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Everything posted by DallasSooner

  1. I 100% get what they are saying but doesn't the fact you take the trimmings and turn them into another product (sausage, burgers,etc) that you sell mean that it's not actual "loss" on a brisket. Sure it's repurposed but you do eventually make money off of it.
  2. DV definitely stands in the line and pays for his meals. NOW, I'm not going to tell you he doesn't get recognized and get served the best piece of brisket a place can serve if they do see him in line. But the other two points I know for sure he does. I've read enough of his reviews that yes sometimes when he is hitting multiple places in a day that they have run out of a particular item.
  3. I can't find online prices at the Sizzler to make comparisons.
  4. Guys you can get a 23oz Porterhouse T-Bone at Texas Road House with two sides and bread for $32.99. 12 oz New York Strip is $22 So you eventually have to ask yourself some questions if the brisket is worth it. Unfortunately it's exploded in price on the retail scene for sure.
  5. Whomever made the noodle dish may be one of the best things I've ever seen on this thread. Unreal.
  6. I think the foil boat just takes the place of the wrap. I'm guessing 170ish you could foil boat. I'm not sure if it makes a big difference what temp if the bark is set, etc. But I have a long history of mid briskets soooooooo.
  7. I'd foil boat for sure.
  8. How much did lunch cost today at LM?
  9. Just chop and sauce anytime your brisket doesn't meet your expectations. Put that on a toasted bun and nobody is going to be complaining.
  10. Is Merritt Meats run by Truth? Isn't that right? Sure looks like it from the pics.
  11. 1) 200 is awful low for a fire 2) Most ovens won't go lower than 170 My best briskets usually get that long rest. 8 hours minimum.
  12. About ten minutes, there was no line. I rarely ever see a line at Micklewaithe. That's why it's one of the best locations to hit for sure.
  13. Micklethwaite BBQ this past Saturday. Never had a bad meal from here and my favorite outdoor place to visit in Austin.
  14. Rollin Smoke this past weekend. Grabbed a 1/2 lb of moist. No line, no wait.
  15. Question for you ice chest holders vs. oven at 170 (cause that's how I been doing it) are you pulling your brisket at 205 or whatever then letting it rest for say and hour on the counter to bring the internal temp down then tossing it in the cooler? Or do you pull from smoker and put in the ice chest almost immediately?
  16. Hit Austin this weekend for the day grabbed a 1/2 lb of moist at Rolling Smoke, 1/2 lb of moist and a sausage at Micklewaithe and got full meals at Stiles Switch. Pics coming later today. (Wasn't disappointed with any of it.)
  17. IF I made it to Ft. Worth on Saturday. Where would be my best BBQ bets? I am not standing in line at Goldees so that's out. I'm thinking Panther City and Daynes. Anywhere else you might suggest on that level? Brix? Thanks!
  18. Okay when I go to East Texas I hit 1) Sunbird 2) Jeffersons Riverport (because I love Stephen Joseph) and 3. Bodacious Hallsville. I have never stopped at the Country Tavern in Kilgore and I have always wanted to. What's your thoughts on it??
  19. Leaving Dallas early on Saturday morning and taking a trip down to Lampasas (buddy wants to look at some cows) anyway on way back home later I'm thinking Helberg for lunch. That's the best option I know of, if anyone has any other ideas I'm open. Not keen on Millers in Belton.
  20. I've gone to ordering all my burgers on toast and some creamy pepper dressing. Has elevated my burger experience once again.
  21. I don't believe you... https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=649503753855230
  22. Nothing like stringy brisket. If you gonna chop it you better chop it.
  23. I've only had Franklin once and it was so long ago that it was Aaron who was working the block. I do remember the brisket being brilliant but everything else was kinda average in my memory bank. I need to go back and sample some more all these years later.
  24. If I'm having a last meal i might need Truth. Only had it twice now but it was perfect from start to finish both times. I will say my favorite place to go to is Stiles Switch though. Just like the setup of that whole place.
  25. Just a mess dealing with the city of Longview is all I can tell you. From what I can see they bend over backwards unless youre a small business. They have to get a pitroom built over their smoker with a lot of specifics about that and then they should be good to go. I know their working hard to get in the building.
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