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Certifiably Surly
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About ConchoPearlNecklace

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  1. No Burnt Ends love, fuck you. Well miss you, but fuck you. 🤘🏻🖕🤘🏻
  2. Go to Kentucky game next year. Hit up Buffalo Trace, bring some over 21 friends and load up.
  3. My bet is conference championship games go away and first round playoff games are that weekend.
  4. Definitely going to the Swamp. Will be staying in Ocala with the horsey friends.
  5. Hire him now. High likelihood Choice gets an offseason promotion.
  6. Plenty of Surgeons everywhere who love to take out your gall bladder if you sneeze.
  7. Quinn gets better game prep vs the Texas defense than MSST, But Quinn wants that trophy and He wants to play. Hope he doesn’t aggravate that injury.
  8. I was at a bar in Chicago in 2011 watching Okie St game. He was the feature for a radio broadcast at the bar. I bought him a drink. Unfortunately we lost, but he came and watched about 30min of the next game with me. Cool dude.
  9. Certified Registered Doctor Male Nurses.
  10. That Bama team would definitely beat Texas on a neutral field [emoji849]
  11. ICU nurses usually have a generic order to wean oxygen for O2 saturations greater than 92-95. It’s doesn’t really mean much unless you know a lot of other variables. 100% oxygen can lead to oxygen toxicity. Unless you know what his hemoglobin level, O2 saturation, Arterial blood gas analysis, and what vent settings he is on, this doesn’t tell me much.
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