coaching and hired the next man up.. I mean he was never petty about any of it and just wished Sark well. I don't think Saban would be the type to press Sark to leave Texas for BAMA because you "owe" me this.
  16. Are his parents named Isiah and Ima?
  17. That play was like lightning striking once, everyone and I mean everyone executed it perfectly, and the icing on the cake that sealed the deal was Blalock pancaked the Defensive End on the side of the field that VY ran too, otherwise, he might have tried to pass it. I think very unlikely it would have worked out as perfectly for Ewers against UW...
  18. Depends on the coaching changes in the offseason on the defensive side...
  19. You're right, this is worlds better than that era...We were deep in a dark dark hole when Charlie was here...Not much better in the Hermann era either. It's crazy how fast Sark turned things around and has made a ton of great decisions all things considered...
  20. I wouldn't even rate either of them above Roy Miller or Malcom Brown..Those guys were disruptive all the time. Especially Miller when he was playing with Kindle at DE... We need another DE like Kindle or Orakpo and a DC like Greg Robinson or Muschamp...
  21. We'll be OK in NIL era, just need to get the pieces on the coaching staff right. Wish Patterson could have hung out another year, might have made a difference with the D in this game and OU game. Good news for all the SEC is Saban probably retires soon...Maybe in next 2 or 3 years...
  22. We need a different DB coach. Missed at least 2 opportunities to pic off those bombs if the DBs get their heads turned to find the ball..At the very least could have knocked the passes down. Haven't had good DB coaching since Akina.
  23. No way they call that unless he turned ADs head or body..
  24. Maybe if lower and more toward the sideline...
  25. Please baby jesus let this onside kick go our way!
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